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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
08:58 sena_kun joined 10:36 finanalyst joined
Geth rakudo/main: 692677ff33 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 4 files
RakuAST: introducing RakuAST::Deparse::Highlight

This exports a single sub "highlight" that provides Raku-based syntax highlighting based on first parsing the given code to RakuAST objects using the Raku grammar with a dedicated set of actions that *also* process any inline comments.
... (21 more lines)
lizmat finanalyst: ^^ 12:42
17:46 MasterDuke left
patrickb lizmat: This will run begin time code during parse, correct? 17:49
lizmat patrickb: what will ? 17:51
you mean 692677ff33 ?
linkable6 (2024-07-07) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/692677ff33 RakuAST: introducing RakuAST::Deparse::Highlight
patrickb Yeah, that commit I was referencing. 18:13
lizmat you would need to do a "use RakuAST::Deparse::Highlight" before anything happens
it really is just a module that subclasses two RakuAST core classes 18:14
patrickb Phrased differently: It's not safe to highlight adversarial code, right? 18:55
lizmat It parses he code, so yes, in that respect it *will* run BEGIN time code 18:58
at least at the moment
I guess we could build in a "no compile-time-code" pragma 18:59
that would die on any BEGIN time execution
and prefix that to any code that needs highlighting 19:00
patrickb Thanks for the info and enjoy the evening! 19:25
21:19 MasterDuke joined 23:03 sena_kun left 23:06 finanalyst left