lizmat Files=1305, Tests=111216, 205 wallclock secs (28.39 usr 8.32 sys + 2889.94 cusr 268.10 csys = 3194.75 CPU) 08:16
hankache hola #raku-dev 09:23
tellable6 2020-03-17T21:52:12Z #raku-dev <moritz> hankache: I believe you can use Github Actions for that. Haven't used them myself though
hankache mortiz: thanks I'll give it a try
Geth rakudo: 12a336374e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 41 files
Introduce / effectuate "is implementation-detail" trait

  - inspired by
  - add "is implementation-detail" trait for Routine (and thus Method)
   This adds an "is-implementation-detail" method that returns True.
  - add method that returns False
  - apply trait on all applicable internal uppercase subs and methods
... (14 more lines)
lizmat one of my bigger commits of late :-) 09:49
Geth rakudo: 09c1b05ac2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.d/await.pm6
Mark 6.d versions also as implementation-detail
Geth rakudo: 2ae9fdf057 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Exception.pm6
Mark &COMP_EXCEPTION as an implementation detail
[Tux] Rakudo version 2020.02.1-199-g2ae9fdf05 - MoarVM version 2020.02.1-47-g3c3ad0678
csv-ip5xs0.690 - 0.698
csv-ip5xs-206.029 - 6.281
csv-parser24.240 - 24.748
csv-test-xs-200.369 - 0.383
test7.671 - 7.691
test-t1.938 - 1.998
test-t --race0.944 - 1.011
test-t-2032.225 - 33.966
test-t-20 --race9.615 - 9.827
13:21 ← raku question on perlmonks 13:22
probably a NativeCall isuue/Question
nine [Tux]: I'd bet on that Color argument. I don't think we support passing structs as value types. They will be passed as pointers instead which in turn will be interpreted as a color by that function (which causes the apparent randomness). 13:36
I'd suggest passing a manually packed uint32 instead.
Oh I actually have a Perlmonks account myself 13:38
[Tux] nine++ 13:48
lizmat weekly: 13:53
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
lizmat so I don't forget next week
Geth roast: 7ac6cfe7f2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S05-match/capturing-contexts.t
Use MONKEY-TYPING to correct scope
roast: d25b485ca9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S29-context/eval.t
Move "use nqp" to correct scope
roast: 1511f3087f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 13 files
Load "Test" before doing a "use lib"

So that the Repo for "use lib" doesn't have to search for "Test.rakumod" that we know it won't have anyway. Hopefully has a positive effect on running "make spectest".
lizmat # feels to me this is a. underdocumented, and misassigned (it's an atomic op really) 14:08
jnthn It looks to have a description to me? 14:09
But yeah, not really sure where it lives. Some languages *do* put that as a static method on their Thread class, iirc
But in terms of when you'd be using it, yes, it would be when you're using atomic ops 14:10
lizmat what is unclear to me, is the scope in which this is active? 14:20
the current thread, I assume ?
jnthn Well, it controls reordering around that point on the current thread 14:24
The point is that they be visible in the right order for others
Geth rakudo: 20c978e606 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 5 files
Some more implementation detail notations

Mostly things being deprecated in 6.d, and "dd" of course :-)
bartolin_ lizmat: (or others) I've never done a NQP bump before. Now would be the perfect time to try: there are only my JVM changes in NQP since the last bump. What is the procedure to bump NQP: Only refer to the latest NQP and count up the -number- in tools/templates/NQP_REVISION? 18:20
[Coke] bartolin_: you can do a 'git describe' in the nqp checkout to get that string, I think. 18:29
so if I do that now I get:
bartolin_ [Coke]: ahh, yes, that looks good. Thanks!
[Coke] there's a tag, a count, and a SHA
Geth rakudo: e8e2d3c8d8 | (Christian Bartolomäus)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP to get VMNull on JVM backend
[Coke] bartolin++ 18:37
AlexDaniel f6f43d58e35ef0ba3ea92a47c7164429873977b2 19:15
linkable6 (2018-06-08) Use a spesh plugin for $foo.Qual::Ified::meth()
(2018-06-08) Use a MoarVM spesh plugin for private method calls
(2018-06-08) Merge branch 'spesh-plugins'
AlexDaniel aaaaaaaand?
linkable6 (2018-06-08) Use a spesh plugin to optimize .?
Geth rakudo: b4819e7c6f | (Christian Bartolomäus)++ | src/core.c/Rakudo/Iterator.pm6
Revert "[JVM] Restore old implementation of 'lazy gather'"

This reverts commit 131d253a20e9cc50daca6ff084a67ace3d4d89d6.
No special case for the JVM backend needed anymore.
rakudo: f6f8ac0d85 | (Christian Bartolomäus)++ | src/core.c/IO/Path.pm6
Revert "Restore IO::Path.abspath semantics on the JVM backend"

This reverts commit bd9d7c1cc3785260a8809b160ff4f0b6b8cbe67c.
No special case for the JVM backend needed anymore.
rakudo: 25a1929c88 | (Christian Bartolomäus)++ | src/core.c/CompUnit/RepositoryRegistry.pm6
[JVM] Remove old workaround (no longer needed)
[Coke] bartolin__ 19:23
bartolin++, I mean!
bartolin_ *g* (my brain parsed the first message that way, too) 19:24
Geth roast: 912275838f | (Christian Bartolomäus)++ | S17-promise/at.t
[JVM] Unfudge now passing test
MasterDuke bartolin_++ 20:31
Xliff Can JVM backend use JARs, then? 20:33
bartolin_ has never tried that 20:35
MasterDuke bartolin_: looks like there are a couple other tests in roast that might be able to unfudge 20:36
bartolin_ MasterDuke: I'll look at those (but I have no idea if there will be many) 20:37
MasterDuke S06-advanced/callframe.t:68:, S06-currying/misc.t:37:, S17-channel/basic.t:75:, S17-promise/nonblocking-await.t:214, S17-promise/nonblocking-await.t:259: seem promising 20:38
bartolin_ the first two NPE still exist, but the other three are gone by now. MasterDuke++ 20:59
lizmat bartolin_++ 21:06
Geth roast: f1c76c52d1 | (Christian Bartolomäus)++ | 3 files
[JVM] Unfudge some more passing tests

Please note: The tests from S17-promise/nonblocking-await.t do pass if run standalone. The test file as such is not run for the JVM backend (excluded in t/ and seems to hang.
rakudo: 78371bb0c1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Add "is implementation-detail" tests
lizmat afk again&
hankache what's the frequency of update for 21:41
rba hankache: jmerelo is building this himself. you may ask him. 21:43
hankache thanks rba. Either something is wrong or it hasn't been updated for a long time. 21:45
.seen jmerelo
tellable6 hankache, I saw jmerelo 2020-02-26T20:04:44Z in #raku-dev: <jmerelo> tbrowder: that would be OK, I think.
hankache .tell jmerelo hi JJ, some links on the language/community page have been changed a while back but still shows the old ones. Does it need an update or is it a bug somewhere? 21:48
tellable6 hankache, I'll pass your message to jmerelo
hankache rba: I remember a while ago before the rename things were automatic. Any idea why it's not the case anymore? 21:49
rba hankache: honestly I don‘t know. Yet would like to know too. JJ made a lot of changes to implement imcrementialy build afaik. 21:50