AlexDaniel` well, I'd say not all of them need to be fixed for a release, but do make it a hard rule that we must have less known flappers every release than we had before 02:59
that should keep the motivation high and releases going
so no known flappers in 8 months? Sounds good to me 03:00
sena_kun AlexDaniel`, there is a difference between "not all flappers fixed" and "the ticket is simply ignored by various reasons by devs". 09:02
AlexDaniel` Whoops 09:03
sena_kun has more time to work on the website though 09:04
sena_kun lizmat, ping. If you're going to mention the docs demo, its new home is we set up with rba++ yesterday. 10:20
lizmat will do 10:21
sena_kun lizmat, and just as before, we are looking for volunteers to complete it ASAP. :) 10:22
lizmat what do you want the volunteers to do ?
sena_kun lizmat, I think we mostly need JS writers, but any other help (hosting advices, my bad Raku code audit etc) is welcome, <- 10:24
lizmat ok, so help solving issues in that repo, right ? 10:25
sena_kun lizmat, yes, pretty much.
AlexDaniel` TIL about github successors 14:51
lizmat which reminds me: yesterday it was 1 year ago that Jeff Goff aka DrForr died: 15:11
leont 😞 15:44
[Coke] lizmat: Hard to believe it's already been a year. :| 16:21
jdv79 crazy 16:23
lizmat notable6: weekly 16:24
notable6 lizmat, 1 note: 2021-03-11T15:02:56Z <lizmat>:
cj lizmat++ 17:00
RIP, DrForr. Miss you, bud. 17:02
I had the honor of sharing a city with him for a short period of time. I had been IRC'ing with him since the late 90s, and finally got to meet him in person while I was working at Shiftboard in Seattle. 17:03
lizmat notable6: weekly reset 17:15
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2021-03-15T17:15:53Z”
tbrowder hi, ref my rakudo issue #% 17:26
#4250, why is it 'unhuffmanized'? 17:27
'frac' that is...
ugexe what i meant was the functionality does not seem common enough to warrant a 4 letter function vs something like fractional-foo 17:50
maybe i dont do enough math, but 'frac' doesn't give me a clear idea what it does and i've never used such a function. the function apparent exists in some old programming lanaguages(?) but why would we inherit that name if the majority of our users will not already know that? wouldn't they prefer something more descriptive? 17:54
but i'm not concerned with the name so much as i was with having multiple names that doing something similar 17:58
releasable6 Next release in ≈4 days and ≈23 hours. 3 blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: 19:00
lizmat and another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 19:15
sena_kun lizmat++ 19:26
tonyo_ nine: i know this was something we looked at in .. 2018 or 19 but any idea if // building still causes precomp problems? 19:32
nine tonyo_: if what? 19:34
tonyo_ if parallel building
nine should be fine 19:36
tonyo_ great, thank you
nine If there are issues it would be a good time to fix them anyway 19:42
tonyo_ fairly bored? : ) 19:46
nine if only
japhb BTW, shouldn't method 'frac' be named 'fraction', since we extended 'ceil' to 'ceiling'? 21:57
japhb Don't want to spam too many channels, but for those that aren't in #raku as well, I just announced my Raku-MUGS project over there: 23:22
Interested folks can join me in #mugs :-) 23:23