🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | log inspection situation still under development | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 22 May 2021.
lizmat PSA: jdv informed me yesterday that the release may be delayed a bit due to unforeseen personal circumstances 14:10
Xliff m: BEGIN { PROCESS::<$ZYSYGGY> = Supplier.new; PROCESS::<$READABLE> = 1 } for ^5 { $*ZYSYGGY.emit: " Hey... the more readable var name is still { $*READABLE }"; sleep .2 } 16:44
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unexpected block in infix position (missing statement control word before the expression?)
at <tmp>:1
------> new; PROCESS::<$READABLE> = 1 } for ^5⏏ { $*ZYSYGGY.emit: " Hey... the more re…
Xliff m: BEGIN { PROCESS::<$ZYSYGGY> = Supplier.new; PROCESS::<$READABLE> = 1 }; for ^5 { $*ZYSYGGY.emit: " Hey... the more readable var name is still { $*READABLE }"; sleep .2 } 16:45
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: BEGIN { PROCESS::<$ZYSYGGY> = Supplier.new; PROCESS::<$READABLE> = 1 }; for ^5 { $*ZYSYGGY.emit: say " Hey... the more readable var name is still { $*READABLE }"; sleep .2 }
camelia Hey... the more readable var name is still 1
Hey... the more readable var name is still 1
Hey... the more readable var name is still 1
Hey... the more readable var name is still 1
Hey... the more readable var name is still 1
Xliff Oooooooo
m: BEGIN { my $var-name = 'myDogHasFleas'; PROCESS::{ $var-name } = 42 }; say $*myDogHasFleas; 16:46
camelia Dynamic variable $*myDogHasFleas not found
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: BEGIN { my $var-name = 'myDogHasFleas'; PROCESS::{ '$' ~ $var-name } = 42 }; say $*myDogHasFleas;
camelia 42
Xliff vrurg++ 16:47
MasterDuke i was just trying to enable the `-o` version of the `--output=<file>` option with this patch gist.github.com/MasterDuke17/2dfae...2a321a9fda 20:48
but while `raku --target=moar --output=t.mbc -e 'say "hi"'` successfully writes the bytecode to 't.mbc', `raku --target=mbc -o t.mbc -e 'say "hi"'` dies with `===SORRY!=== 20:50
Cannot stringify object of type BOOTCompUnit`
oops, copied the wrong command, both were run with `--target=mbc`
MasterDuke and that error is only because it's trying to stringify an exception, but what it gets isn't actually an exception 23:20
timo, nine: this seems like something you'd be good at figure out. i'm not firing on all cylinders right now, but even so i just don't understand how my change is causing this 23:27
timo + my $output := %adverbs<output>//%adverbs<o>; 23:28
does this actually work right in nqp?
not sure why it wouldn't but, you know
does is_textual_stage know about -o? not sure if it has to, but you know 23:29
MasterDuke well, i just tried changing it to || a minute ago, but no change
`method is_textual_stage($stage) { 0 }`
timo i think somewhere it's trying to output to the screen what it can't, so some code somewhere doesn't understand -o 23:31
MasterDuke nqp: my %h := nqp::hash("a", 1, "b", 2); say(%h<c> // "three") # and looks like this works 23:32
camelia three
MasterDuke but why does it work for --output?
oh, i wonder if it's the argument parsing 23:34
timo i think you missed one in src/vm/moar/HLL/Backend.nqp 23:35
line 800 or so
MasterDuke does it really know about combined short/long arguments?
timo++ 23:37
that was it
huh. i even had been looking at a `git grep` of `adverbs<output>` to see where i needed to change 23:39
timo weird 23:41
MasterDuke heh, i think -o has never worked, despite being pretty ancient, i'm seeing it as many at 11 years back 23:42
Geth nqp: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #753:
Implement the -o form of the --output option
MasterDuke timo: do you know anything about the --tracing option?
timo hm, moarvm has something like that as a define i think? 23:54
other than that no
i know rxtrace tho
MasterDuke looks like there might be some confusion between --tracing and --trace 23:58