Geth rakudo/master: 10 commits pushed by (Tom Browder)++, (Vadim Belman)++
tbrowder vrug: thanks, 02:34
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Vadim Belman 'Merge pull request #3516 from tbrowder/RAKULIB 02:51
vrurg Regarding the failed build: ' No --prefix supplied, building and installing to /home/travis/build/tbrowder/rakudo/install' -- .../build/tbrowder/, really? Did they change something? 03:25
lizmat Files=1305, Tests=111212, 210 wallclock secs (28.75 usr 8.15 sys + 2932.56 cusr 272.03 csys = 3241.49 CPU) 08:32
Geth rakudo: d95d218f31 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Make it easier to coerce a Str to a Date/DateTime

  - Str.Date and Str.DateTime now work (provided string has correct format)
  - Date(Str) and DateTime(Str) now also work (with correct format)
leont That is a welcome feature 14:16
tbrowder hi, anyone else seeing moarvm compiler warnings when buiding raku master? 14:19
MasterDuke tbrowder: yep, there are a couple known ones 14:26
tbrowder ok, being worked on by someone i assume. 14:28
lizmat eventually, probably :-) 14:42
tbrowder would it be useful to have some txt file in the moarvm repo showing the versions of the the compilers used for each commit? i know back when i was doing a lot of c/c++ dev it seems there could be lots of differences in warnings depending on what specific compiler each user was using. 15:06
lizmat tbrowder: you probably ask that on #moarvm 15:07
tbrowder ok
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Make it easier to coerce a Str to a Date/DateTime 15:25
dogbert17 lizmat: when you fixed R#2892 didn't you also manage to fix R#1811 as a bonus? 16:55
linkable6 R#2892 [closed]: dd fails on lazy lists
R#1811 [open]: [data types][stringification] Cannot .perl a lazy List
patrickb rba: I'm unable to find the discussion ugexe and I had about which build toolchain to use on Windows. 17:18
tellable6 hey patrickb, you have a message:
rba patrickb: ok 17:20
patrickb There were a lot of fuzzy points about which libraries one could link to, compatibility with native MS libraries, ease of installation and so on. 17:21
In the end the gut feeling was that msvc might provide more compatibility even though it's definitely more work to get it building. 17:22
sena_kun: I'll have a look at the dyncall stuff
tellable6 patrickb, I'll pass your message to sena_kun
lizmat dogbert17: indeed, closed thanks for the nudge 17:23
Geth rakudo: e111420845 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 11 files
Move prebuild archive scripts to scripts folder

So they don't end up in PATH. Fixes #3482.
linkable6 RAKUDO#3482 [closed]: Incorrect path to set-env scripts in
tbrowder nine: i mean the one that was used to test the commit changes prior to the commit. 18:26
disregard...wrong channel... 18:29
patrickb Anyone with some Makefile- and / or sed-foo around? I'd like to get some feedback whether the following change is sensible: 22:02
leont So many leaning toothpicks :-p 22:07
Pretty sure that won't work outside gmake, but I'm not sure we care about that
patrickb leont: I suspect other makes might also be used. Nmake seems to have its own Makefile, but others I'm not sure. 22:10
leont On unix, the main varieties are gmake and bmake. 22:11
On linux make is the former, on bsd it's generally the later, though bsds often also have gmake because linux people ignore bsd.
patrickb leont: What do you suspect is breaking when using other makes?
leont THe quoting spaces bit. 22:12
Actually, you can verify this easily: most linux distros ship bmake (I know both debian and arch do) 22:13
Just try if it works with that
patrickb So bmake might not escape spaces with \
I'll give it a try
leont Actually, it looks to me like it needs gmake anyway, because the bsd include syntax is «.include», not «include» 22:15
patrickb Hm. According to the dyncall readme they explicitly support gnu, bsd and sun make flavors 22:21
patrickb can't install bmake because of a fedora bug :-(
Altai-man_ patrickb, o/ 22:35
patrickb, thanks for the dyncall help! About the fix: the maintainer stated it's checked against all platforms in their test suite and with musl. as for moarvm with this fix: should be tested as well. 22:37
there is a quickly done tarball available which consists of 2020.02 and a cherry-pick of the bump, which can be tested on alpine if will get some travis love from JJ. 22:39
given it builds, I can do a point tomorrow (thuogh my reluctance to do so is more with each day passed since the release) 22:40
lizmat wonders what the @autovivs parameter to Mu.BUILDALL does, and if it can be removed 23:10
just before she goes to bed& 23:11