timotimo m: say (1 * 60 + 51.06) / 1.73 01:38
camelia 64.196532
timotimo well, that's fast
m: say (10 * 18.46) / 2 01:40
camelia 92.3
timotimo yeah, pretty fast
patrickb o/ 08:28
I'm trying to build NQP (and then rakudo) on the jvm backend on Linux. I keep getting `java.lang.RuntimeException: Missing or wrong version of dependency 'gen/jvm/stage2/NQPCORE.setting'`. 08:29
Full output is here: paste.scsys.co.uk/588454
I'm grateful for any clues on what might be wrong or how to debug this.
nine patrickb: have you tried to compile it before? 08:30
patrickb no, not in the last few months. 08:31
and not with that checkout
MasterDuke the nqp jvm backend just built fine for me. however, nqp.jar was being deleted by the configure step. i usually do `perl Configure.pl <options> && make install`, but i had to first just configure, then manually do `cp ./src/vm/jvm/stage0/nqp.jar .`, then run the `make install` 08:48
patrickb MasterDuke: Trying that now. 08:57
No change. Same error message. 09:03
bartolin_ patrickb: did that happen with a fresh checkout? and what commands did you run exactly? 09:49
looking at my build script I run 'perl Configure.pl --backends=jvm --gen-nqp && make all'. That worked that last time I looked (a couple of dasy ago.) Also, the commands used for Travis seem to work. 09:52
lizmat Files=1306, Tests=111230, 213 wallclock secs (28.98 usr 8.36 sys + 3012.02 cusr 270.85 csys = 3320.21 CPU) 09:57
patrickb bartolin_: I'm currently installing a fresh fedora in a VM and am trying there. 10:14
Geth_ rakudo: 1a10b63a28 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Map.pm6
Add back die() that went missing with 2ee82af

Spotted by AlexDaniel++, fixes R#3617
linkable6 R#3617 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3617 [regression] Modifying a Map no longer complains
Geth_ roast: d28673780b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S32-hash/map.t
Add tests for R#3617
patrickb bartolin_: Trying with a fresh checkout now. First it errors with: `cp: cannot stat 'nqp.jar': No such file or directory` which is a bug I already have a patch for locally (it's just a missing make target dependency). The build with that fix applied is currently in progress. 10:24
lizmat looks like the 2020.02.1 zip in WIn does not work: github.com/perl6/rakudo.org/issues/38
patrickb lizmat: I'll have a look. 10:27
bartolin_: It errors out with the exact same error message as before. So a fresh checkout doesn't help. Next try: fresh fedora installation 10:30
bartolin_ patrickb: very strange. I could take a look later. 10:40
patrickb bartolin_: That'd be great. I'll report what my fresh fedora test shows. I suspect it will work fine. 10:41
Altai-man_ Any Windows users around? 10:45
timotimo virtually applauds jnthn's presentation 11:44
AlexDaniel timotimo: sounds promising, where can I watch it? 11:47
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel, twitter.com/jnthnwrthngtn/status/1...0666461185
nine an hour well spent :) 12:00
AlexDaniel yeah, enjoying it now, jnthn++ always does amazing talks :) 12:03
Xliff jnthn: PAST, QAST, RakuAST? 12:13
jnthn: Why not RAST?
AlexDaniel because it's more explicit
Xliff Then why not spell out the other two? 12:14
AlexDaniel because it's a mistake of the past and it no longer matters :)
Xliff You suck all of the fun out of my life, AlexDaniel....
BTW - What's left on the PR? 12:15
AlexDaniel maybe, but at least we won't have to document “What does RAST abbreviation stand for?” in the docs :P
Xliff AlexDaniel: BTW - What's left on the Blin PR? 12:17
AlexDaniel Xliff: don't touch @sorted-modules, remove unused $bisected variable, remove ` around SHAs,
Xliff: preferably indent with 4 spaces just like the rest of the code, squash your commits, and I'll merge it :) 12:18
Xliff You seriously don't like the @sorted-modules thing?
AlexDaniel Xliff: also don't .substr the SHAs, I just remember that it can be a list of commits. Just stringify it as is
Xliff Explain that to me.
AlexDaniel } Bisected: `{ .bisected.substr(0, 8) }` 12:19
this needs to be just
} Bisected: { .bisected }
as it can be a list of multiple SHAs (when the result of bisection is multiple commits) 12:20
github will automatically show short versions, it's fine
Xliff Got that.
AlexDaniel Xliff: as to sorted-modules, we need to sort by .bisected first and then by module name
as that'd produce the most useful list (with all modules that were broken by the same commit grouped together) 12:21
Xliff Ah.
AlexDaniel so it's different sorting method when compared to the overview file which is just a dump of the current progress 12:22
The PR will probably end up with a relatively small diff, but it is extremely valuable for release management 12:25
you don't always need a lot of code :)
Xliff AlexDaniel: Done 12:38
[Tux] Rakudo version 2020.02.1-308-g1a10b63a2 - MoarVM version 2020.02.1-80-g32dfe7507
csv-ip5xs0.964 - 0.965
csv-ip5xs-206.499 - 6.522
csv-parser25.028 - 26.502
csv-test-xs-200.384 - 0.391
test7.725 - 8.272
test-t1.969 - 2.006
test-t --race1.009 - 1.020
test-t-2032.047 - 32.703
test-t-20 --race10.038 - 10.379
patrickb bartolin_: As I suspected, the jvm backend builds fine on a fresh fedora 31 install. 13:57
bartolin_ patrickb++ 14:43
lizmat: ooc is there a specific reason (that you remember) that we sometimes have 'nqp::until((my int $stopped), ...)' and sometimes 'my int $stopped; ... nqp::until($stopped, ...)'? An example of the first would be github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/1a10....pm6#L2339 an example of the second github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/1a10....pm6#L1445 14:53
Geth_ Blin: 2049de6c36 | (Clifton Wood)++ | bin/blin.p6
- Adds creation of overview.md to Blin

  - Updated as per comments in Pull Request from early morning of Sun Apr 5,
  - Added new and old output as collapsible items. Drag-n-Drop needs to be tested...
... (8 more lines)
Blin: 751aacd33e | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | bin/blin.p6
Merge pull request #23 from Xliff/master

  - Adds creation of overview.md to Blin
AlexDaniel Altai-man_: can you try it? :)
Altai-man_: I have some ideas on how to add more awesomeness to it but let's see the first ticket :) 15:55
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel, I just did a run this morning, so have to sort out results yet. Tomorrow will build an image and try that out. Fighting with Perl6::Parser right now. 15:56
AlexDaniel Altai-man_: hmm can't you just `git pull` and rerun? :) 15:57
but yeah, sounds good
Altai-man_ AlexDaniel, not really, I guess, you need to git pull and build a docker image to use then. 15:58
lizmat bartolin_: no specific reason 16:16
nine Now working in Inline::Perl5's inlined_blocks branch: package Foo { raku { has $.name; } }; say Foo->new(v6::named name => "foo")->name; 16:47
And of course in Raku that's just: use Foo:from<Perl5>; say Foo.new(:name<foo>).name 16:48
lizmat nine++
nine So.....Cor is done :D
lizmat one can hope 16:49
will you write a blog post about it ? 16:51
lizmat hopes that nine will 16:53
Geth_ rakudo: softmoth++ created pull request #3619:
repl: Check %*ENV<INPUTRC> for Readline config
AlexDaniel weekly: if it wasn't mentioned already: twitter.com/jnthnwrthngtn/status/1...0666461185 20:36
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted! (weekly)
jnthn I can't remember if it's the second or third time I've seen that weekly'd :) 20:42
lizmat notable6: weekly 21:12
notable6 lizmat, 7 notes: gist.github.com/643b0aaffafbe68ae1...c373545c9b
lizmat looks like second? 21:13
AlexDaniel jnthn: it's OK, we'll weekly it multiple times during the next week too :P
you did a very good job :) 21:14
Geth_ rakudo: 61a48362c5 | (Tim Smith)++ | src/core.c/REPL.pm6
repl: Check %*ENV<INPUTRC> for Readline config

This is used by Bash and others
rakudo: d8f2c30b13 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core.c/REPL.pm6
Merge pull request #3619 from softmoth/inputrc-env

repl: Check %*ENV<INPUTRC> for Readline config