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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
01:43 MasterDuke joined
MasterDuke i saw the discussion about IO.lines.elems and had a dumb idea that might hopefully inspire some better ideas. currently .lines has to do the work of actually creating the strings that make up the sequence. is there a way to indicate that it's being called in sink context (i.e., we only care that there is/was another element of the sequence, not 02:23
what it was) and then not actually create the string? and does this idea make more sense generally? sort of similar to the PredictiveIterator, but for cases where we can't actually predict
also, i was somewhat surprised that adding `:enc<ascii>` or `:enc<iso-8859-1>` didn't speed up the raku version 02:24
07:04 sena_kun joined 07:36 finanalyst joined 07:49 finanalyst left 08:18 sena_kun left 08:20 sena_kun joined
ab5tract It seems to me that this is exactly where a RakuAST-aware optimizer could kick in, in that it could notice the immediate call to elems and replace the method chain with a more appropriate one. 10:37
I’m fully aware that this might be a dumb idea of a case of mistaken expectations, which was why I was asking about it in the first place :) 10:38
“dumb idea or a case…” 10:39
nine Again that would require the compiler to know with absolute certainty the type of the original object the first method is called on. Easy with "foo.txt".IO.lines.elems and very hard with $foo.IO.lines.elems. 10:42
ab5tract I guess I’m missing something crucial here. Whatever is in $foo has to become an IO::Path after the IO call.. 10:49
But also, is every optimization required to be universally applicable in order to be implemented? If it works for Str objects then that covers a huge portion of the use cases 10:52
nine m: class Foo { method IO() { class :: { method lines() { class :: { method elems() { "gotcha" } }.new } }.new } }; my $foo = Foo.new; say $foo.IO.lines.elems 10:54
camelia gotcha
nine Method calls are late bound. In general you don't know what code will be called until you do the call at runtime. The compiler *must not* make any assumptions about that. 10:55
What the compiler can do is for $foo.IO.lines.elems generate code equvalent to `do { my $tmp := $foo.IO; $tmp.WHAT =:= IO::Path ?? $tmp.fast-line-count !! $tmp.lines.elems }` and indeed that's in a way what newdisp does with its guards. 11:01
ab5tract Well that answers my question in the affirmative, not the negative. A RakuAST-aware optimizer can indeed replace the method chain with a better suited set of code. 11:04
s/that/that seems to/ 11:05
nine But is that code really better? While my gotcha example would still work just fine it would also be slower now. 11:06
ab5tract That feels very much like a DIHWIDT, not a reason to make the rest of the Raku user base suffer 11:08
nine Shouldn't the same be said about if foo -> $seq { .say for $seq }? 11:09
ab5tract And if the cost of that bind, type check, and ternary is so expensive, we have other problems
nine And of course that was just a very contrieved example. Point is that optimizations can have real downsides, too. 11:10
It's not just the cost of the operations themselves. It also increases the code size which in turn decreases the chance of inlining that code.
ab5tract I’d prefer 0.8 seconds to 30+ seconds, and I think most users would agree. If the answer is simply “sorry, that will not happen because it could affect outliers” then… I don’t know. Except that it makes me very sad. 11:13
nine I don't understand that argument given that I already pointed at an alternative that would fix .IO.lines.elems without the downsides of a compiler optimization. 11:21
In fact I pointed out two such alternatives. It's just that one of them has other consequences (but also broader benefits)
ab5tract Fair point for this specific case. But I was also asking about the general expectations and constraints surrounding RakuAST-based optimizations 11:25
nine In the general case your numbers don't apply anymore. We could be talking about 5.7 vs. 5.8s or literally any other combination of timings. And anyway I did not say such optimizations would be out of the question. I just cautioned against applying them too liberally. It's always a trade off. 11:27
ab5tract The numbers do apply in the sense of proportion. I wouldn't advocate for a 0.1s shave off, but I would advocate for an over 30x one. 11:57
lizmat: re: `.read().indices("\n".ord)` -->. `No such method 'indices' for invocant of type 'Buf[uint8]'` 11:58
lizmat yeah, found that out myself, apparently you need to do .grep(..., :k) 11:59
ab5tract lizmat++
lizmat which is... slow, because not optimized for .Buf
ab5tract :(
lizmat I wonder whether a :count named arg on .grep could help 12:00
ab5tract or maybe this should be doing something at the VM level? 12:01
lizmat how could it be at the VM level 12:02
.grep is entirely HLL
ab5tract No, I meant getting the line count 12:15
Apologies for the ambiguous use of “this” :)
13:47 MasterDuke left
[Coke] do we have any docs on raku community modules support, management, etc.? 14:16
I would love to have things like "licenses we can adopt" (we have some non-A2 licenses in there) 14:21
reasons why we'd adopt a module, standards about how we do releases, how do we decommission a module, how do we manage tickets in a project (including standards for labels...) 14:22
I can drive this if we don't already have it
also: can someone please make me an admin (or at least a contributor) in raku-community-modules? 14:23
14:35 sena_kun left
ab5tract That all sounds super useful! Maybe a problem solving ticket would be the best place to track it? 14:37
14:40 sena_kun joined
ab5tract unfortunately can't help with the admin/contributor question, as I'm a lowly member myself 14:40
Geth ¦ problem-solving: coke self-assigned The raku-community-modules organization and its problems. github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/210 14:51
[Coke] github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/210
ab5tract: added some notes 14:57
15:00 sena_kun left, sena_kun joined 16:26 sena_kun left 16:27 sena_kun joined
nine With regard to compiler optimizations one should also keep in mind that every optimization will slow down compilation of every program. After all you have to check whether the optimization even applies. Thus we should stick to optimizations of common patterns. 17:56
This is also a good segue into a reply to an unanswered question: what would a RakuAST based optimizer look like? Ostensibly it would be a separate compiler pass just like in the old compiler. Main difference that it should be much easier to find things to optimize and to perform these optimizations. 17:57
But, the warning about the cost of optimization also hints the downsides of this approach: this additional compiler pass would again traverse the whole tree. For some things it would be much cheaper to do those checks in the initial compilation pass. Main downside is that it'd further complicate the AST node implementations. 17:59
It could also make debugging harder (as you can't as easily compare ASTs before and after optimization)
lizmat fwiw, I think optimization levels should also be settable as compunit wide pragmas 18:00
*and* be able to specify in module space
nine Why? 18:01
lizmat use really-badass-but-expensive-optimization;
1. to try out different optimization techniques outside of core
nine Is that a decision that depends on the code the optimization is applied to? Or is it a decision that depends on the user's preferences? 18:02
lizmat 2. if in a module, not so bad if it slows down precomping, at the decision of the implementor
I mean: I have a module App::Rak, that I use a lot day to day 18:03
nine As a developer of the code in question I'd probably rather turn off all optimizations. Same for me as a user of a one time script. But as a packager of Raku modules for openSUSE I really don't care at all about compilation times and would rather devliver the fastest code possible.
lizmat I wouldn't mind it would take 2 times as long to install to make a better runtime experience
as a module developer, I'd rather also deliver the fastest code possible 18:04
nine So even the same user would care less about compilation time during installation and more during a debuggin session.
lizmat personally, I would always take the highest possible optimization level while developing modules 18:07
1. because it will make testing faster 18:08
2. it will be the same as a user would get
even if it would take a little longer (when you're used to compiling the rakudo setting, everything is fast :-) 18:09
nine If my reduced test case during debugging takes .2s to execute but the really-badass-but-expensive-optimization takes 2 full seconds, I'd want it off
Geth rakudo/main: 141228a3dc | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Rakudo/Iterator.rakumod
Micro-optimize .head(N)

The pull-one on the underlying iterator: no need to check for IterationEnd as you're going to return that anyway
18:15 Altai-man joined 18:18 sena_kun left
Geth rakudo/main: 078651400f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Seq.rakumod
Give Seq some .head shortcuts

To make sure they don't take the potential long way of first completely vivifying the entire iterator into a list, and *then* taking the first number of elements.
Also make Seq.head(*) and Seq.head(Inf) return the invocant, as these are essentially no-ops
20:38 sena_kun joined 20:40 Altai-man left 22:35 sena_kun left
ab5tract I have hope that we can find a way to accommodate debug optimizing options versus “normal” or “installation “ ones 22:47