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Set by lizmat on 22 May 2021.
Geth rakudo/fix_removing_proxies_in_native_calls: a6fad8798b | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 6 files
Fix removing proxies in native calls

While removing proxies by passing args through a slurpy was clever and very little code, it had the unfortunate side effect of containerizing those arguments. This would then lead to issues when the same callsite could pass defined and undefined objects for the same parameter.
Fix by replacing the clever but slow and buggy implementation with usage of the ProxyReaderFactory that Rakudo also uses for multi dispatch. This will make calls correcter, faster and get rid of the raku-native-dispatch-deproxy frame in the callstack (and backtraces).
rakudo/fix_removing_proxies_in_native_calls: f0713c42b4 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | lib/NativeCall/Dispatcher.rakumod
Make native calls with Proxy args more efficient

Split off raku-nativecall-core from raku-nativecall and use this as resumption target for raku-nativecall-deproxy-resume. This way we get rid of redundant checking for proxies in arguments and the redundant check for whether the callee is fully set up yet. Both were done already at the start of the dispatch.
roast: usev6++ created pull request #777:
Tweak tests for error message for wrong arity
rakudo: usev6++ created pull request #4675:
[JVM] Mention routine in error for wrong arity
Geth rakudo: niner++ created pull request #4676:
Fix removing proxies in native calls
Xliff lizmat: Any more thoughts regarding #4646 12:37
lizmat Xliff: I'll ask the RM (aka jdv) what they think of it 19:41
Geth ¦ rakudo: lizmat self-assigned Using ,= on a SetHash causes an infinite loop github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4678 21:54