01:34 ab5tract left 06:54 ab5tract joined
timo gist.github.com/timo/4f9d318dae901...eb0fb897f2 ????? %) 09:00
09:03 ab5tract left
lizmat that feels rather repetitive ? 09:19
timo kinda 09:24
ok so, what has both "$!bstack" and "HOW", as well as 1 and 1? where the order of "$!bstack" and "HOW" may be in reverse 09:25
lizmat isn't the repeating of Callsite_74 also a bit weird? 09:28
timo and something else or similar might have "$!uid", "gid=", "96", "$!gid", also with an 1 to go with each? 09:31
don't think that's weird, why? that's obj, str, obj, str 09:32
i'm not sure i'm looking at it correctly. this could be a Metamodel::GenericHOW? maybe a Perl6::Metamodel::AttributeContainer? it could conceivably also be refering to a Metamodel::ModuleHOW? 09:36
those are objects in core.c.setting that change from one run of compiling rakudo to another 09:37
lizmat why would they change? 09:40
timo could be related to hash randomization 09:42
lizmat well, it feels it shouldn't? given a set of source files, shouldn't the bytecode always be *exactly* the same, especially for Debian? 09:44
timo they would certainly like that
well, the reprotest twiddles a bunch of things around to ensure builds are reproducible not just from doing it twice in a row. for example, they also change the locale to french 09:45
and there's a thing that reprotest activates that gives you files in directories in random order
and the path where the build is done is also randomized
and it's built from a clean beginning, too, with moar and nqp installed from the same packages though 09:46
and yet, the results are different
i mean, the bytecode is the same, but serialized objects are different
lizmat so: in memory the same, but different on disk ? 09:47
timo not sure about "in memory"
lizmat then what do you mean with "bytecode" as opposed to serialized objects? 09:48
timo our serialization code has something in it to prevent hash randomization from shuffling things around AIUI
bytecode would be the frames that you see in moar --dump or in the spesh log
whereas serialized objects are all the type objects and constants and whatnot that we have
lizmat which usually live in a file, no? 09:50
timo i'm not sure i'm following 09:53
lizmat a .moarvm file consists of serialized objects that become objects in memory when they're read from the file 09:54
timo right 09:55
ok i don't know what SC 5 IDX 21 is exactly, but there is a whole boatload of 'em in the serialized blob, and just two have their order shuffled from one to the next 10:00
i am relatively certain that sc 5 is metamodel.moarvm 10:02
or could i be off-by-one here?
ok i really need to go to sleep, this has rabbitholed me something fierce 10:03
lizmat sleep!
thanks for all the rabbitholing you've done so far! 10:04
Geth ¦ problem-solving: tbrowder assigned to rba Issue Raku's Github list of popular repositories is outdated and needs a new listk github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/448 10:10
¦ problem-solving: lizmat unassigned from rba Issue Raku's Github list of popular repositories is outdated and needs a new list github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/448 10:29
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