patrickb may I kindly ask for a set of eyes on 08:09
tellable6 2021-01-25T19:11:50Z #raku <rba> patrickb: The new release is (finaly) installed. The website did not work to update. The error is in the email I sent you. Let me know when we can trouble-shoot it.
patrickb rba Today would be a good day for looking at the failing container. 08:10
tyil lizmat: I've just instructed IRC::Client to connect to the IP directly 08:41
which clearly isn't something Freenode likes, as they swap around the IPs occasionally and refuse to connect by IP from time to time (to avoid overcrowding 1 server I'm sure) 08:42
had to change the IP Geth uses to get him back just now
timotimo m: say 57.round(-1) 10:50
evalable6 57
tellable6 2021-01-28T23:05:43Z #raku-dev <tyil> timotimo the bots are now being hosted on, I added your ssh key from once connected, running `botscreen` should allow you to attach to the tmux session with the bots
patrickb lizmat: It seems broke the JVM build. 15:18
lizmat :-( the diff doesn't strike me as particularly strange 15:19
perhaps the use of nqp::ifnull as a default value for an attribute? 15:20
ugexe at least before it was coercing an IntStr to an Int before assigning it to an Int constrained variable 15:27
lizmat that would affect execution, not building ? 15:54
patrickb hm. But it fails 15:57
during building core.d 15:58
lizmat ah..., ok
then it's executng core.c first
patrickb is it using the freshly built core.c at that point already? 15:59
lizmat looks like we lost Geth
ugexe maybe slap a (...).Int into a PR real quick and see if it fixes it
unless there is a jvm bot here
lizmat I've just pushed 7be4f5ef3821c0e73
patrickb that's the wrong paste...
patrickb 16:00
lizmat good chance my push just now will fix
patrickb lizmat++ 16:01
thank you!
[Tux] Rakudo v2020.12-92-ge5f94a156 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2020.12-88-g5173b3dc0
csv-ip5xs0.838 - 0.849
csv-ip5xs-207.673 - 8.223
csv-parser26.169 - 26.391
csv-test-xs-200.387 - 0.388
test7.161 - 7.491
test-t1.761 - 1.781
test-t --race0.931 - 0.937
test-t-2028.379 - 28.686
test-t-20 --race8.946 - 9.231
ugexe looks like it didn't work 16:26
ugexe on a unrelated note this made me notice a bit of a trap... setting FOO="" will give IntStr(0,"") which is a False , not True like the empty string "" alone 16:36
lizmat empty string is False, no ? 16:40
ugexe ah yeah, that was a think-o. was thinking of "0" 16:45
lizmat yeah, we dropped that perlism :-)
patrickb: I just pushed 16:52
"Revert 39d3f1368b43e96 on the JVM backend"
ugexe can push random changes to ignore/poke-ci-failures to see what ci results are for various changes 16:55 16:56
hmm looks like my first guess was it? 17:19
no idea why, was just taking a wild guess
lizmat seems my fix also fixed it, BTW 17:22
so I'm going to leave it at that, unless you feel differently ugexe ? 17:23
ugexe yeah, for all i know that PR is being build against your fix and has no bearing what so ever
lizmat ah, there's that :-( 17:24
lizmat just created 22:05
Provide $*REPO with an associative interface
ugexe m: say CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry.repository-for-name("site").raku 22:45
ugexe whats wrong with ^? 22:52
ugexe the associative interface is adding the possibility for inconsistencies, presumably for a few less characters. "use repository-for-name, or else you can use $*REPO<...> which works differently and uses a different api to get there" 22:56