lizmat notable6: weekly 11:28
notable6 lizmat, 4 notes:
lizmat notable6: weekly reset 11:30
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2025-01-13T11:30:25Z”
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 12:25
[Coke] releasable6: status 18:27
releasable6 [Coke], Next release in ≈12 days and ≈0 hours. There are no known blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
[Coke], Details:
[Coke] 12 days? 18:28
I think that might be a typo
lizmat release_guide.pod says: 2025-01-25 Rakudo #179 (Coke) 18:32
so that feels correct ? 18:33
[Coke] oh, that *is* a weekend. 19:29
we had talked about the 19th or the week after, and the math in my head wasn't adding up. Thank you. :)
jdv probably cause both us were looking at the wrong months and/or years when we were figuring it... 20:17
[Coke] :)
jdv *date* math
[Coke] if we have two weeks, what are the odds of getting the REPL_PROMPT work into this release? 20:51
jdv no big changes in the last week though so really only 1 21:24
unless you want to blin forever and deal with last minute stuff. if your doing it then sure:) 21:26
[Coke] I do not, sir. :) 21:28
[Coke] ponders kicking off a blin run. 21:29
[Coke] thinks he'll wait for the last week - did one the first week and caught something.
m: dd CX::Done.HOW 21:37
[Coke] says that's a role.... looks like a doc bug
lizmat fwiw, all CX:: thingies are classes 23:15