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timo | hey so, why don't we allow the `:to` adverb on regex definitions? :D | 02:10 | |
nine | m: use v6.*; my $i = 0; say my @a = (LABEL: while True { last LABEL if $i++; 1 }); | 08:46 | |
camelia | [1 Label<LABEL>(at <tmp>:1, 'i = 0; say my @a = (<HERE>LABEL: while True { last')] | ||
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bartolin | nine: yes, from what I understand the tests are just wrong. I tried to read up the different issues and discussions related to my old bug report and it looks like I tried to follow some older tests which were with github.com/Raku/roast/commit/9f418777bc. | 10:27 | |
Maybe I still don't understand, but doesn't this test have the same problem (assuming that the code in the loop is run, even though it should be lazy)? github.com/Raku/roast/blob/c8c919a...#L748-L750 | 10:29 | ||
btw, my suspicion is that the added label confuses the parser and makes the loop non-lazy. (It's no longer just parens around a loop, as described in github.com/Raku/old-design-docs/bl...ent-level) | 10:32 | ||
m: say (loop { 42 }).is-lazy; say (loop { 42 })[3] | 10:50 | ||
camelia | False 42 |
bartolin | I don't really get this. | 10:51 | |
m: say (while True { 42 }).is-lazy | |||
camelia | True | ||
lizmat | is-lazy is really a misnomer | ||
bartolin | ah, that would explain | ||
lizmat | it's really: can't tell you if I can ever tell you how many elems will be produced | 10:52 | |
bartolin | but there still seems to be a big difference between "loop" and (e.g." "while True" | 10:57 | |
m: my $i; @ = (loop { say 42; last if $i++ == 1}) | |||
camelia | 42 42 |
bartolin | m: my $i; @ = (while True { say 42; last if $i++ == 1}) | ||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
bartolin | the first one is wrong, isn't it? Shouldn't it be lazy, too? | 10:58 | |
lizmat | well, speculation appears to say so | 10:59 | |
not sure whether it makes sense to assign such meaning to something that's otherwise innocuous like adding extra parens for grouping | |||
bartolin | however, I'm totally fine with reverting github.com/raku/roast/commit/53d332addf. I'll do that later unless someone beats me to it. | 11:04 | |
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Geth | rakudo/main: a6608c2121 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files Fix issue with .item causing PDF failure I don't like this solution at all. Historically, the concepts of an item and a container have been conflated, which they probably shouldn't have been. So now [].time will return an unassignable container, because there ... (13 more lines) |
12:46 | |
lizmat | argh, [].item | ||
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Geth | rakudo/main: 248f02baf1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Any-iterable-methods.rakumod Add shortcut for (1,2,3).are(Mu) Since all Raku types are Mu, if we're checking for Mu we actually don't need to do any checks at all. Part of fixing #5778 |
14:12 | |
timo | i don't even want to think about this, but: json files where keys look the same but have differently normalized characters in them, i.e. ä as one character vs as a character + combining character | 14:32 | |
nine | Well keys do not have to be unique anyway | 14:37 | |
timo | it's true, but we map them to Map or Hash, where we do deduplicate | ||
JSON::Fast might actually not need too many changes if we want to support opt-in for this annoyance if we ask the user to feed in a string that was decoded by the utf8-c8 codec | 14:38 | ||
it will look funky when printing these maps/hashes to a utf8 string, but it should at least behave more like languages where normalization isn't so commonplace in the native String type | |||
is there already a "compare how five million different json parsers interpret this document" tool on line, i wonder? | 14:40 | ||
like the one the yaml-editor website has on it, or i guess that's not so much a tool and more the results of a comprehensive test suite that were generated ahead of time | |||
different order of combining characters is of course also A Thing | 14:43 | ||
nine | lizmat: I think the rationale was that the parenthesis around a loop would turn it from a statement into an expression: | 14:50 | |
m: sub loopy() { for ^2 { $_ } }; sub lazy-loopy() { (for ^2 { $_ }) }; say loopy; say lazy-loopy | |||
camelia | Nil (0 1) |
timo | m: my $capa = "\c[LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A]".encode("utf8-c8"), my $diar = "\c[COMBINING DIAERESIS]".encode("utf8-c8"), my $diar2 = "\c[COMBINING SNAKE BELOW]".encode("utf8-c8"), my $spc = "\c[SPACE]".encode("utf8-c8"); $*OUT.write($capa ~ $diar ~ $diar2 ~ $spc ~ $capa ~ $diar2 ~ $diar); # does this look like two different graphemes on your device or do they look the same? | 14:59 | |
camelia | Ä᷂ Ä᷂ | ||
timo | ... actually, camelia might be sending this through NFG | 15:00 | |
ha. i copy these two different Äs with snakes including the « before and » after from one terminal to another and here in my weechat i see the snakes below Äs and on the other i see one Ä with snake below and one A with snake below followed by an » with a diaeresis on top | 15:02 | ||
this is the same terminal program though :D | |||
pasting it into the firefox developer tools javascript console gives me an A with a snake below followed by a » but there's also a diaeresis *in between and above* the two characters | 15:04 | ||
m: use JSON::Fast; from-json(Buf[uint8].new(123,34,195,132,34,58,32,34,111,110,101,34,44,32,34,65,204,136,34,58,32,34,116,119,111,34,125,10).decode("utf8-c8")).raku.say | 15:13 | ||
camelia | ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp> Could not find JSON::Fast in: /home/camelia/.raku /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/site /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/vendor /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/pe… |
timo | evalable6: 2024.12 use JSON::Fast; from-json(Buf[uint8].new(123,34,195,132,34,58,32,34,111,110,101,34,44,32,34,65,204,136,34,58,32,34,116,119,111,34,125,10).decode("utf8-c8")).raku.say | ||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) ===SORRY!=== Error while compilin… | ||
timo, Full output: gist.github.com/7239836e4b3c210d04...ea65af2899 | |||
timo | committable: 2024.12 use JSON::Fast; from-json(Buf[uint8].new(123,34,195,132,34,58,32,34,111,110,101,34,44,32,34,65,204,136,34,58,32,34,116,119,111,34,125,10).decode("utf8-c8")).raku.say | 15:14 | |
committable6 | timo, gist.github.com/b295546d5a297d4391...0234660d89 | ||
timo | i seem to recall we had at least one bot where you can just "use" libraries, but maybe it requires a "use lib" with the correct path first? | ||
rakkable: irc use JSON::Fast; | 15:15 | ||
rakkable | timo, Don't know how to handle 'irc use JSON::Fast;' | ||
timo | quotable6: use JSON::Fast; | ||
quotable6 | timo, OK, working on it! This may take up to three minutes (4582161 messages to process) | ||
timo, gist.github.com/5a3bcdc75405649499...a5125d75c8 | |||
timo | oh it wants that to be a regex | ||
quotable6: "use JSON::Fast;" | |||
quotable6 | timo, OK, working on it! This may take up to three minutes (4582161 messages to process) | ||
timo, 70 messages (2015-04-23⌁2018-04-20): gist.github.com/74f5180669eabcba65...a650cecd7b | 15:16 | ||
timo | committable: 2024.12 use lib ‘data/all-modules/cpan/TIMOTIMO/JSON-Fast’; use JSON::Fast; from-json(Buf[uint8].new(123,34,195,132,34,58,32,34,111,110,101,34,44,32,34,65,204,136,34,58,32,34,116,119,111,34,125,10).decode("utf8-c8")).raku.say | ||
committable6 | timo, gist.github.com/df58cd8b3cf9eab052...f3d2da3404 | ||
timo goes to other channel to fix this | 15:17 | ||
in any case, that gives an Object™ with two different keys. when you print them to the terminal the one key with the decomposed grapheme gets the utf8-c8 output format, so it looks funny | 15:25 | ||
to-json would need support for the user telling it that strings involved are utf8-c8, and probably a promise from the user that what's in the utf8-c8-relevant parts is actually valid utf8, since I think json does specify that the document must be valid utf8 | 15:26 | ||
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nine | ECMA-404 actually does not even mention UTF-8. It just says that a JSON document is a series of Unicode code points. | 15:51 | |
timo | ah, right, that's even worse | 16:01 | |
aren't there a few other standards that seem to standardise json? do they differ? | 16:02 | ||
nine | RFC 8259 does state "JSON text exchanged between systems that are not part of a closed ecosystem MUST be encoded using UTF-8 | 16:16 | |
timo | ok, that's at least sane :) | 16:17 | |
nine | "Software implementations are typically required to test names of object members for equality. Implementations that transform the textual representation into sequences of Unicode code units and then perform the comparison numerically, code unit by code unit, are interoperable in the sense that implementations will agree in all cases on equality or inequality of two strings. For example, | ||
implementations that compare strings with escaped characters unconverted may incorrectly find that "a\\b" and "a\u005Cb" are not equal. | 16:18 | ||
Still no word about normalization | |||
Geth | rakudo/main: ad18ca9fd3 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Hyper.rakumod Make sure result of >>foo<< is stored correctly By default, hyper will create the same data structure as it finds on the left side. However if the result can not be stored, it would die with a typecheck error. Now it will return a List with the result instead if the storing of the values in the same data structure failed. Partial fix of #5778 |
17:08 | |
bartolin | m: sub lazy-loopy-parens() { (for ^2 { $_ }) }; dd lazy-loopy-parens; sub lazy-loopy-prefix() { lazy for ^2 { $_ } }; dd lazy-loopy-prefix ## another difference in output | 17:11 | |
camelia | (0, 1) (0, 1).lazy.Seq |
nine | The first one is not lazy at all: | 18:10 | |
m: sub lazy-parens() { (for ^2 { say $_ }) }; my $a := lazy-parens; say "done" | |||
camelia | 0 1 done |
nine | My guess is that none of this is very systematic. I think it's an underspecced area where we just observe side effects of the implementation. | 18:11 | |
bartolin | I wonder if I should try to rewrite the bad tests in a way that they would work for both, lazy and non-lazy loops. (E.g. with putting them in a subroutine, like you showed, and then evaluating the result.) I'd somehow like to keep them as a regression test. (Maybe not as part of roast but of Rakudo's tests.) Or do you think I should just remove them alltogether? | 18:23 | |
m: my @res; sub while-loop() { L: while True { while True { @res.push: "while-loop"; last L } } }; say while-loop()[0]; dd @res | |||
camelia | Nil ["while-loop"] |
bartolin | m: my @res; sub while-loop() { (L: while True { while True { @res.push: "while-loop"; last L } }) }; say while-loop()[0]; dd @res | ||
camelia | Label<L>(at <tmp>:1, 'sub while-loop() { (<HERE>L: while True { while') ["while-loop"] |
bartolin | (The test would only be interested in @res.) | 18:24 | |
I'll see how that could look like and will maybe create a PR for more detailed discussion/review. | 18:44 | ||
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nine | I think this really needs a decision on when a loop is really supposed to be lazy and when not | 20:24 | |
bartolin | I see. I just finished my attempt to repair the tests, so ... | 20:38 | |
Geth | roast: usev6++ created pull request #870: Fix tests for nested loops and labeled last |
nine | Do they now pass with RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1? | 20:43 | |
bartolin | I didn't try that before. Interestingly not all of them passed. Two subroutines seem to have problems: while-loop-in-parens() and until-loop-in-parens(). The rest is working. | 20:48 | |
m: my $ignored; my @res; sub while-loop-in-parens() { (L: while True { while True { @res.push: 3; last L } }) }; $ignored = while-loop-in-parens()[2]; dd @res | 20:50 | ||
camelia | [3] | ||
bartolin | was there a syntax to execute this with RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1 with camelia? | 20:51 | |
I got WARNING: unhandled Failure detected in DESTROY. If you meant to ignore it, you can mark it as handled by calling .Bool, .so, .not, or .defined methods. The Failure was: Index out of range. Is: 2, should be in 0..0 in block <unit> at t/spec/S04-statements/label.t line 117 | 20:54 | ||
nine | m: 'say "in a way".AST.EVAL | ||
camelia | ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp> Unable to parse expression in single quotes; couldn't find final "'" (corresponding starter was at line 1) at <tmp>:1 ------> 'say "in a way".AST.EVAL<HERE><EOL> expecting any of: single q… |
nine | m: 'say "in a way"'.AST.EVAL | ||
camelia | in a way | ||
bartolin | ah, cool, thanks | ||
even with trying to access the first element instead of the third, @res was empty. | 20:55 | ||
m: 'my $ignored; my @res; sub while-loop-in-parens() { (L: while True { while True { @res.push: 3; last L } }) }; $ignored = while-loop-in-parens()[2]; dd @res'.AST.EVAL | |||
camelia | [] | ||
bartolin | m: 'my $ignored; my @res; sub until-loop-in-parens() { (L: until False { until False { @res.push: 3; last L } }) }; $ignored = until-loop-in-parens()[2]; dd @res'.AST.EVAL | 20:56 | |
camelia | [] | ||
bartolin | m: 'my $ignored; my @res; sub c-style-loop-in-parens() { (L: loop { loop { @res.push: 3; last L } }) }; $ignored = c-style-loop-in-parens()[2]; dd @res'.AST.EVAL | 20:57 | |
camelia | [3] | ||
bartolin | seems to work for all variations except while and until | ||
ah, this seems to be the difference: | 21:04 | ||
m: dd sub () { (L: while True { last L }) }() | |||
camelia | (Label.new(name => "L", file => "<tmp>", line => 1),).Seq | ||
bartolin | m: 'dd sub () { (L: while True { last L }) }() | ||
camelia | ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp> Unable to parse expression in single quotes; couldn't find final "'" (corresponding starter was at line 1) at <tmp>:1 ------> sub () { (L: while True { last L }) }()<HERE><EOL> expecting any of: … |
bartolin | m: 'dd sub () { (L: while True { last L }) }()'.AST.EVAL | 21:05 | |
camelia | Label.new(name => "L", file => "EVAL_0", line => 0) | ||
bartolin | so there is no Seq | ||
I mean that's *a* visible difference | 21:06 | ||
m: 'dd sub () { (L: loop { last L }) }()'.AST.EVAL | 21:09 | ||
camelia | (Label.new(name => "L", file => "EVAL_0", line => 0),).Seq | ||
nine | m: "abc" ~~ m:g/. { say $/ }/ | 21:33 | |
camelia | 「a」 「b」 「c」 |
nine | m: '"abc" ~~ m:g/. { say $/ }/'.AST.EVAL | ||
camelia | 「a」 「b」 |
nine | m: '"abc" ~~ m:g/. { say $/ }/; say $/'.AST.EVAL | ||
camelia | Potential difficulties: Useless use of constant string abc in sink context at EVAL_0:1 「a」 「b」 「c」 (「a」 「b」 「c」) |
nine | Can things become more WTF? | 21:34 | |
I would understand 0, 1 or 3 calls, but 2?! | 21:38 | ||
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