SmokeMachine m: “.” &say; “./bla”; sleep 1 09:00
camelia Failed to open file /home/camelia/bla: Permission denied
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
SmokeMachine m: “/tmp” &say; “/tmp/bla”; sleep 1
camelia /tmp/bla: FileRenamed
<tmp>: FileChanged
SmokeMachine should it be working on MacOS?
sorry.. it is working... 09:01
Geth rakudo: 063bfa057d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Rakudo/Iterator.pm6
R:I.ReifiedList returns a PredictiveIterator
rakudo: fcda03ba4d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Rakudo/Iterator.pm6
Remove unneeded boxing from count-onlys
Kaiepi so a term i see a lot in Perl6::Actions and Perl6::Optimizer is "lowered". what exactly does this mean? 10:51
a pr i want to make has to do with variables not being lowered when i assume they should be, which i'm assuming isn't a good thing, but that's a lot of assumptions to be making 10:52
timotimo lowered is either a) when instead of a general implementation being called with some options, we generate some code in place of the call or b) what used to be a lexical variable turns into a much cheaper local variable 10:57
i guess you could say something is moved from a "more powerful" to a "less powerful" construct 10:58
[Tux] Rakudo version 2020.02.1-357-g5610416c8 - MoarVM version 2020.02.1-159-g5863b0235
csv-ip5xs0.916 - 0.965
csv-ip5xs-209.616 - 10.123
csv-parser26.052 - 26.684
csv-test-xs-200.385 - 0.387
test8.127 - 8.150
test-t2.773 - 2.871
test-t --race1.159 - 1.169
test-t-2048.250 - 49.441
test-t-20 --race13.544 - 13.959
Kaiepi the latter i assume would make the pr be worth making then, i think timotimo 11:18
timotimo depends on the circumstances under which they currently are prevented from being lowered 11:21
we have to be careful, since any possibility of accessing a lexical from an inner block or closure means we can not lower it, otherwise it'd be a bug 11:22
Geth rakudo: 3ca380224d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Rakudo/Iterator.pm6
Add R:I.ReifiedListReverse

An iterator that produces the elements from a reified list from the end rather than from the beginning.
rakudo: 270cc27559 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/List.pm6
List.reverse now uses R:I.ReifiedListReverse

This saves one (potentially large) IterationBuffer allocation, plus a lot of needless work copying values over.
rakudo: cea0fc78d1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Seq.pm6
Give Seq its own .reverse using R:I.ReifiedListReverse

This bypasses the ordinary List creation with all of its overhead and just create an IterationBuffer directly and then iterate from the end.
timotimo cool 11:46
Geth rakudo: 4025ca4377 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Seq.pm6
Make sure Seq.reverse fails on lazy iterators

That was one thing the previous Seq.list.reverse path did do, but now we check without trying to reify.
nine Looks like repl.t and 03-errors.t are consistently failing now 12:31
lizmat: CircleCI seems to think so, too: 12:32
AlexDaniel nine: have you tried installing Inline::Perl5 on 2020.02.1 ? 12:56
nine Certainly, why?
AlexDaniel nine: 12:57
nine should get that attribute from Perl6::Metamodel::C3MRO: 13:01
AlexDaniel nine: I think it's fine on master, so I'll just switch back to that, but just wanted to let you know 13:04
lizmat argh. /me forgot to do make test 13:54
Geth rakudo: 447b396f8a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/List.pm6
Check reified before sending it off to R:I

Turns out, something in the bowels of the module loader is creating an empty String object without setting the $!reified attribute, and calls .reverse on it. In the old code, this would be caught by the conditional: the new code didn't do that, assuming it would be handled inside R:I. Restored the old situation, but still calling the new ReifiedListReverse iterator.
This fixes test failures as seen in CircleCI and friends.
Geth rakudo: Kaiepi++ created pull request #3649:
Add a parents metamethod to Metamodel::ParametricRoleGroupHOW
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Check reified before sending it off to R:I 17:24
Geth rakudo: 48d3a7f8f9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Lock/Async.pm6
Fix grammo in comment
rakudo: e0336d52ab | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Supply-coercers.pm6
Make Supply.grab a few percent faster

Use an IterationBuffer as the cache, and nqp::push rather than HLL push. Saves 1 Scalar and 1 BOOThash per value emitted.
rakudo: 4339073baf | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Exception.pm6
Use .skip instead of [1..*]

The [1..*] first caches the Seq, then creates a List out of the given indices, and the creates a Seq out of that. .skip just loses one value from the Seq while returning it, so that's much more efficient.
Geth rakudo: cfc6cc3c6f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Supply-coercers.pm6
Use ever so slightly more efficient WhateverCodes

And actually improve the readability
rakudo: 33f41966cf | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Supply-coercers.pm6
Use a smarter semaphore in Supply.squish

Since foo.WHICH can never produce an nqp::null, use nqp::null as a semaphore to indicate the first value has not yet been seen. Removes the need for a native integer (check) for each received value.
Geth ¦ problem-solving: Kaiepi assigned to jnthn Issue A better MOP API for wrapper kinds could exist 21:03