🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | log inspection situation still under development | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 22 May 2021.
Geth rakudo/master: 4 commits pushed by (Vadim Belman)++ 01:33
Xliff p6-GLib suite (31 projects) total compile time: 14233.21s 06:40
lizmat Files=1351, Tests=117097, 293 wallclock secs (35.64 usr 9.90 sys + 4067.66 cusr 338.77 csys = 4451.97 CPU) 09:52
lizmat notable6: weekly 12:52
notable6 lizmat, No notes for “weekly”
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2022/01/31/2022-05-foo-is-42/ 13:06
Xliff Thanks, lizmat 13:19
Xliff lizmat: Where did you get the title picture for the latest weekly? 13:36
lizmat It was made by Wendy or me.. during a roadtrip from SLC to Portland 13:38
near Yellowstone
so you're out there in the wild, with a fast streaming river 13:39
and the water is warm! :-)
jdv so, i got a blin run in y'day and its a bit disturbing 13:45
i'm not sure how to post it yet cause its way over the char limit of a gh ticket at ~1.1m chars 13:46
lizmat I think vrurg fixed a rather nasty thing related to smart matching yesterdya 13:51
so today, it could possibly be a lot less?
Xliff lizmat: Oh, thanks for that! 13:52
It's a really lovely picture. Would love to fint that spot!
lizmat it *is* a nice spot indeed :-) 13:53
jdv if i'm it looks like 39 out of 59 regressions are uint 13:54
i can only attribute 8 or 09 of the rest to vrurg on a quck skim
jdv "if i'm reading this correctly..." 13:56
jdv i guess i could put it in a wiki page so others could at least see it rendered 13:57
nine: it would appear most of github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4748 may be unit 14:14
lizmat s/unit/uint :-) 14:15
jdv vrurg: ^ i think a few are yours
vrurg jdv: will try to look into it later today.' 14:19
jdv thanks 14:20
how does a git bisect come up with 10 commits? i've never seen that before. 14:25
[Coke] failures or 3rd output mode in those 10 commits? 14:33
[Tux] Rakudo v2021.12-170-gec4522404 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2021.12-100-g596be5246
csv-ip5xs0.757 - 0.784
csv-ip5xs-204.915 - 4.951
csv-parser3.819 - 3.858
csv-test-xs-200.406 - 0.407
test6.559 - 6.586
test-t1.493 - 1.494
test-t --race0.862 - 0.862
test-t-2022.315 - 23.248
test-t-20 --race7.694 - 8.145
TADA 🎉 16:24
5 2022-01-26 20:04:45 test-t 1.531
4 2022-01-26 20:06:28 test-t 1.525
3 2022-01-28 14:16:57 test-t 1.512
2 2022-01-31 17:20:41 test-t 1.494
1 2022-01-31 17:22:22 test-t 1.493
lizmat nice!! 16:30
sena_kun wow, that's very cool 16:40
vrurg great looking progress! 16:44
japhb Nice week in CSV testing, dang! :- 19:15
Geth rakudo: 382f2f1084 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/core.c/Attribute.pm6
Fix Attribute.(get|set)_value treating uints like str

Need to handle the new objprimspec 10 for uints
nine jdv: ^^^ fixes some of the Blin errors
japhb Oooh, doing a full rebuild to see if things got better for my stack. :-) 20:24
Bah, still fails on Digest module 20:57
"Cannot unbox negative bigint into native unsigned integer"
lizmat that feels... legit ? 21:07
nine To be precise it seems to be: "Cannot unbox negative bigint -24 into native unsigned integer" 21:24
So it's not something like -0xFFFF or the like which would look like a MoarVM bug 21:25
That error is thrown by my uint32 $ = $y +^ ($x +| +^$z) with $x, $y and $z being uint32 though. 21:30
What does +^$z actually mean? 21:31
m: my $z = 1; say ^$z; say +^$z;
camelia ^1
nine I don't understand what this does
Oh, +^ isn't .Range.Numeric but bitwise negation. Ok, then that's just broken. Bitwise negation on uint obviously needs to return an uint 21:35
It's not just that though. We also treat sized native integers incorrectly. It's kinda staggering how this pile of bugs somehow led to correct results previously. 22:00
leont That happens sometimes 22:42