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ab5tract ugexe: Looks like there was indeed a subtle bug in revision gating after all. Pushing a fixed version of things in a moment 16:20
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[Coke] with the rakudoc v2 work, would it be good to try to get support for install man pages in the RAKU install area (and something on windows)? 22:15
22:17 sena_kun left
patrickb I'm pushing to get support for RakuDoc on raku.land. Maybe we should not pursue documentation installation in parallel, so as to not duplicate the work. Generating documentation for distros is currently mostly under specified. This will hopefully change once we have the first documentation provider working. 22:25
[Coke] you able to run raku.land locally? 22:32
patrickb I haven't tried yet. 22:38
I first want to work on the tooling to extract and create useful distro docs. 22:39
finanalyst is working hard on this. I haven't done much yet 22:40
I'm mostly trying to get a clearer picture how all the pieces could fit together and how a good distro documentation should look. 22:41
First steps...
patrickb is off to bed o/
22:53 finanalyst left
[Coke] .seen jraspass 23:11
tellable6 [Coke], I saw jraspass 2024-06-07T12:21:15Z in #raku: <JRaspass> np, ta for the reminder