Geth ¦ problem-solving: CIAvash assigned to rba Issue A new website for 07:24
lizmat Files=1302, Tests=109840, 208 wallclock secs (28.53 usr 8.10 sys + 2912.41 cusr 269.46 csys = 3218.50 CPU) 08:25
tellable6 2020-02-05T14:50:47Z #raku <uzl[m]> lizmat I really liked all the FOSDEM promotional material for both Perl and Raku, especially for the latter one ;-)! Larry's posters and stickers reminded me of this one:
Geth rakudo: 22d5ffc346 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Distro.pm6
Distro.version must be a version at the right place
rakudo: 8920343863 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Add typechecking to binding attribute parameters

Action #13 of the buildplan. This was forgotten in the recent addition of "is built(:bind).
linkable6 RAKUDO#13 [closed]: Stat fixes
Geth rakudo: c592b80ecc | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/BUILDPLAN.nqp
Add attribute default type check for native attributes

At compile time.
lizmat afk for w few hours&
nine Apparently the German publisher Heise starts a new software developing conference end of September in Darmstadt: 11:14
Call for proposals is open until March 20th. One of the topics they explicitly want to cover is contemporary programming languages.
While the website seems to be German only, the call for proposals is actually available in English, too: 11:17
jnthn read it as "Darnstadt" and was amused
nine Considering that "Darm" is the German word for bowel, you may as well stick with the correct spelling for amusement :) 11:18
jnthn Oh, lovely :P 11:19
nine Anyway, in terms of marketing, conferences like this sound like golden opportunities. I think a talk like "Lessons taught by Raku that will help in any language" could garner some interest and therefore have some impact 11:21
lizmat I've heard my German family use the phrase "Message from Darmstadt" when needing to see the bathroom urgently :-) 11:46
lizmat hmm... just had a flapper on S17-promise/start.t on test 58: No crash when doing parallel parsing of grammars on first time :-( 12:42
Geth rakudo: 8a46fca4e1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Runtime typecheck info for binding attribute default values

  - only added if the typecheck could not be done at compile time
  - only added if the type is not Mu
  - does *not* actually do any typechecks yet, future commits will
rakudo: d75a703fda | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Add runtime typechecking of default value for bound attributes

  - if the value could not be determined at compile time
  - if the constraint is not Mu
This makes:
   class A { has $.a = 42; has Str $.b is built(:bind) = $!a };
a runtime error.
lizmat afk for a few hours& 14:02
[Coke] - There is a "Get Perl" section which now has Perl & Raku - Can anyone suggest a better heading? 14:22
"Get Started", maybe?
AlexDaniel “Get Started” sounds good 14:25
lucasb "Get ready to party!" 14:36
[Coke] Changed. 14:45
lucasb: probably not going to be selected, but I appreciate your enthusiasm. :) 14:46
what's the current preferred link? ? 14:47
switch from to
rypervenche 👍 14:57
Geth rakudo: c3c5dae123 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Str.pm6
Add support for Str.contains(Regex)

  - quickly return whether a Regex will match a string at least once
  - does not create any Match objects, so relatively fast
  - had to move some initializations up to the top of the file
patrickb .seen ugexe 19:17
tellable6 patrickb, I saw ugexe 2019-09-24T11:24:41Z in #perl6-dev: <ugexe> te Example doesn’t explicitly use .p6 but it just as easily could
Geth rakudo: patrickbkr assigned to ugexe Issue CircleCI blocks Windows builds
495ddcc1ff | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Match.pm6

Rather than doing a full stringification of the Match object, just check if there are any captures, and if not, just stringify the cursor on the original string. Makes things like .comb(/./) a few percent faster and use fewer allocations.
Please note that Match.STR assumes there has been a valid match.
patrickb rba now contains a rakubrew-1.tgz with a new release. Can you put them on 21:30
Geth ¦ rakudo: patrickbkr unassigned from ugexe Issue CircleCI blocks Windows builds 22:54
¦ rakudo: patrickbkr self-assigned CircleCI blocks Windows builds