Geth rakudo/class-implementation-detail: 51a51c832f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Implement "is implementation-detail" for classes

This implements the "is implementation-detail" trait on classes. It also implements a "is-implementation-detail" method on classes, that will either return 0 if the class **is not** an implementation detail, and 1 if the class *is* an implementation detail.
rakudo: lizmat++ created pull request #4135:
Implement "is implementation-detail" for classes
rakudo/class-implementation-detail: 63a2170d89 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/ParametricRoleGroupHOW.nqp
Also apply "is implementation-detail" correctly on roles
[Tux] Rakudo v2020.12-9-g4b6b2e070 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2020.12-7-g6bf54d784
csv-ip5xs0.807 - 0.820
csv-ip5xs-208.077 - 8.089
csv-parser26.715 - 27.624
csv-test-xs-200.386 - 0.389
test7.817 - 8.005
test-t1.996 - 2.062
test-t --race0.861 - 0.934
test-t-2032.589 - 33.730
test-t-20 --race9.982 - 10.112
Geth rakudo: patrickbkr++ created pull request #4138:
Fix calling programs with spaces in their path on Windows
Geth nqp: patrickbkr++ created pull request #689:
JVM, JS: Change `procspawnasync` to explicitly take the program name
leont Apparently I submitted 10 out of the 30 most recent tickets :-p 17:17
lizmat you're on a roll! :-) 17:18
[Coke] leont++ 17:55
nwc10 I think that at one point I had the highest number of open bugs in Perl 5 18:01
and then sprout started fixing them.
[Coke] nwc10++ sprout++
sena_kun rba, ping? 20:30
rba Pong 20:31
sena_kun rba, hi. There are news about Alex no longer hosting whateverable bots since 27th (iirc) and I was thinking about migration. The blin server looks just nice enough with plenty of cores and memory. What do you think, is it available? 20:32
rba sena_kun: if we managed to let it run within a docker container, maybe. 20:39
sena_kun rba, I think this is doable, just needs some tinkering. 20:46
rba sena_kun: sounds more like a project, than a task... 20:47
sena_kun rba, docker-izing was started by JJ already, just need to ensure it works fine enough locally and maybe patch up a bit. Will the repo with a ready Dockerfile be nice enough? 20:50
rba sena_kun: sure :-). I will take what is around. 20:52
sena_kun rba, thanks! Can you PM me your email or something so that I could notify you when it's ready to play? 20:54
AlexDaniel` you need docker-compose as well to start each bot separately 20:56
sena_kun AlexDaniel`, so a file per bot plus another one for mothership? 20:57
AlexDaniel` no, one dockerfile and one docker-compose to start all of the bots
each container in dockrecompose will differ in `command:` obviously so that it starts a different bot 20:59
and also possibly in mounted volumes, because most bots only need read access to data/ 21:00
“mothership” is basically what shareable6 is, it just shares publicly whatever it has in data 21:01
sena_kun is likely the last person who is able to migrate and maintain that now 21:03
AlexDaniel` the proposed dockerfile needs a quality of life tweak too, first copy the META6.json file and run zef install --deps-only, only then copy the rest of the sources. Otherwise the cache will be no good and you'd have to wait a lot any time you tweak the sources 21:07
AlexDaniel` rba: how much available RAM does it have? 21:09
Altai-man AlexDaniel`, 64 gb. 21:15
AlexDaniel` niice
Geth rakudo/faster-slice-access: 41f5637301 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 5 files
Re-imagine array slicing once again (now 5x as fast)

As vrurg++ suggested, it makes sense to create a role with the necessary attributes that will actually do the work, using a private method that needs to be supplied by the consuming class.
That works, but because calling a private method of a consuming class ... (17 more lines)