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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Geth rakudo/ugexe-curi-precomp-parallel: d5f6ee9a4f | (Nick Logan)++ | src/core.c/CompUnit/Repository/Installation.rakumod
Precompile in parallel

Previously when installing modules we would precompile them one at a time. This adds some basic parallelization to the precompilation loop so we precompile multiple files at the same time.
ugexe maybe not :P 02:03
releasable6 Next release in ≈2 days and ≈11 hours. There are no known blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/ChangeLog-Draft 07:00
Geth rakudo: bmwiedemann++ created pull request #5426:
Sort input file list
rakudo/main: 34eda66cee | (Bernhard M. Wiedemann)++ (committed by Elizabeth Mattijsen) | tools/lib/NQP/Config/Rakudo.pm
Sort input file list

so that `Makefile` builds in a reproducible way in spite of non-deterministic filesystem readdir order
See reproducible-builds.org/ for why this is good.
This patch was done while working on reproducible builds for openSUSE.
Geth rakudo/main: babd7a478b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
RakuAST: hyphenize module_name
Geth rakudo/main: 59ebf8cea4 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
RakuAST: Streamline use/no actions

Made possible by making sure an undefined argument is handled correctly in RakuAST::Pragma.new
Geth rakudo/main: aa58383ead | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 18 files
RakuAST: add localization for pragmas
rakudo/main: 7660d3692f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 13 files
RakuAST: remove localization support for "use newline"

As it is actually not implemented as a pragma, but rather as a very tiny module in lib, and as such should not be localized.
jdv is t/12-rakuast/statement-phaser.rakutest failing for anyone else? 12:22
lizmat it is for me.... without RAkUDO_RAKUAST=1 you mean, right ? 12:23
jdv will investigate
jdv yes 12:24
Geth rakudo/main: 8defd1085e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/12-rakuast/statement-phaser.rakutest
Mark RakuAST FIRST tests as todo if not run under RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1

Recent changes made the trees dependent on the Raku grammar/actions and thus will not function correctly with the legacy grammar
lizmat jdv ^^ 12:38
Geth rakudo/main: feb8702d83 | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP in prep for release
jdv and thanks 12:40
lizmat jdv seems that broke things? 13:07
ah, maybe I borked it myself locally 13:08
yeah borked it locally :-) 13:10
Geth rakudo: codesections++ created pull request #5428:
Don't link to docs.raku.org for non-CORE types
rakudo/main: 6050735ed7 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed by Elizabeth Mattijsen) | src/core.c/Mu.rakumod
Don't link to docs.raku.org for non-CORE types

The default .WHY message currently always refers users to
  docs.raku.org for documentation on undocumented types. This is
confusing for non-CORE types and could create the impression that the docs site has many broken links/missing pages.
This commit removes the docs.raku.org reference for any types that don't pass `CORE::{$what}:exists`
Geth rakudo/main: 55952f679a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
RakuAST: move localization reading logic to RakuAST::L10N

As one step closer to allow a simple maintenance API of the localization information
jdv blin says Polyglot::Brainfuck's tests are broke 17:57
lizmat looks 18:01
looks like the module is using experimental :rakuast 18:03
so most likely it will need an update
jdv ^^
jdv cool 18:06
lizmat jup, needs correction... will make a PR for it 18:12
jdv looks like a handful of others are unhappy:( 18:15
lizmat jdv: do you have a list? 18:19
jdv just a sec 18:22
lizmat PR for Polyglot::Brainfuck done 18:23
jdv hmm 18:25
i mean all the other "failures" are old news. i'm not sure if we should look into them or ingore them at this point.
lizmat that doesn't look alarming ?
jdv i'm talking about github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5429 18:26
lizmat yeah, gotcha
jdv the ZefFailure and InstallableButUntested bits
i think they stood out this time to mee cause there's usually way more:)
lizmat jdv: I am surprised at some missing dependency ones though. eg. Pakku 18:30
and raku.land/zef:vrurg/WWW::GCloud::API::Storage 18:32
jdv: but I don't think there's a real blocker atm 18:33
jdv yeah, was just wondering if we could pick some of them off 18:34
lizmat left an issue with vrurg for the WWW::GCloud ones, as they are recent module additions 18:36
jdv timo: around?
lizmat hmmm looks like many of vrurg's modules trigger Blin 18:37
wonder if they have something in common
anyways, need to be afk for a few hours at least
jdv I didn't vet the MissingDependency list yet
ok, thanks
Geth nqp: usev6++ created pull request #811:
[JVM] Look at type check mode of checked value
nemokosch alwaysfail 949 is pretty concerning in itself 21:26
Pakku depends on executables so maybe that's not so surprising 21:28
vrurg_ jdv: ignore the dependency. It's been fixed on the HEAD, but so far it's the only change and I'm vague about releasing a new version only because of this. 21:57
tellable6 2023-10-17T18:49:20Z #raku <jdv> vrurg looks like WWW::GCloud is misssing a dep on Method::Also
vrurg_ I'd rather wonder what is it about LibXML::Class and Async::Workers?? 21:58