lizmat rakkable: provides frobnicate --files-with-matches 00:14
rakkable lizmat, Looking for 'frobnicate' --files-with-matches in 'provides', please be patient!
lizmat, DateTime::TimeZone:ver<0.10.2>:auth<zef:raku-community-modules>/lib/DateTime/TimeZone.rakumod
lizmat, Getopt::Subcommands:ver<0.1.0>:auth<cpan:LEONT>/lib/Getopt/Subcommands.rakumod
lizmat, NYI:ver<0.0.2>:auth<zef:lizmat>/lib/NYI.rakumod
lizmat, OO::Monitors:ver<1.1.3>:auth<zef:raku-community-modules>/lib/OO/Monitors.rakumod
lizmat, That was all!
lizmat rakkable: provides .gist 10:23
rakkable lizmat, Looking for '.gist' in 'provides', please be patient!
lizmat, Found 71 lines in 30 files (24 distributions):
lizmat, 10:24
lizmat rakkable: provides .gist 11:08
rakkable lizmat, Looking for '.gist' in 'provides', please be patient!
lizmat, Found 71 lines in 30 files (24 distributions):
lizmat rakkable: provides .gist 11:09
rakkable lizmat, Looking for '.gist' in 'provides', please be patient!
lizmat, Found 682 lines in 319 files (217 distributions):
lizmat rakkable: provides .gist 11:10
rakkable lizmat, Looking for '.gist' in 'provides', please be patient!
lizmat, Found 757 lines in 356 files (240 distributions):
lizmat that's better :-) 11:11
jdv why not run rak locally. i don't get it. 12:54
lizmat you can as well 12:55
jdv is it just for the in chan collab?
timo useful for 1) sharing your results immediately and 2) collaborating with others
also, no need to download the whole REA to your own machine. and if you're like, on your smartphone and just had a quick idea on the loo or on the train, you can log in to webirc 12:56
jdv ok, so i'm not missing something like its going over multiple versions or something more than just a local run with in chan results
lizmat fwiw, it's *not* going over multiple versions, only the most recent ones 12:57
timo yeah i think that searches in the latest version for every name/auth combination
lizmat the ones you would get if you'd do an install
without specifying a version
timo possibly name/auth/api
lizmat also: the REA only has gzipped tar files
timo can rak go into archives if you want it to? 12:58
lizmat not at the moment 13:03
lizmat still looking for a module that would do just that in a way that would be compatible with App::Rak / rak 13:04
wrt to the "recent modules logic": 13:05
lizmat rakkable: doc frobnicate 19:02
rakkable lizmat, Looking for 'frobnicate' in 'doc', please be patient!
lizmat, Found 26 lines in 12 files (12 distributions): 19:03
lizmat, No pastebin available to store results
lizmat meh
lizmat rakkable: doc frobnicate 19:05
rakkable lizmat, Looking for 'frobnicate' in 'doc', please be patient!
lizmat, Found 26 lines in 12 files (12 distributions):
lizmat new option: "doc" to search documentation of raku ecosystem modules
ab5tract lizmat: awesome!!! 20:03
Geth roast/codesections-copyright: fd5a485646 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) |
Clarify that Roast is © the Raku Foundation

Clarify that Roast is © the Raku Foundation
Update the README to explicitly state that Roast is © the Raku Foundation
  (TRF). This change is purely for clarity and does not alter any existing
copyright ownership. It ensures that readers understand TRF is the designated entity for Raku-related program applications (e.g., the JetBrains Open Source license for IntelliJ).
roast: codesections++ created pull request #869:
Clarify that Roast is © the Raku Foundation
intellij-ide-plugin/codesections-copyright: 9c59a76d08 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) |
Clarify the Raku Foundation ©

Updates the README to explicitly state that this repo is © the Raku Foundation (TRF). This change is purely for clarity and does not alter any existing copyright ownership. It ensures that readers understand TRF is the designated entity for Raku-related program applications (e.g., the JetBrains Open Source license for IntelliJ)
intellij-ide-plugin: codesections++ created pull request #1:
Clarify the Raku Foundation ©