tbrowder thnx 00:19
04:59 kjp left 05:00 kjp joined 05:01 kjp left, kjp joined
Geth rakudo/main: 6528f868a4 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | t/04-nativecall/25-embedded.t
Fix new nativecall test not finding its compiled library
10:58 sena_kun joined
Geth rakudo/main: 0003191236 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Add support for non-consecuive ranges in .succ/.pred

The codepoints for ⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹ are **not** consecutive, and the script generating the lookups did not handle that well. It does now.
Fixes #3379
roast: a4dd452e7e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S03-operators/increment.t
Add tests for #3379
tbrowder lizmat: apparently i never started building the tests for log2, lbut i have them fleshed out in the right place and my test harness works...hope will be done by monday 12:08
ugexe i still don't follow why we should have e.g. log2, log10 etc. something like python does math.log(X, 2) 12:57
that covers any base 12:59
something log2, log10 cant do
if we want to argue about existing naming conventions stuff like foo2 x3 etc make me think of syscall naming convention, i.e. open2 or open3 13:01
i guess those are actually open(2) open(3) though 13:04
anyway dont let me stop it, i just dont really get the reason
note that I dont really see writing log2(100) as being better looking than log(100, 2) to be a valid argument as it seems entirely subjective 13:06
ab5tract quick question: what are the requirements for a valid package name? Are the same for other identifiiers? I was pleasantly surprised to see that macOS can create files like "%$#^.rakumod", but this also means I can't just lean on valid file names for validating package names 13:11
ugexe i believe it is the same as other identifiers. and of course what is a valid file name anyway 13:13
ab5tract yeah, it will have to pass both 13:14
though I guess the filename part is only relevant for packages that want to be in their own file 13:15
ugexe if you use META6.json you can name the file something other than the package name 13:16
and i thought there was a way to do something like
require ...:name<Foo> 13:17
but now that i think about it I don't know if that works for paths
oh right its 13:18
require SomeOtherName:file<...>
ab5tract ugexe: speaking of META6.json, I was wondering what the closest thing we might have to a specification would be 13:30
I had to do a lot of dancing to craft a data class (record) that could be deployed as a deserialization target from JSON 13:31
I found some stuff from `specs` but it felt pretty out of date 13:32
it would be interesting but probably impossible to migrate to a new, fully spec'd version (`meta.raku.json` or so) 13:34
ugexe docs.perl6.org/language/modules#in...META6.json probably 13:37
although that isn't exactly accurate either 13:38
source-url isn't part of the spec that raku itself cares about. that would be an ecosystem specific addition
source-url should probably be called download-url or something 13:40
ab5tract hmm, yeah. since repo-url also exists
ugexe the original specs had a support section with e.g. support.source, support.bugtracker etc which I would consider part of the core raku spec 13:41
ab5tract the contact object seems slightly over-developed
ah, that's what I meant with the above
do you mean would or would not consider?
ugexe i would consider it part of the core. because it doesn't entirely imply it has everything needed regarding e.g. packaging and distributing. it is indeed just some meta data. it does allow things like `zef browse Net::HTTP bugtracker` `zef browse Net::HTTP source` to open a browser window to the appropriate location 13:44
for example I don't add source-url to my META6.json - github.com/ugexe/zef/blob/0e4e9de5...on#L60-L64 13:46
ab5tract right, makes sense
ugexe zef will use source-url if it exists, and support.source if not 13:47
but i write my meta6.json like that because i expect an ecosystem to add the source-url field itself
i dont know what the tar file is going to be named on fez (whenever I get around to uploading it to fez)
and even when I do, i think it is still useful to provide the link to the repository 13:48
Geth ¦ roast: tbrowder self-assigned Need complex number tests for log, log2, and log10 github.com/Raku/roast/issues/862 14:45
rakudo/main: 03659cd0f9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Add clocks and mouses to magic inc/dec
roast: fc45a415d1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S06-multi/type-based.t
Add test for #3485
roast: 9d93090fee | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S14-traits/routines.t
Add test for #3573
rakudo/main: d2f12f3520 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/12-rakuast/xx-fixed-in-rakuast.rakutest
Add tests for #3574
16:16 lizmat_ joined 16:19 lizmat left
timo unicodable6__: 🖰🖱 17:20
unicodable6__ timo, U+1F5B0 TWO BUTTON MOUSE [So] (🖰)
timo, U+1F5B1 THREE BUTTON MOUSE [So] (🖱)
ab5tract iOS renders the 3 button as the “no button” Mac mouse and fails on the two button 17:32
Some animosities will never die I guess 😂 17:33
timo 🐀 <- no button mouse 17:35
i wonder if i could inspire someone to implement OpenTelemetry Tracing ... 18:19
greppable6: vmeventsubscribe 18:38
greppable6 timo, Found nothing!
timo quotable: vmeventsubscribe 18:39
quotable6 timo, OK, working on it! This may take up to three minutes (4582161 messages to process)
timo, Something went wrong (Broken archive)
timo oops? hmm.
i don't think anybody has code out "in the wild" that uses vmeventsubscribe, so i'm considering changing what it spits out 18:45
22:13 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined 22:54 sena_kun left