07:23 sena_kun joined 08:48 finanalyst joined 11:01 finanalyst left
lizmat notable6__: weekly 11:15
notable6__ lizmat, No notes for “weekly”
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/09/30/2024-40-done-25/ 11:28
14:20 summerisle left, summerisle joined
lizmat m: my %h = 0x0010 => "foo"; dd %h # TIL 14:56
camelia {"16" => "foo"}
Geth roast: 05c4882fc7 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S04-statement-modifiers/with.t
Untodo now passing test

Amnd add reference to the associated issue
rakudo/main: 60b0edb9dc | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/metaops.rakumod
Avoid repeated attribute lookups in METAOP_REDUCE_RIGHT
17:49 japhb_ left 17:51 japhb joined
Geth rakudo/r1705: 480 commits pushed by 16 authors
review: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/9...c5bbf27071
rakudo/main: 194206736f | ab5tract++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core.c/metaops.rakumod
Give META_REDUCE_RIGHT behavior for 1-arg case

This aligns the behavior of `META_REDUCE_RIGHT` to that of
  `META_REDUCE_LEFT` when handling 1-arg cases:
   > sub infix:<@> ($a, $b) is assoc<left> { [$a, $b] }
   > say [@] 10
... (7 more lines)
18:26 finanalyst joined
Geth rakudo/main: 702559fb33 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/Raku/Grammar.nqp
RakuAST: remove dead code

a186dd05a49f26b3 accidentally removed the "use" before this line, thus creating a symbol in void context that wouldn't resolve, and as such became an nqp::null.
Since this did not have any adverse effects, we can remove the rest of that statement as well.
rakudo/lizmat-⁇‼: 331 commits pushed by 16 authors
review: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/9...5f2bb87d26
rakudo/main: a469819c87 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/Raku/Grammar.nqp
RakuAST: initial stab at allowing ⁇ ‼ (#5608)

In light of github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/433
[Coke] In general, we don't remove old versions from the ecosystem, yes? on CPAN, I could delete an old version (or honestly, all versions) - is there a plan to support it at some point in future? (maybe based on major version, so if we're at 2.x, we could get rid of all but-supported 1.x?) 18:45
Geth rakudo/main: 693f15ead2 | MasterDuke17++ (committed by Elizabeth Mattijsen) | src/core.c/Rakudo/Iterator.rakumod
Un-nqpify *.combinations() without slowing it down

Basically github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/5361
ab5tract lizmat: the conversation on the related issue was the feature in github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/194206736f was actually the wrong way to go :( 19:26
21:46 finanalyst left
ugexe the only time i would hope an ecosystem would allow removing an old version is if it has been found to contain malicious code. it *might* be acceptable to remove something that nothing else depends on, but due to us allowing multiple ecosystems that isn't really an option since all ecosystems would need to be integrated with each other 21:47
for example i might have a private ecosystem with my private modules that depends on something from e.g. cpan 21:48
in perl if you deleted something from cpan it would still be on backpan i believe. similar to in raku if you delete something from cpan it will still be on REA
[Coke]: ^ 21:51
lizmat ab5tract: so you'd want 194206736f to be reverted? 22:30
linkable6 (2024-09-30) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/194206736f Give META_REDUCE_RIGHT behavior for 1-arg case
22:36 japhb left 22:53 sena_kun left