travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Modernize extension of NativeCall.pm6' 00:01
zostay has anyone started on the work to make a new R* release? the repo looks like it hasn't been touched for months 01:59
i'd really like one, so i've started mucking around through the steps to see if i could make one for myself and figured i'd share it in case it helps get the process going 02:00
zostay ah, now looking at the network diagram, i see that tyil has gotten much further than me 03:07
vrurg nine: ping? 03:13
tyil zostay: I'm open to all improvements, tho :) 09:22
zostay: I actually have a -rc1 available for testing if you want, I'm waiting on the windows guy to make a .msi and tell me it works there too 09:23
if it does, I'll turn the -rc1 into a "normal" release
sena_kun 09:34
nine vrurg: pong 10:36
I guess there's no way to get a core dump from a failed travis build? 10:40
Geth nqp: 8e26da10c8 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/vm/moar/runner/main.c
Fix "undeclared identifier" compilation error on Win32

The variable is only used with STATIC_NQP_HOME and only needs freeing on Win32
nine Apparently we don't have Appveyor checks for NQP. The failure showed up in MoarVM's builds 11:28
sena_kun releasable6, status 12:03
releasable6 sena_kun, Next release will happen when it's ready. 1 blocker. 0 out of 381 commits logged
sena_kun, Details:
Geth nqp: Altai-man++ created pull request #594:
[MoarVM Bump] Brings 4 commits
nqp: 7333514ff4 | Altai-man++ | tools/templates/MOAR_REVISION
[MoarVM Bump] Brings 4 commits

MoarVM bump brought: 703f023d5 Update ChangeLog for 2020.01 release 03968485a Merge pull request #1226 from scovit/master e35bd5f0e Fix segfaults caused by JITed takehandlerresult returning NULL 8f2d0d781 Detect files that cannot be synched also on MacOS
nqp: 413f71ef05 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | tools/templates/MOAR_REVISION
Merge pull request #594 from Altai-man/master

  [MoarVM Bump] Brings 4 commits
rakudo: 309d4e22da | Altai-man++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
[NQP Bump] Brings 2 commits

NQP bump brought: 7333514ff [MoarVM Bump] Brings 4 commits 8e26da10c Fix "undeclared identifier" compilation error on Win32
MoarVM bump brought: 703f023d5 Update ChangeLog for 2020.01 release 03968485a Merge pull request #1226 from scovit/master e35bd5f0e Fix segfaults caused by JITed takehandlerresult returning NULL 8f2d0d781 Detect files that cannot be synched also on MacOS
AlexDaniel ooo nice nice 13:04
someone bumps :)
sena_kun AlexDaniel, it seems we are releasing today, so... :) 13:13
AlexDaniel today?
sena_kun or tomorrow
AlexDaniel from which branch?
lizmat Files=1295, Tests=109662, 210 wallclock secs (28.20 usr 8.15 sys + 2943.60 cusr 264.55 csys = 3244.50 CPU) 13:14
^^ last night's run
sena_kun AlexDaniel, release-2020.01. we need to revert one blocker, prepare changelog and in the meanwhile check blin from this commit, given everything is ok...
AlexDaniel lizmat: so what about the zip change? 13:15
Geth rakudo: b770971fff | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 5 files
Revert re-imagined val() processing
lizmat AlexDaniel: do you have a test that shows the breakage ?
Geth rakudo/release-2020.01: b770971fff | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 5 files
Revert re-imagined val() processing
rakudo/release-2020.01: c17091bcd4 | Altai-man++ | docs/release_guide.pod
Update new release date
AlexDaniel lizmat: same test as for roundrobin, just change “roundrobin” to “zip” 13:27
my guess is that doing that change to zip will actually show spectest failures 13:29
but I haven't tried it, obviously
sena_kun runs blin
lizmat AlexDaniel: running spectest now 13:31
Geth rakudo: 737dd1b105 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Rakudo/Iterator.pm6
Don't handle 1-element lists differently with zip
lizmat AlexDaniel: ^^
AlexDaniel interesting 13:48
lizmat: what about cross? 13:49
Altai-man_ releasable6, status 13:52
releasable6 Altai-man_, Next release will happen when it's ready. 1 blocker. 0 out of 384 commits logged
Altai-man_, Details:
Geth rakudo: 87de5ee468 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Rakudo/Iterator.pm6
Don't handle 1-element lists differently with cross
lizmat AlexDaniel ^^
AlexDaniel` hmm, lizmat++ 14:21
Geth ¦ problem-solving: lizmat assigned to jnthn Issue Creating accessor for private attributes without adding them to the BUILDPLAN 15:12
Altai-man_ vrurg, ping? 15:22
vrurg, hi! I am looking at and `For class A::B is export { } the export trait would use B::C part`, and a jump from `A::B` to `B::C` is sudden here, is it a thinko or I don't understand something? 15:23
Geth roast: 1fa860cb91 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Add tests for GH #3402
vrurg AlexDaniel: it's a mistype. is export is now using the given name, A::B in that case. 16:17
sena_kun vrurg, oki, thanks 16:31
bisectable6, role A { method a() { 666 } }; class B does A { has $.a = 42; }; dd; 16:41
bisectable6 sena_kun, Bisecting by output (old=2015.12 new=87de5ee) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
sena_kun, bisect log:
sena_kun, (2020-01-01)
lizmat sena_kun: is that change causing ecosystem fallout ? 17:43
if so, we may need to revert and make it version dependent
Altai-man_ lizmat, it isn't, and Blin seems to stuck on 666 modules anyway (ha-ha), so I likely have to re-run it anyway. 17:52
not sure about regressions yet
lizmat *phew*
Altai-man_ lizmat, we still might discover some issues... 17:53
lizmat sure... :)
Altai-man_ lizmat, but I am almost done with the changelog at least. ;)
lizmat Altai-man_++
Altai-man_ lizmat, I guess PERL6_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER is no longer deprecated... 17:57
lizmat indeed, that got reverted by nine
Altai-man_ ok, removing a note about that...
nine Yeah, can't deprecate that when it's part of the 6.d spec tests 17:58
Also the deprecation notice actually broke things :)
lizmat but that also reverted support for RAKUDO_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER?
nine it did?
lizmat ah no, 17:59
Altai-man_ so we are introducing a new alternative without deprecation? 18:00
lizmat we're going to deprecate it in 6.e, right nine ? 18:02
and then by adding the message to the JSON, I guess 18:03
nine Something along those lines I guess
Geth rakudo/release-2020.01: e7f5941ca7 | Altai-man++ | 2 files
Log all changes (+ announcement)

Deliberately not logged:
7f15a57 2c5c013 3802cdf 1ec69e1 654d6a1 aa06d32 044b339 88db15f 1d84c64 1d84c64 726c38f d36c2e5 a62d9c7 bbcc342 e03f013 830400f 9528bd0 da03d10 9fa4396 f608a7a 82bd9c2 ... (22 more lines)
lizmat Altai-man_: re roundrobin/zip/cross fixes, those were 3 commits ? 18:48
Altai-man_ lizmat, I saw two of them, hmm... 18:49
lizmat, maybe my releasable6 stats were a bit old
releasable6, status
releasable6 Altai-man_, Next release will happen when it's ready. There are no known blockers. 0 out of 385 commits logged
Altai-man_, Details:
Altai-man_ lizmat, yeah, exactly...
lizmat Altai-man_: on second thought, I think I'd like to revert Add `:nl-in` parameter to `Supply.lines` method which sets
a line delimiter used for splitting a character stream
received from a supply [c63d8a87]
this will become part of Supply.split
just removing the mention in the ChangeLog will do, as far as I'm concerned 18:50
Altai-man_ lizmat, I'll rebase to get latest cross commit, and you also have to commit the revert. 18:51
then we can patch changelog...
lizmat will do
Altai-man_ daaaaaaaaamn 18:53
lizmat eh?
Altai-man_ this is a dumb thing, need to hide it before anyone else notices...
lizmat hehe
Altai-man_ never mind. ;)
Geth rakudo: 98329589c0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Supply.pm6
Revert c63d8a87

This functionality will become available as Supply.split, similar to Str.split functionality
rakudo/release-2020.01: dd32688803 | Altai-man++ | docs/release_guide.pod
Update new release date
rakudo/release-2020.01: a86b721158 | Altai-man++ | 2 files
Log all changes (+ announcement)

Deliberately not logged:
7f15a57 2c5c013 3802cdf 1ec69e1 654d6a1 aa06d32 044b339 88db15f 1d84c64 1d84c64 726c38f d36c2e5 a62d9c7 bbcc342 e03f013 830400f 9528bd0 da03d10 9fa4396 f608a7a 82bd9c2 ... (22 more lines)
rakudo/release-2020.01: eb28e128d1 | Altai-man++ | docs/release_guide.pod
Update new release date
rakudo/release-2020.01: 8be8ba3ff7 | Altai-man++ | 2 files
Log all changes (+ announcement)

Deliberately not logged:
7f15a57 2c5c013 3802cdf 1ec69e1 654d6a1 aa06d32 044b339 88db15f 1d84c64 1d84c64 726c38f d36c2e5 a62d9c7 bbcc342 e03f013 830400f 9528bd0 da03d10 9fa4396 f608a7a 82bd9c2 ... (22 more lines)
Altai-man_ sigh
rakudo/release-2020.01: f688a03a67 | Altai-man++ | 2 files
Remove reverted commit

Deliberately not logged: [c63d8a87]
Altai-man_ that's a lot of pushes
AlexDaniel releasable6: changelog 19:01
releasable6 AlexDaniel, It looks like a URL, but mime type is ‘text/html; charset=utf-8’ while I was expecting something with ‘text/plain’ or ‘perl’ in it. I can only understand raw links, sorry.
AlexDaniel what 19:02
ah yes
releasable6: changelog
releasable6 AlexDaniel, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL
AlexDaniel, 208 out of 385 commits logged
AlexDaniel, Details:
AlexDaniel Altai-man_: ↑ it does parse “Deliberately not logged:” thing when it's on master, but otherwise it doesn't know
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel, well, we don't merge release branch until release actually happens, right? :) 19:03
AlexDaniel Altai-man_: generally yes but it actually doesn't matter 19:04
Geth rakudo/is-accessible: 8de43baced | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 6 files
Add an "is accessible" attribute to Attribute

This allows you to define a private attribute in a class, yet have an accessor automatically created for it (without it being settable with .new):
   class A {
   has $!a is accessible = 42;
   dd => 666).a; # 42
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel, I am now torturing blin to check if the things are ok anyway, and only in that case... so no hurry.
Geth rakudo: lizmat++ created pull request #3404:
Add an "is accessible" attribute to Attribute
travis-ci Rakudo build errored. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Don't handle 1-element lists differently with zip' 19:35
lizmat No output has been received in the last 10m0s, this potentially indicates a stalled build or something wrong with the build itself. 19:36
restarting the run
Geth rakudo: 734047a019 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | lib/MoarVM/Profiler.rakumod
Make work again
Geth rakudo/is-accessible: 129db6d71b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Change the trait to "is init"

As discussed in
pmurias [Coke]: do you know what's the status of my grant? 23:19