10:59 sena_kun joined
ab5tract m: { .keys Z .values }(<a b c d e f>) ==> say() 11:45
camelia ((0 a) (1 b) (2 c) (3 d) (4 e) (5 f))
ab5tract lizmat: ^^ 11:47
lizmat ah, duh, yeah, the default for Z is , not => duh :-) 11:48
which is what it is effectively now
ab5tract Not really 11:49
Imo flattening kv was unnecessary and needlessly breaks the semantics of map and grep from being a simple “processes a list on element at a time” 11:50
The zip of keys and values is the actual implementation of kv if you git log it 11:51
*actual implementation originally 11:52
Anyway, imo that’s the actual source of conflict from that thread. .kv doesn’t have the same shape as .kv.map or .kv.grep (when those operations return both k and v) 11:54
But: if there are significant performance benefits from the way it works now… 12:05
12:14 sena_kun left
lizmat m: my $i = <a b c>.kv.iterator; say $i.pull-one for ^6 12:17
camelia 0
lizmat this is how .kv is implemented: no additional objects are created
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ab5tract I’m a bit confused. That example just shows that .kv produces a flat list, I don’t see how it reflects the actual implementation (since your example calls .kv ) 12:33
I’m not disputing that it does this. I’m mentioning that it did not always do that. 12:34
But it’s early here and I’m recovering from a cold, so apologies in advance for grok failures 12:35
lizmat I was jus showing that creating Lists would be extra work 12:56
[Tux] Rakudo v2024.12-25-gf58bed9f6 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2024.12-8-gf4680765f
csv-ip5xs0.264 - 0.268
csv-ip5xs-201.133 - 1.155
csv-parser1.518 - 1.594
csv-test-xs-200.142 - 0.145
test1.860 - 1.903
test-t0.413 - 0.421
test-t --race0.272 - 0.293
test-t-205.041 - 5.100
test-t-20 --race1.252 - 1.295
tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4-20.html / tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4.html tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed.log
slight slowdown. PC is not busy
ab5tract It looks like the make list / destructure list required in my idealized .kv is 3x as slow :( 16:45
So yeah, I'll let that dream go away 16:55
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