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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Geth rakudo/lizmat-v-check: 493d9f3fd2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp
Don't blindly make a Version object for vN

First look up whether there's a lexical symbol for it, and use that if we found it. Should fix #3919
rakudo: lizmat++ created pull request #5020:
Don't blindly make a Version object for vN
rakudo/lizmat-io-path-created: cc4a31735d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Add IO::Path.created returning the Instant a path was created

Or returns a Failure if the path does not exist. Why this wssn't done before, I don't quite understand, as the NQP support appears to exist on all backends.
rakudo: lizmat++ created pull request #5021:
Add `IO::Path.created` returning the `Instant` a path was created
atroxaper Hello! What do you think about Supply.interval(4 :between).tap(-> $ { #`[something longer then 4 seconds] }). I think that an inability to create in interval with delay between a tap execution is upsetting. 17:17
lizmat not sure what you mean: docs.raku.org/routine/interval 17:19
what is missing there?
atroxaper lizmat: Let's imagine that tap's lambda takes 5 seconds to execute. Then .interval(3).tap(...) will be executed every 5 seconds. But I want every 8 seconds. 17:25
lizmat you want it to wait 3 seconds after it having executed for 5 seconds 17:26
atroxaper Yes.
lizmat and if it happened to need 10 seconds for execution, then 3 on top of that ? 17:27
atroxaper yes.
lizmat do you have control on when something starts executing ? 17:28
atroxaper I even implemented it by custom Tappable class. But I want to consult is it good to add it to the Rakudo code.
lizmat well, if you want to make it a PR, then make it a PR, then you'll get the right consultation, also by people not necessarily on this channel 17:29
atroxaper I'm talking not about my problem, but about a general user problem - execute something with fixed delay between execution.
lizmat please make it a PR for more eyes :-) 17:30
atroxaper lizmat: OK. I thought irc is the first edge for such decisions :) 17:31
Going to make a PR.
lizmat yeah, please.. :-)
leont How do I force a moar rebuild when building a rakudo (I used --gen-moar in Configure) 17:57
lizmat --force-rebuild 18:07
leont On Configure? 18:08
Yeah that seems to be doing something
lizmat afk& 18:14
patrickb o/ 19:52
patrickb The Rakudo CI bot approaches the point where it becomes reasonable to target it at the live repos (instead of some test repos I have set up). 20:49
But it's probable it will not work flawlessly at first. Worst case are unhelpful CI test entries that are false negative or never turn green. 20:52
sena_kun patrickb, I am sure false positives are worse than false negatives. 20:57
I mean, if you have false positive for commit X and it's a flapper, the commit X+1 will complain, but if you have false positives people tend to ignore the whole system. 20:58
patrickb I guess both are possible. Point is: Should I "publish" early and basically force all devs to be testers, or continue developing in private with no one benefiting in the short run? 20:59
sena_kun is not the core dev 21:40
patrickb, since all the repos are linked, I'm not sure if it's possible to do some sort of "partial" exposure? Say only moarvm. 21:41
patrickb That should be possible. 22:03
\q 22:14