00:18 Merfont joined 00:19 Kaeipi left 01:18 Merfont left, Merfont joined 01:27 Merfont left, Merfont joined 04:14 Merfont left 04:15 Merfont joined 05:23 frost-lab joined 05:33 frost-lab left 05:38 frost-lab joined
releasable6 Next release in ≈2 days and ≈11 hours. 1 blocker. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/ChangeLog-Draft 07:00
07:14 mst left 07:25 MasterDuke joined 08:05 sena_kun joined 08:39 sena_kun left 08:46 domidumont joined 09:31 sena_kun joined 11:12 sena_kun left
Geth rakudo/Str.no-strands: 4a4c6bb360 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Str.pm6
Expose nqp::indexingoptimized as Str.no-strands

Calling .no-strands on a Str will make sure that the string in memory consists of a single array of codepoints, rather than possibly as a collection of strands (which typically happens with a lot of
  ~= work on a string).
... (5 more lines)
rakudo: lizmat++ created pull request #3975:
Expose nqp::indexingoptimized as Str.no-strands
[Tux] Rakudo v2020.09-82-gb30fa3a71 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2020.09-16-g4f5787d3c
csv-ip5xs0.840 - 0.844
csv-ip5xs-208.196 - 8.404
csv-parser26.271 - 27.453
csv-test-xs-200.396 - 0.397
test7.817 - 7.969
test-t2.060 - 2.109
test-t --race0.850 - 0.855
test-t-2032.109 - 32.788
test-t-20 --race8.977 - 9.356
(no teams running)
[Coke] should no-strands be marked as rakudo-specific? 14:10
or do we want to make it part of the API?
ah, it's a PR. (saw the commit link first. :) will comment there 14:14
14:18 sena_kun joined
[Coke] wonders if that happened because he asked about the opcode recently. :) 14:21
14:29 frost-lab left
lizmat [Coke]: yeah, documenting that made me aware of its existence 14:39
[Coke] :) 15:00
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MasterDuke m: my %s{List}; %s{$_}++ for (1, "a", 2), (2, "b", 3), (1, "a", 2); say %s # i must be more tired than i realized. what am i doing wrong? 19:37
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter 'key'; expected List but got Int (1)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
[Coke] m: my %s{List}; %s{$_}++ for [(1, "a", 2), (2, "b", 3), (1, "a", 2)]; say %s 19:39
camelia {(1 a 2) => 1, (1 a 2) => 1, (2 b 3) => 1}
[Coke] m: for (1, "a", 2), (2, "b", 3), (1, "a", 2) { .say } 19:40
camelia (1 a 2)
(2 b 3)
(1 a 2)
[Coke] yah, weird.
MasterDuke m: my %s{List}; %s{List.new(|$_)}++ for (1, "a", 2), (2, "b", 3), (1, "a", 2); say %s # doesn't work either 19:43
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter 'key'; expected List but got Int (1)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
19:44 patrickb left
[Coke] m: .say for [(1, "a", 2), (2, "b", 3), (1, "a", 2); # even this has the sublists. 19:44
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in array composer; couldn't find final ']' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3, "a", 2); # even this has the sublists.7⏏5<EOL>
[Coke] m: .say for (1, "a", 2), (2, "b", 3), (1, "a", 2); # even this has the sublists. 19:45
camelia (1 a 2)
(2 b 3)
(1 a 2)
MasterDuke committable6: releases my %s{List}; %s{$_}++ for (1, "a", 2), (2, "b", 3), (1, "a", 2); say %s # i must be more tired than i realized. what am i doing wrong? 19:46
committable6 MasterDuke, gist.github.com/2043f8a66046954ed0...955cc5b24e 19:47
MasterDuke ok, so it's me
AlexDaniel` e: my %s{List}; %s{($_,)} = 1 for (1, "a", 2), (2, "b", 3), (1, "a", 2); say %s 19:49
evalable6 {(1 a 2) => 1, (1 a 2) => 1, (2 b 3) => 1}
AlexDaniel` don't know why ++ doesn't work tho
MasterDuke or the List.new version? 19:50
AlexDaniel` e: my %s{List}; %s{$_,} = 1 for (1, "a", 2), (2, "b", 3), (1, "a", 2); say %s
evalable6 {(1 a 2) => 1, (1 a 2) => 1, (2 b 3) => 1}
AlexDaniel` it's like the single argument rule, except that it isn't x) 19:51
MasterDuke and for the xy problem part of it, i actually want those two (1, "a", 2) to be seen as the same thing 19:52
is there some sort of decont happening that shouldn't? or a binding instead of an assignment?
AlexDaniel` I think it's just parsed horribly 19:53
e: my %s{List}; %s{$_,} += 1 for (1, "a", 2), (2, "b", 3), (1, "a", 2); say %s 19:54
evalable6 {(1 a 2) => 2, (1 a 2) => 2, (2 b 3) => 2}
AlexDaniel` that's pretty close but I really don't know why it's ⇒ 2 for all 19:55
as for treating (1, "a", 2) the same, these are two different lists so I feel like it's not going to work
so basically, you want this: 19:57
m: my %s; %s{.Str}++ for (1, "a", 2), (2, "b", 3), (1, "a", 2); say %s
camelia {1 a 2 => 2, 2 b 3 => 1}
AlexDaniel` but with proper typing. Well…
MasterDuke i've been using .unique(:with(&[eqv])), but it's slow 19:58
AlexDaniel` what's the XY of the XY? Why do you need to count these lists? 20:03
MasterDuke i'm trying to enhance MoarVM/tools/parse_coverage_report.p6 to report the lines that were run that caused a particular line to be covered 20:05
e.g., SETTING::src/core.c/Enumeration.pm6 line 5 was covered by t/spec/S12-enums/basic.rakudo.moar line 3, t/spec/S12-enums/basic.rakudo.moar line 20, t/spec/foo/bar.t line 123 20:07
Geth rakudo: 2999be32ef | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Make making a Uni between 1.5x and 22x as fast

  - rewrite the slurpy case using nqp: 1.5x as fast
  - add a array[uint32] candidate (native Uni format): 22x as fast
  - add an empty candidate to satisfy tests
The array[uint32] (aka "my uint32 @codepoints") case became a lot ... (16 more lines)
22:03 Kaeipi joined 22:08 Merfont left 22:11 Kaiepi joined 22:15 Kaeipi left
Geth ¦ rakudo: vrurg self-assigned A multi submethod is not installed into submethod table github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3976 22:47
22:55 Xliff left