🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs available at irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/live.html | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
03:15 vrurg joined 03:16 vrurg_ left 03:34 vrurg left, vrurg joined 07:11 sena_kun joined 07:37 donaldh joined
Geth rakudo/main: c5267fc7b7 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/Raku/ast/code.rakumod
RakuAST: fix duplicate declaration checks not done in subs

Accidentally overwrote PERFORM-CHECK without calling the super class' one.
rakudo/main: 05a9907e44 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 5 files
RakuAST: support use fatal

This replaces the previous attempt to support the fatal pragma. Fatalization is something that needs to happen on the caller side, not in the callee. An active fatal pragma in a scope means that any expressions yielding a Failure should throw an exception right there. Callees returning those Failures may be defined in completely different ... (12 more lines)
nine 1069
Geth nqp/main: 8a9d65e23b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/MOAR_REVISION
Bump NQP for short string concat optimization

lizmat nine: I assume the new sub &CORE::fatalize is something that will stay ?? 08:48
1069 confirmed but breakage in make test 08:51
08:55 sena_kun left
lizmat nine: couldn't we codegen the call to &fatalize as a method call on a .fatalize method, and add a method fatalize to Failure (throwing the exception) and Mu (not doing anything) ? 09:01
I'd rather not pollute the core names space with more subs
wouldn't that make more sense ? 09:02
nine Arguably that would be the worse kind of pollution as it would add a fatalize method to every object. As it is we specifically look up fatalize in the setting, so someone declaring their own fatalize sub would not interfere in any way 09:06
lizmat ok, but then it would have to be ALLCAPS like all of the other core subs 09:07
I'll make the necessary change ok ?
nine Ok, thanks! 09:09
lizmat OOC, isn't this a better solution? github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/05a9...od#L33-L37
nine No, it's actually quite wrong. As I tried to explain in the commit message, fatal is something that needs to happen at the caller's side. A POST phaser cannot make `dd 1 div 0` or `my str @a[1]; @a[2]` explode. 09:17
lizmat ok, so the method is really bogus then... hmmm 09:18
nine Also even with fatal active, boolean context is supposed to defuse the failure:
m: use fatal; if 1 div 0 { } else { say "survived" }
camelia survived
lizmat right, or .defined yes
Geth rakudo/main: 056c25e7ea | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP for short string concat optimization on MoarVM

lizmat make compilation about 2% faster 09:21
Geth rakudo/main: 1c912bc5aa | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 11 files

System subs of this kind are ALLCAPS and marker "implementation-detail" if possible. Also fix tests.
09:50 donaldh left
Geth rakudo/main: aa0ad4c6e5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Block.rakumod
RakuAST: remove simplistic approach to "use fatal"
nqp/main: 28d0522f34 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MoarVM to get inadvertent debug info fix

lizmat nine: possbly another approach to "use fatal", that *would* be using a POST-like phaser 10:09
an "arm" method on Failure that would throw the exception as soon as it is being used? and that would be ignored by .Bool and .defined ?
and the POST phaser setting the "arm" flag ? 10:10
Geth rakudo/main: 8fc83b3341 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP to get inadvertent debug info fix

nine How would that make `use fatal; dd 1 div 0` explode? 10:21
10:26 MasterDuke left
lizmat well.. dd is a bad example: it does its best to show the real thing 10:38
you mean: say 1 div 0 ?
and if the "armed" setting would be exposed, then dd could check for that and explode 10:42
nine Doesn't matter. You could also just take use fatal; my $i = 1 div 0; 11:02
lizmat aah... ok, gotcha :-) 11:03
patrickb It just occurred to me, that freezing p6c was probably postponed to give authors some more time to adapt. 11:39
It's been a while. Maybe now is a good time to actually do the freezing? 11:40
lizmat yeah, I've been building up the courage for that 11:41
timo be nice to the p6 corgi :o 11:42
lizmat I guess the first step would be to exclude p6c from zef's default config
notable6: weekly 12:19
notable6 lizmat, No notes for “weekly”
ugexe p6c has been disabled in zef for over 2 years - github.com/ugexe/zef/commit/16e2e6...f8dc48be30 12:24
lizmat aha. so I should really remove p6c from the REA harvester :-) 12:25
12:43 patrickb left 12:44 greenfork left, greenfork joined, patrickb joined
[Tux] Rakudo v2024.07-67-g8fc83b334 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2024.07-7-g39b9b88c8
csv-ip5xs0.259 - 0.261
csv-ip5xs-201.067 - 1.111
csv-parser1.491 - 1.496
csv-test-xs-200.142 - 0.143
test1.853 - 1.908
test-t0.399 - 0.407
test-t --race0.264 - 0.269
test-t-204.842 - 4.936
test-t-20 --race1.156 - 1.161
tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4-20.html / tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4.html tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed.log
lizmat alas, no new record :-(
thanks [Tux] for running it
[Tux] Cannot help that 12:56
lizmat nope, you can't :)
and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/08/05/2024-32-de-python/ 12:58
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Geth rakudo/CREDITS: d9db4167da | (Will Coleda)++ | CREDITS
Update CREDITS for Coke
rakudo: coke++ created pull request #5616:
Update CREDITS for Coke
rakudo/main: 5068524f59 | (Will Coleda)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | CREDITS
Update CREDITS for Coke
rakudo/main: a445da42f9 | (Patrick Böker)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Fix precomp build

  mirrorlist.centos.org is discontinued.
lizmat PSA: I have disabled updates of the Raku Ecosystem Archive for modules still living in p6c 16:53
ugexe ^^
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