entonian I have created an abridged version which takes a little over 150M for mobile devices. It consists of tonly he level 1 links. 06:18
only the level 1 links.
Sorry, wrong group. 06:19
nine Xliff: because there's no incorporate_multi_methods method in our meta model, nor has there ever been one. Did you mean multi_methods_to_incorporate? 08:50
Xliff I might have. Did I just misname something? 09:21
lizmat Files=1294, Tests=109646, 211 wallclock secs (28.34 usr 8.02 sys + 2970.88 cusr 265.23 csys = 3272.47 CPU) 09:32
Xliff I will need to start running builds against my scripts. 09:36
Good night! :)
lizmat m: dd 0x_2a 11:10
camelia 42
lizmat m: dd :10<0x_2a>
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed radix number
at <tmp>:1
------> 3dd :10<0x7⏏5_2a>
expecting any of:
number in radix notation
lizmat this seems inconsistent :-) 11:11
m: dd :10<0x2a>
camelia 42
lizmat .ask sena_kun is there a release branch: can I push a possibly breaking (but make spectest clean change) to master ? 20:31
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to sena_kun
sena_kun lizmat: there is no release branch (the one we have won't do, I think), I know commits we'll fit into a release and will make a release out of them. 20:36
lizmat so you're saying it's ok to push to master? Or would you prefer me making a branch (which I must admit, I'd rather not do) 20:37
sena_kun if I am understanding everything correctly, I can just make a branch out of rakudo commit I want and then run sake script with BRANCH_RAKUDO=foo.
lizmat: I think you can push to master.
lizmat: do you have any idea about moarvm team, by the way? 20:38
lizmat ok, I will then, either later today or tomorrow :-)
Geth_ roast: 750e7400a6 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S32-str/val.t
Exhaustive val(), Str.Numeric testing

In line with the re-imagined val processing.