Geth nqp/main: 924adb5106 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MoarVM to get latin1 decode optimization

And some doc updates, Coke++ MasterDuke++
rakudo/main: 736208dbba | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP to get latin1 decode optimization, MasterDuke++
[Coke] lizmat, I think you had mentioned something like this - be nice if there was a hook so I could have a bunch of repl shortcut routines or things to change behavior. (like, some easy way to get a list of values that would normally be printed as is to go through .sort.unique 14:52
right now, I think I'd have to write that module, export a bunch of stuff into the main namespace, then invoke the REPL pre-loading that module, and explicitly call my routine when I wanted it. (doable, but a lot of typing at runtime?) 14:53
lizmat [Coke]: the latest version of REPL has a =read command: 16:31
you could put the necessary (ad-hoc) code in a file, and then =read it in the REPL 16:32
[Coke] I have a small preference for doing the release this December. 18:58
(so I can then say I did Christmas and the 10 year anniversary) 18:59
lizmat hehe... you're quite welcome!
lizmat [Coke]: the most recent version of Ecosystem::Cache will now build a local cache of all of the most recent modules in the ecosystem (takes about 1.1G of space) 20:29
[Coke]: the most recent version of App::Rak now has the --code-from, --provides-from, --scripts-from, --tests-from options to just search in that cache 20:30
code = all code, provides = all files mentioned in "provides" sections, scripts = all files in "bin" directories in distributions, and tests = all test-files in distributions 20:31
a typical search with App::Rak in there takes about 10 seconds (no results in --code-from) 20:32
that searches about 21.5K files :-) 20:33
next step: setting up a bot that will run queries, a la greppable6 20:35
but that's for tomorrow
afk& 20:46