lizmat Files=1346, Tests=117144, 225 wallclock secs (30.08 usr 8.58 sys + 3120.96 cusr 291.25 csys = 3450.87 CPU) 10:07
Geth rakudo/warnings-on-contains-index: 377caf8f35 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Add warnings on improper use of .contains and .index

As part of the discussion in #4098. Spectest clean.
rakudo: lizmat++ created pull request #4099:
Add warnings on improper use of .contains and .index
Geth rakudo: cf0f2f2eda | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 4 files
Add sink-all method to a number of PredictiveIterators

Because they should have one that short-cuts.
lizmat afk for a few hours& 13:03
Geth rakudo: f0ebdd0976 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Iterator.pm6
Make Iterator.sink-all default to using skip-one

This should make no change if an Iterator:
  - already has a sink-all method
  - does not have its own .skip-one method
This will make a difference if an Iterator has its own .skip-one. ... (6 more lines)
lizmat afk again& 13:36
sena_kun releasable6, status 13:53
releasable6 sena_kun, Next release in ≈10 days and ≈5 hours. 1 blocker. 0 out of 114 commits logged
sena_kun, Details:
lizmat bisectable6: old=2020.01 class A { }; class B is A { }; sub a(A() \b) { dd b }; a B 15:47
bisectable6 lizmat, On both starting points (old=2020.01 new=f0ebdd0) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
lizmat, Output on both points: «B␤»
Geth rakudo: aab4f55a7f | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/core.c/Stash.pm6
Give stub packages created by package_at_key a proper longname

Stub packages created by simply accessing them like &Foo::Bar::note = sub { }; only got the last part of their name ("Bar"). Now they know who they really are
rakudo: ac84c18868 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core.c/Stash.pm6
Merge pull request #4065 from rakudo/fix-name-of-stub-packages

Give stub packages created by package_at_key a proper longname
rakudo/warnings-on-contains-index: 1dbe174019 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Range.pm6
Fix suggestion, japhb++ for the spot
AlexDaniel` pretty cool article 19:00
nwc10 T -05:00 20:59
scrub :-( 21:02
MasterDuke too bad 21:06
nwc10 technically actually seems to be "hold" but no idea if it restarts or scrubs properly
MasterDuke it's kind of amusing just how unimpressive it looks. my uncle's tiny farm has grain silos that look more futuristic 21:07
nine scrub again? :( 21:16
nwc10 no, not yet. Reminds me of the joke 21:17
"how do you keep an idiot in suspense?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow"
in that, the on screen caption says "T-02:06 CLOCK APUSED. STANDING BY FOR NEW T-0." 21:18
and nothing changes
(although the tide in my beer glass slowly goes out)
nine Well to the experienced Boca Chica tank watcher, this is all par for the course ;) 21:20
nwc10 yes. 21:21
the crane, it's been stuck there on the road now for 45 minutes. Is it ever going to move again...
oh, it's now ETA well past my bedtime 21:22
but they have some overly fancy transitions on their graphics
[Coke] WOW 22:54
... well, it's never going to move again. :)
lizmat but it did do the belly flop and it did hit the mark. With just a little excess velocity, possibly because the raptors didn't fire up fast / well enough ? 23:22