🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | log inspection situation still under development | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 22 May 2021.
Xliff m: "a\r\n".comb.map( *.ord ).gist.say 06:36
camelia (97 13)
Xliff O_o? -- Isn't that (97 10 13)?
^^ lizmat timotimo vrurg codesections 06:37
nine Xliff: no, "\r\n" is a grapheme cluster which what we usually see as a single character. The ord method however is documented as looking at the first Unicode code point in the string. 06:52
Xliff nine: Thanks. What should I be using, instead? .grapheme? 06:54
Is there a a thing?
s/a a/such a/
nine Depends on what you're trying to do? 06:55
moon-child Xliff: I would guess you want codepoints 06:58
Xliff I want a way to see "\r\n" as (10 13) 07:00
However I am well aware that what I want isn't what I need. :)
nine Xliff: that still leaves several options, so the question remains: what do you want that for? 07:01
moon-child m: .say for "a\r\n".NFC
camelia 97
moon-child Xliff: what do you want to do about combining characters?
Xliff moonchild++ # .NFC works! 07:04
nine For the very limited use case you've shown 07:05
Xliff nine: Limited for a reason, thanks.
moon-child see also: nfd, nfkc, nfkd
what do you want this for?
lizmat m: .say for "a\r\n".encode 07:06
camelia 97
nine m: .say for "a\r\n".encode # "works" as well
camelia 97
nine Ha!
lizmat hehe
nine Great minds think alike :)
moon-child yea but then 07:07
lizmat :-)
moon-child m: .say for "á\r\n".encode
camelia 195
nine moon-child: exactly! That's why the other use cases matter
Xliff D'oh! I should have thought about .encode! I was using it in this code, too! 07:35
m: "Encode\0\0\0".encode.say 07:36
camelia utf8:0x<45 6E 63 6F 64 65 00 00 00>
Xliff m: say "Encode\0\0\0" eq 'Encode'
camelia False
Xliff m: class ICal::GLib::Timezone::Array { ... }; class ICal::GLib::Timezone { }; class ICal::GLib::Timezone::Array { } 08:10
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: class Object { }; class ICal::GLib::Timezone::Array is Object { ... }; class ICal::GLib::Timezone is Object { }; class ICal::GLib::Timezone::Array { } 08:11
camelia ( no output )
Xliff class predeclaration is b0rked. 08:14
At least in my projects I am having to move previously working predeclarations out 08:15
lizmat Xliff: do you think it's a recent regression ? 08:23
perhaps run something by bisectable6 ? 08:24
Xliff lizmat: Um. No. It's been apparent but solvable for the last 3 or so weeks. 08:28
lizmat wonder if this has to do with recent work of vrurg in that area ? 08:29
Xliff Again.... I can't golf Greater Work issues. It would be a lot of trail and error.
That makes bisectable problematic.
That's 570,000 lines of code to work with. 08:30
lizmat Xliff: understood :-(
Xliff But it was workable with stubbed classes last week.
It's not working since this week's weekly compile
lizmat having a full --ll-exception stack trace in an error report, would be helpful nonetheless
Xliff So the problem commit has to be from the 21st to the 26th 08:31
I'll see about that --ll-exception
and now the fucker works... 08:32
lizmat Xliff: hhhmmm... that doesn't leave many commits
could you try reverting dba9f56afa95ef078a5d0e ?
Xliff So it's a flapper, as well
Ummm..... 08:33
I can rakudobrew
Xliff lizmat: OK. It's building. It might be several hours before I can circle back. 08:34
lizmat Xliff: I'll be working in the weekly in the meanwhile :-) 08:34
hmmm... linkable doesn't seem to pick up dba9f56afa95ef078a5d0e ? 08:35
ok, *
lizmat notable6: weekly 09:57
notable6 lizmat, 5 notes: gist.github.com/c5dc69bfde25264c67...084e1ea261
lizmat notable6: weekly reset 10:18
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2021-06-29T10:18:23Z”
gfldex [Coke]: I found there error and it is on my side. 10:24
tbrowder melezhik here? 10:31
m: use Modf
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find Modf in:
tbrowder any way to get a non-core module loaded here? 10:32
on sunday i submitted pr to add modf function to core and melezhik broke it with three tests with very large numbers. 10:35
the specific breakers were solved by using a fatrat internally. BUT the other previously passing tests started failing (see S32-num/modf.t in roast pr). 10:37
lizmat tbrowder: camelia only supports the modules that are supplied with the compiler release 10:38
tbrowder my first chg was brute force by converting the input arg to a FatRat with no regard to its size. 10:39
ok, thnx
can i do something like this: modf($x is copy) { $x .= FatRat if $x > a-magii 10:41
magic-number; ...} 10:42
i know i can try that, but what is a suitable magic number? 10:43
m: my $x = 123456789123456789.6; say($x-$.Int) 10:45
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable $.Int used where no 'self' is available
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 $x = 123456789123456789.6; say($x-$.Int7⏏5)
expecting any of:
MasterDuke m: my $x = 123456789123456789.6; say($x-$x.Int) 10:46
camelia 0.6
tbrowder m: my $x=123456789123456789.6; say($x-$x.Int)
camelia 0.6
tbrowder m: my $x=123456789123456789.6; say ($x.Int) 10:47
camelia 123456789123456789
lizmat tbrowder: wouldn't that be the same magic number that causes a downgrade to num ? 10:49
tbrowder well that helps. that is one of the inputs that caused an error, so it must have been in a further operation. 10:50
i guess, i'm not much of a mathematician
tbrowder i'm going back to the drawing board. 10:51
tbrowder btw, Modf was published yesterday and it is essentially the same as the pr if anyone wants to see or play with it. 10:52
it's in the new zef ecosystem 10:53
lizmat: i just tried a simple size check for x > 123456789 and all tests worked, including the problem children melezhik found 11:02
tbrowder so is there a simple test for largest Num? 11:03
lizmat And another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2021/06/29/2021-26-r3/ 11:11
tbrowder m: my $x=123456789123456789; say $x.ACCEPTS($x)
camelia True
tbrowder m: my $x=123456789123456789; say ($x.Num).ACCEPTS($x); 11:13
camelia True
lizmat if it's larger than 18446744073709551616 ? 11:15
tbrowder m: my $x=123456789123456789; say $x.narrow
camelia 123456789123456789
tbrowder m: my $x=123456789123456789; say $x.narrow.^name 11:16
camelia Int
tbrowder m: my $x=123456789123456789.2; my $r=$x.Int; my $f=$x-$r; say $r; say sprintf('%.*f', 100, $f); 11:27
camelia 123456789123456789
lizmat afk for a few hours& 11:31
[TuxCM] Rakudo v2021.06-27-geab780f38 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2021.06-6-g6977d0591
csv-ip5xs0.895 - 0.910
csv-ip5xs-209.281 - 9.580
csv-parser28.939 - 29.371
csv-test-xs-200.389 - 0.390
test8.443 - 8.802
test-t2.160 - 2.205
test-t --race0.926 - 0.982
test-t-2035.634 - 37.041
test-t-20 --race10.169 - 11.175
[Coke] looks like we can remove EXPORT::collation from lib/experimental.rakumod now? 19:35