lizmat Files=1294, Tests=109646, 208 wallclock secs (28.17 usr 8.23 sys + 2936.20 cusr 268.30 csys = 3240.90 CPU) 08:47
[Tux] Rakudo version 2019.11-291-g9a571b685 - MoarVM version 2019.11-98-g3806735a4
csv-ip5xs0.744 - 0.753
csv-ip5xs-206.486 - 6.513
csv-parser23.964 - 24.082
csv-test-xs-200.421 - 0.432
test7.241 - 7.384
test-t1.818 - 1.923
test-t --race0.885 - 0.907
test-t-2029.106 - 31.281
test-t-20 --race9.055 - 9.074
lizmat notable6: weekly 09:45
notable6 lizmat, 7 notes:
lizmat notable6: weekly reset 10:00
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2019-12-24T10:00:55Z”
lizmat and another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 11:13
jnthn lizmat++ 13:39
moritz lizmat++ indeed, retwoot 13:45
AlexDaniel lizmat++ 14:08
sourceable6: 2 + 2 14:10
sourceable6 AlexDaniel,
AlexDaniel lol I forgot we had this bot
timotimo++ for reminding me xD 14:11
well, timo was first, then I read about it in the weekly 14:12