Geth ¦ problem-solving: ToddAndMargo assigned to jnthn Issue uint's confused with int's 00:32
AlexDaniel #154 05:45
linkable6 PS#154 [open]: [language] uint's confused with int's
sena_kun ping rba 11:16
Geth rakudo: 392af08b0b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Proc.pm6
Save one Scalar allocation for each run/shell/QX
lizmat sena_kun: can I be of assistance wrt the release ? 11:20
Geth rakudo: 3326669414 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Proc.pm6
Make Proc.exitcode default Nil

This saves one action in the BUILDPLAN for Proc, and it makes checking for absence of an exitcode faster, and it more appriopriately expresses the absence of an exitcode should the exitcode accessor be used prematurely.
sena_kun sadly, 6.c errata is much more broken than it was previously. I wonder if all those regressions appeared since 2019.11, this doesn't seem too super-likely to me somehow. 15:46
dogbert11 .seen lizmat 16:20
tellable6 dogbert11, I saw lizmat 2020-01-26T12:35:51Z in #raku: <lizmat> the first statement does *not* return, it merely creates an empty list that is sunk, which causes the warning
dogbert11 .ask lizmat should I make a PR for ? 16:22
tellable6 dogbert11, I'll pass your message to lizmat
AlexDaniel sena_kun: it does look “normal” to me 17:46
that's about the regular amount you'd get per release
sena_kun AlexDaniel: what do you mean? 17:52
or, rather, what's the implications of this being "normal"? 17:53
no need to fix 'em?
AlexDaniel sena_kun: need to figure out each case. Sometimes the tests are just obviously wrong so you can just fix them, other times you may need to revert the change in rakudo 17:54
one quick way is to look at the commits affecting these files on master 17:55
for example t/spec/S32-num/base.t
linkable6 (2020-01-09) Fix erroneous test
AlexDaniel so in this case, yeah, the test was obviously wrong
so you can cherry-pick this into 6.c-errata and 6.d-errata 17:56
sena_kun cherry-picking it into 6.c-errata?
AlexDaniel you have access to do that now, I'm pretty sure
sena_kun I see, thanks
sure, will do, working on examples repo right now
AlexDaniel charset.t too 17:57
the test was just overly specific 17:58
sena_kun .oO ( первый блин комам ) 17:59
AlexDaniel yes yes :)
lizmat: you can help
lizmat: figure out how 6d23891a3a7e and aa4994a7f6b can be applied to 6.c-errata 18:00
linkable6 (2020-01-03) Some s/perl/raku changes
(2020-01-03) Call method .raku instead of .perl in tests
AlexDaniel you definitely can't just change perl6→raku as that'll make all previous rakudo releases fail the test 18:01
although… maybe that's alright?
not like any other fixed test is better 18:02
sena_kun does cherry-picking 18:03
lizmat is back from some cycling 18:08
tellable6 2020-01-26T16:22:14Z #raku-dev <dogbert11> lizmat should I make a PR for ?
lizmat .tell dogbert11 yes, a PR for 6d23891a3a7e would be great! 18:09
linkable6 (2020-01-03) Some s/perl/raku changes
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to dogbert17
lizmat sena_kun AlexDaniel not sure what is expected of me 18:10
Geth roast/6.c-errata: f2f5460c5c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Altai-man) | S32-num/base.t
Fix erroneous test

Since this test would fail. Since the test involved *no* specific number of digits, any trailing 0 should be removed. The new implementation does that in this case, the old implementation of Rational.base did not.
roast/6.d-errata: 91928e0550 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Altai-man) | S32-num/base.t
Fix erroneous test

Since this test would fail. Since the test involved *no* specific number of digits, any trailing 0 should be removed. The new implementation does that in this case, the old implementation of Rational.base did not.
roast/6.c-errata: 37d944a50c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Altai-man) | 2 files
Make tests less language name specific
roast/6.d-errata: 2a90b8dfab | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Altai-man) | 2 files
Make tests less language name specific
sena_kun lizmat: can you look what's wrong with `t/spec/S03-junctions/misc.t` on 6.c-errata branch? I understand it is related to .perl/.raku rename, but claims this test should pass with any case. are we safe with cherry-picking this commit, isn't it a stone of our backward compatibility? 18:20
Geth roast/6.c-errata: f283311163 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Altai-man) | S17-supply/elems.t
Remove silly test

  .elems on type objects generally gives "1", so why not here?
roast/6.c-errata: ff2fb81dbe | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Altai-man) | S17-supply/unique.t
Remove silly test

  .unique on type objects generally gives a Seq with that type object, so
why not here?
roast/6.c-errata: a4f4cce7c3 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Altai-man) | S17-supply/squish.t
You *can* run .squish on a Supply type object
roast/6.d-errata: 50450b7942 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Altai-man) | S17-supply/elems.t
Remove silly test

  .elems on type objects generally gives "1", so why not here?
roast/6.d-errata: d50f543a6a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Altai-man) | S17-supply/unique.t
Remove silly test

  .unique on type objects generally gives a Seq with that type object, so
why not here?
roast/6.d-errata: 6da26e4032 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Altai-man) | S17-supply/squish.t
You *can* run .squish on a Supply type object
nqp: dogbert17++ created pull request #596:
Fix for
lizmat sena_kun: am looking 18:31
ah, I see the issue: the module provides a multi, but not proto 18:32
so the proto in Mu is what .raku sees, and decides the module doesn't have its own .perl 18:33
sena_kun are we fixing it by roast fix or rakudo fix?
lizmat it should probably be a rakudo fix
we could fix it in roast now, temporarily, if you don't want to cherry pick anything from master 18:34
I mean, the workaround is easy: don't use a multi, or provide your own proto
sena_kun lizmat: I would better cherry pick for rakudo 18:35
lizmat ok, I'll try to come up with a rakudo fix then
sena_kun I mean, roast is roast, but real people code can be broken, which is not so super probably, but still.
inb4: every fix can break someone's workflow 18:36
lizmat hmmm... maybe it's an issue in Junction 18:37
ah, no... I see the issue; Junction calls .raku, which then looks for .perl and decides it doesn't have one 18:38
lizmat .tell sena_kun spec and stresstesting a fix 18:53
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to sena_kun
Geth rakudo: 87bc11710e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Mu.pm6
Make determining .raku / .perl switch smarter

Before this commit, if a module had a "multi method perl" in it, or a class (other than Mu) had one, calling .raku on that class would wrongly assume the class did *not* have a custom .perl method. This caused breakage in roast in the 6.c-errata branch.
... (8 more lines)
lizmat sena_kun AlexDaniel ^^^
sena_kun \o/
tellable6 2020-01-26T18:53:23Z #raku-dev <lizmat> sena_kun spec and stresstesting a fix
Geth rakudo/release-2020.01: f29849b1de | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Altai-man) | src/core.c/Mu.pm6
Make determining .raku / .perl switch smarter

Before this commit, if a module had a "multi method perl" in it, or a class (other than Mu) had one, calling .raku on that class would wrongly assume the class did *not* have a custom .perl method. This caused breakage in roast in the 6.c-errata branch.
... (8 more lines)
sena_kun lizmat: you are awesome! 19:12
Geth rakudo/release-2020.01: b76b784b09 | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | docs/release_guide.pod
Update release date

Once again, hopefully this time for sure.
AlexDaniel lizmat: does it mean we can revert errata changes? 19:24
sena_kun AlexDaniel: the cherry-picks? no, they are fine, and the last broken was fixed in rakudo itself, I've already picked the commit to release branch 19:25
lizmat yeah, that last one was indeed a real issue 19:26
AlexDaniel ah nvm I misunderstood
lizmat++ sena_kun++ 19:27
sena_kun: I used to put the next day if it was late, it made me less nervous and my sleep schedule is ÷∞ed anyway 19:35
Geth rakudo: 0c5a7075a9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Proc/Async.pm6
Streamline Proc::Async subclass attributes

Should save 4 scalar containers per Proc::Async object + removes the sub BUILD
sena_kun AlexDaniel: my sleep schedule is from 9:30 to 1:40 stable, so not sure how the next day date would change my state. I am not really excited about the release process anyway, so no anticipation == no stress. :) 19:41
AlexDaniel right
Geth rakudo: ca49dcbd57 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Proc/Async.pm6
Bind a few variables rather than assigning

As they are immutable anyway in their scope.
Geth rakudo: 356bf3f762 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Proc/Async.pm6
Rework Proc::Async.start internals

  - don't set up arrays when they are not needed
  - bind where we don't need assign
  - don't use named arguments for private methods
  - add some empty lines for readability
  - add some return constraints
rakudo: 05916efa52 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Proc/Async.pm6
Use faster nqp::istype instead of ~~
Geth roast/6.d-errata: 3a35e015ac | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed by Altai-man) | packages/Advent/GrammarProfiler.pm6
Add reference to method "raku" to prevent infinilooping

Not sure why this fixes it, but the module is playing some tricks with find_method, and so does the Mu.raku/perl logic, so maybe that is it.