lizmat Files=1305, Tests=111216, 205 wallclock secs (28.23 usr 8.21 sys + 2889.97 cusr 268.93 csys = 3195.34 CPU) 08:13
[Tux] Rakudo version 2020.02.1-194-g9ebbad306 - MoarVM version 2020.02.1-47-g3c3ad0678
csv-ip5xs0.682 - 0.738
csv-ip5xs-205.951 - 6.153
csv-parser24.069 - 25.994
csv-test-xs-200.366 - 0.373
test7.535 - 7.801
test-t1.933 - 2.011
test-t --race0.984 - 1.042
test-t-2030.659 - 33.397
test-t-20 --race8.800 - 9.938
lizmat reluctantly clickbaits 15:07
Geth rakudo: 73c7ded2e8 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 7 files
Remove unnecessary implementation detail (2nd attempt)

  &INITIALIZE-A-DISTRO-NOW somehow lived in the SETTING:: but
didn't need to. Move it to inside the $*DISTRO initialization logic and adapt the keys tests accordingly.
Also, don't use regular expressions for things that are essentially a split on a string.
Geth rakudo: 945a4d8166 | (Christian Bartolomäus)++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/rakudo/
[JVM] Use Ops.isnull instead of plain null check

This is in preparation of introducing a VMNull in NQP.
nqp/master: 6 commits pushed by usev6++, (Christian Bartolomäus)++ 18:41
[Coke] jvm++, nice. 18:46
hankache hello * 19:15
A question for CI gurus: The sources are on the master branch and the published version is on gh-pages. I am currently manually updating each time a PR is merged. What are my option for automation? 19:18
moritz hankache: like, make gh-pages the default branch? 19:21
hankache hi moritz. not really. More like whenever a PR is merged etc. run my custom build script to generate the HTML pages and push to gh-pages 19:22
source is on master, HTML on gh-pages 19:23
Geth ¦ rakudo: lizmat self-assigned Pair.raku adds unnecessary parens 19:57
moritz hankache: I believe you can use Github Actions for that. Haven't used them myself though 21:52
tellable6 moritz, I'll pass your message to hankache