07:42 Geth left 07:43 Geth joined 08:33 finanalyst joined
timo slightly puzzled by "zef update" ending in a "No such method 'lines' for invocant of type 'X::AdHoc'" 08:51
gist.github.com/timo/c4d5b7e909498...8e6cdcd110 08:53
but i don't know how exactly .first-callable works, maybe this is normal?
oh, first-callable is how .first is implemented when you pass a callable 08:55
oh i think i was just looking too late in the output, and it really is getting an X::AdHoc in the "stderr" supply that it's actually trying to call .lines on, expecting it to be a Str or similar 08:57
09:20 dawids joined, dawids left 09:35 sena_kun joined
timo fascinating. in this docker container i built so i can easily test stuff out, %*ENV<SHELL> is actually not set, and the "shell" core sub doesn't take "no arguments" to mean "just give an interactive shell to the user" 10:08
10:08 finanalyst left
timo so "zef look" creates the folder and then can't launch a shell in it because you can't "shell(Any)" 10:09
lizmat hmmmm I wonder if that could be an attach vector: writing code to a file called "Any", then do a "zef look" 11:00
lizmat is reminded of the MS-DOS days, and a prank: create a file "secret.txt" with "Access Denied" as its contents :-) 11:02
timo how do typical unzip programs on windows react to a file in the zip being called COM or COM1? :D 13:07
jdv changelogs are up. i'll pause for a bit. probably start the releasings in an hour or 2. 14:29
lizmat looks 14:57
lizmat can't think of anything to change 14:59
15:16 japhb left
jdv ok then. it starts now. 15:35
lizmat ++jdv 15:43
jdv just noticed I'm now the longest running release mamager with this release being my 25th
looks like altai-man did 24
15:48 japhb joined
[Coke] I am probably *-1 15:48
lizmat jdv++
[Coke] How are you checking?
(I'm curious what the list looks like!) 15:49
jdv its at the bottom of hte relesase guide
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/main..._guide.pod 15:50
Geth rakudo/release-2024.09: 63d6d451fc | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | 3 files
Update changelog + announcement

Deliberately not logged:
timo it feels like i've done a million things and none are changeloggable :D 16:06
did we ever have like, a decision about changelog entries that refer to a change made to a change that was also in the changelog? 16:07
like, if we have one commit that introudces A, then a second commit that fixes something in A, should we leave that out of the changelog and instead describe what A looks like after the fix, if it is different at all 16:08
jdv: is it too late to change a line or two in the moarvm changelog? 16:09
lizmat If I know of such cases, then I would change it to something like: "Introduce A" and then list all associated commits 16:10
jdv timo: yup. its a done deal:( 16:12
timo hehe, ok 16:13
jdv i usually just tack the sha on the first commits line
timo well, they don't have to stay untouched after the release
jdv i think there are a couple in this month's rakudo changelog
timo i don't have to nitpick :) 16:14
jdv i normally say when i've gen'd the changelogs and give a bit of time for review. maybe next time:)
moarvm release is almost done, alas
timo no problem. appreciate your work! 16:15
oh, in the nqp release, can you look if the fasttool folder ends up with only the readme in it?
i was looking at the deb package we build and it doesn't have the jar there, but i think it's also set up to remove anything that's only the jvm backend? 16:16
jdv the nqp release is almost completely automated
i'm not sure to be honest
timo OK no problem, it's not causing any trouble 16:17
jdv github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/main...#L109-L110 ?
timo hm? 16:25
jdv that's about my involvment with nqp for the release. i run that. 16:28
timo oh, hehe. 16:41
jdv randomly, it is running at this moment;) 16:42
[Coke] looks like some mojibake in that release guide! 17:08
Rakudo #94, e.g. 17:09
jdv: how annoying would it be to rename the release guide to *.rakudoc ? 17:12
timo github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/main..._guide.pod - you mean the first line here? 17:13
"release, itĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s a good idea"
jdv [Coke]: if it makes you happy... 17:14
timo "need resolvingĆ¢ā‚¬ļæ½ is left to"
ah you mean: Rakudo #94 "ƐĀŗƐĀ¾ĆĀ»ĆĀµĆĀ“ƐĀ°"
jdv will that render on gh? i don't care but some might. 17:15
[Coke] Looks fine on disk. 17:20
guess we need some git attributes set? 17:23
jdv: safe to commit to main now? 17:27
jdv not yet. in a 1/2h probably. 17:28
[Coke] ok.
Geth rakudo/release-2024.09: f72f8d707d | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
[release] Bump NQP revision to 2024.09
rakudo/release-2024.09: f1fac3e192 | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | VERSION
[release] Bump VERSION to 2024.09
nqp/main: c3f97bae9d | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | tools/templates/MOAR_REVISION
[release] Bump MoarVM revision to 2024.09
nqp/main: 245c692e15 | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | VERSION
[release] Bump VERSION to 2024.09
rakudo: jdv++ created pull request #5650:
Release 2024.09
rakudo/main: 4 commits pushed by (Justin DeVuyst)++
jdv the release is all done 17:54
[Coke]: ^
patrickb: the 2024.09 release happened
.tell El_Che the 2024.09 release happened 17:55
tellable6__ jdv, I'll pass your message to El_Che
Geth rakudo/main: 0732084c6b | (Will Coleda)++ | docs/.gitattributes
Try to fix mojibake rendering on github.com
[Coke] ... did nothing. 17:56
Geth rakudo/main: d56a34ae79 | (Will Coleda)++ | 2 files
Use top level .gitattributes file
[Coke] ah well. 17:58
Geth rakudo/main: 1c96328c52 | (Will Coleda)++ | docs/release_guide.pod
fix encoding

  (match suggested value in `perldoc perlpod`)
[Coke] my followup suggestion: if we can't have .rakudoc (this is an old school pod file), let's convert it to markdown.
then at least we get better rendering on github. 18:19
(none of my attempts there worked)
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jdv is rakudoc stable and usable? 19:39
[Coke] sorry - no. but that file is pod, not pod6 19:40
and if we can't have *pod6* rendering on github (which we can't, and rakudoc will be even further behind)... why use p5 pod? 19:41
made sense pre-christmas, but not now
jdv i was gonna say itd be nice to get gh to support whatever we have but i guess noy
is pod6 not rakudoc? i seem to be drifting out of date. 19:45
[Coke] pod6 is what we launched with. rakudoc is a new standard that finanlyst is working on with liz & damian 19:47
jdv ah
[Coke] not to be confused with foo.rakudoc, which is a pod6 file! :) 19:49
ab5tract jdv: fwiw the shifts between pod6 and rakudoc seem pretty nuanced to me
jdv iirc the problem with pod6 is it requires raku 20:09
which id guess is why randos like gh wont 20:10
[Coke] I think the most raku/github friendly combo is to have source in raku markup, but have a built markdown file we can check in that gets rendered. 20:12
App::Mi6 enables this for modules, we could steal it for rakudo itself.
it==the process
patrickb Hopefully the RakuDoc on GitHub issue is soon a thing of the past. There are cunning plans in progress. 20:39
tbrowder can anyone running macos and using home brew tell me how to get libfreetype installed successfully in a workflows/macos.yml file? 20:41
my version can be seen at github.com/tbrowder/PDF-NameTags/b.../macos.yml 20:44
bad link...correcting... 20:46
github.com/tbrowder/PDF-NameTags/b.../macos.yml 20:51
link checks ok 20:52
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Geth rakudo: patrickbkr++ created pull request #5651:
Proc::Async PTY support
21:50 finanalyst left
patrickb ^ has a long way to go. But it does work! \o/ 21:52
Next step is putting raku.land/zef:japhb/Terminal::ANSIParser in front of that thing and hooking it up to Terminal::Widgets. 21:55