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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
ab5tract coleman++ thanks for all your work on getting the sites back up 09:13
Geth rakudo/main: d47c8febdd | ab5tract++ (committed by Elizabeth Mattijsen) | 2 files
RakuAST: Make multi subs check for re-declaration of signatures

This addresses the oldest existing unsolved ticket in the old issue tracker:
Catch duplicate signatures in a multi sub at compile time, as they will inevitably fail at run-time.
rakudo/main: 98da5961ed | ab5tract++ (committed by Elizabeth Mattijsen) | 4 files
RakuAST: Support where blocks on variables

Previously the grammar was confused by the existence of where blocks in variable declarations.
Now they are fully supported.
... (7 more lines)
rakudo/main: d15cec9180 | ab5tract++ (committed by Elizabeth Mattijsen) | 3 files
RakuAST: Provide where and proper type in .raku and deparse
rakudo/main: 356faf99e6 | ab5tract++ (committed by Elizabeth Mattijsen) | t/12-rakuast/var.rakutest
RakuAST: Add tests for where guards on regular variables
lizmat meh looks like we lost t/spec/S05-grammar/example.t 11:27
tbrowder__ i have it if you really lost it 11:31
lizmat :-)
tbrowder__ i see the rakudo.org dowloads are repopulating. will the 2023.10 linux gcc ones be restored soon? i can provide backups on my servers if it would help the cause in the future 11:38
ab5tract lizmat: I didn’t see any shifts at all when running tests locally 12:17
tbrowder__ hm, github/rakudo need big sign for how to help with RakudoAST. perhaps a RakudoAST.md file with a guide to start. i know lizmat has blogged about. (it may be there and i have missed it) 12:39
lizmat tbrowder__ dev.to/lizmat/series/23109 12:41
ab5tract: did you update roast ?
tbrowder__ any objection to a PR to create such a page? 12:47
lizmat tbrowder__: no, by all means, go ahead! 12:49
ab5tract tbrowder__: there are a few RakuAST related docs in the source tree that you might want to consolidate or otherwise interact with 13:12
tbrowder__ wilco 13:41
dang!, 1st i should learn real name: RakuAST 13:59
ab5tract :) 14:43
ugexe github.com/Raku/nqp/blob/548b0263b...#L471-L479 16:45
i wonder how this test was ever passing on windows
on windows you can't close a file handle that is open
er, you cant delete a file that is open
Geth nqp/ugexe-patch-3: 564c495e2a | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | t/nqp/019-file-ops.t
Close handle before unlinking

On Windows a file can't be deleted if it is "busy", i.e. if there is an open handle to it. This start failing locally while making some IO changes in MoarVM, although I'm not sure why it hasn't always been failing.
This updates a file deletion test to close the file it is going to unlink before actually trying to unlink it.
nqp: ugexe++ created pull request #814:
Close handle before unlinking
tbrowder__ on another topic, i want to try inputting my advent article into (ugh) the wordpress editor in Mardown format. however Pod:To::Markdown *deliberately* only converts rakudoc tables into html--bummer! first question is "why?" 17:56
i took a first bite at a PR on the existing commented-out sub table2markdown and found more errors than i could deal with in a hurry, so i wrote a quickie raku prog to just replace the constant html table with the constant markdown table. 18:01
that works for now. 18:03
but i filed an issue 18:04
maybe a good exercise for RakuAST 18:05
Geth nqp/main: 564c495e2a | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | t/nqp/019-file-ops.t
Close handle before unlinking

On Windows a file can't be deleted if it is "busy", i.e. if there is an open handle to it. This start failing locally while making some IO changes in MoarVM, although I'm not sure why it hasn't always been failing.
This updates a file deletion test to close the file it is going to unlink before actually trying to unlink it.
nqp/main: 61b550077c | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | t/nqp/019-file-ops.t
Merge pull request #814 from Raku/ugexe-patch-3

Close handle before unlinking
tbrowder__ ab5tract: are all 40 "rakuast-tests" supposed to pass? with or without env var RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1? 22:03
ab5tract I think there is some fudging in a few places, so you might need to run some with the test harness (make t/spec/foo.t) 22:05
But yeah, they should all pass with make tests 22:06
tbrowder__ ok, thnx 22:44
lizmat actually, the localization tests *fail* with RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1 when run under "make test" 23:34
that's because under RakuAST, currently slangs do *not* get activated when invoked from a file that is not pre-compiled yet 23:35
tbrowder__ well, i have other problems now. current main branch fails to compile (no RAKUDO_RAKUAST env var defined). msg about existskey and npq, exact msg in a bit... 23:57