vrurg | .tell MasterDuke gist.github.com/vrurg/ef54cb5f45f8...be1ba3f8c5 | 00:22 | |
tellable6 | vrurg, I'll pass your message to MasterDuke | ||
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ugexe | s/@*ARGS/*@ARGS/ | 01:32 | |
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Geth | rakudo: vrurg++ created pull request #4280: Make subtest output a header |
02:11 | |
roast: vrurg++ created pull request #726: Improve test for subtest output |
02:17 | ||
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Geth | roast/6.c-errata: d3e66a35c6 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S06-signature/errors.t unival(42.2) shouldn't fail if (42.2).unival doesn't Built-in sub versions should just pass on to their method counterparts. (42.2).unival returns NaN, unival(42.2) should as well, therefore this test is incorrect. Same as c22b7e9b680f5bf0f68dd on master but not cherry-pickable. |
08:25 | |
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Geth | rakudo: 9f73552aac | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files Move a lot of stuff from Str to unicodey There should be no functional changes. |
09:11 | |
rakudo: 009d90b83b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files Move unicodey bits from Int / Cool No functinal changes should have occurred here. |
09:42 | ||
rakudo: 069c0b205d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/unicodey.pm6 Move all sub uni* sub protos to one place To make sure that all (conditional) backend code actually sees them. No functional changes again, except maybe unbreaking the js backend because it referred to a multi sub *before* its proto was defined, which generally is a nono in the setting. |
10:08 | ||
rakudo: Altai-man assigned to codesections Issue recent changes broke non-simple MAIN usages github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4278 9d7279d521 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files No functional changes expected either |
10:15 | ||
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rakudo: 2251b70c32 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files Move chr(s) subs to unicodey There should be no functional changes. This most likely concludes the rearranging of unicode related functionality. *phew* |
Xliff | So I have a question about dispatch ordering. | 10:54 | |
m: sub a ($a where 2 | 3 | 4) { say 'Limit! | |||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Unable to parse expression in single quotes; couldn't find final "'" (corresponding starter was at line 1) at <tmp>:1 ------> 3sub a ($a where 2 | 3 | 4) { say 'Limit!7⏏5<EOL> expecting … |
Xliff | m: sub a ($a where 2 | 3 | 4) { say 'Limit!' }; sub a (Int() $a) { say 'Forced Int!' }; a(3); a(42); a('a') | 10:55 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Redeclaration of routine 'a'. Did you mean to declare a multi-sub? at <tmp>:1 ------> 3; sub a (Int() $a) { say 'Forced Int!' }7⏏5; a(3); a(42); a('a') expecting any of: horiz… |
Xliff | m: multi sub a ($a where 2 | 3 | 4) { say 'Limit!' }; multi sub a (Int() $a) { say 'Forced Int!' }; a(3); a(42); a('a') | ||
camelia | Forced Int! Forced Int! Forced Int! |
Xliff | I would almost say that this is not according to spec. | ||
I'd consider the where multi to be more restrictive than the coercive, so tested first. | 10:56 | ||
Is this worth a write-up in problem-solving? | |||
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Geth | rakudo: dc74f08173 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 6 files Move all ord/ords/chr/chrs methods to unicodey Seems I wasn't ready yet. Again, no functional changes, all unicodey stuff should now be in one place, so work on optimizing and making them more consistent should now be able to start. |
12:26 | |
lizmat | afk for a few hours& | 13:01 | |
vrurg | m: multi sub a (Int $a where 2 | 3 | 4) { say 'Limit!' }; multi sub a (Int() $a) { say 'Forced Int!' }; a(3); a(42); a('a'); # Xliff type goes first in this case | 13:23 | |
camelia | Limit! Forced Int! Forced Int! |
frost-lab left
Geth | rakudo: a7c57a01e8 | (Vadim Belman)++ | lib/Test.rakumod Make subtest output a header Something I always wanted it to do. Now it behaves similar to Perl's Test::More module and prints `# Subtest: description` before actually starting doing its work. This commit also introduces `:force-informative` argument for `_diag`. |
14:34 | |
rakudo: 8fc4cb56c6 | (Vadim Belman)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | lib/Test.rakumod Merge pull request #4280 from vrurg/rakudo_4266 Make subtest output a header |
roast: f5c971b1b7 | (Vadim Belman)++ | S24-testing/3-output.t Improve test for subtest output Take into account additional header from a subtest output which reports subtest message and looks like: # Subtest: message ... (6 more lines) |
roast: 0069f6927a | (Vadim Belman)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | S24-testing/3-output.t Merge pull request #726 from vrurg/rakudo_4266 Improve test for subtest output |
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Geth | rakudo/new-disp: 6d6017b315 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/vm/moar/dispatchers.nqp Prepare multi dispatch for new-disp resumption We'll use the resumption mechanism not only for `callsame` and the like, but also as a means to try candidates with `where` clauses and the like with only a single invoke, using a NYI mechanism to be added to MoarVM in order to turn bind failures into a dispatch resumption. This re-works the new-disp multi dispatch handling in preparation for both of these, while trying to keep the cost low for the common case of a multiple dispatch that can be decided on nominal types only and never resumes. |
17:27 | |
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Geth | rakudo: 2a972b2408 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/unicodey.pm6 Make the .ord method a proper multi |
18:39 | |
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Geth | rakudo: 92dc60b768 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/unicodey.pm6 Make Str:U.ord die instead of silently returning Nil The converse Int:U.chr also dies, so it only seems appropriate. This does not make any spectest fail, but may have some ecosystem fallout. In which case, this commit should be reverted and we should consider making Int:U.chr also return Nil for consistency. |
19:07 | |
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MasterDuke | lizmat: did you catch my question last night? | 19:18 | |
tellable6 | 2021-03-31T00:22:52Z #raku-dev <vrurg> MasterDuke gist.github.com/vrurg/ef54cb5f45f8...be1ba3f8c5 | ||
lizmat | MasterDuke : guess I didn't, on which channel ? | 19:19 | |
MasterDuke | here i think | ||
colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...03-30#l171 | |||
lizmat | MasterDuke: I'm pretty sure it propped up in the spectests | 19:21 | |
so, if it doesn't anymore, then we're set I guess :-) | 19:22 | ||
vrurg | .ask sena_kun Trying to prepare for regular blin runs. Can't build docker, complains of 'E: The repository 'dl.bintray.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg-debs buster Release' does not have a Release file.' | 19:32 | |
tellable6 | vrurg, I'll pass your message to sena_kun | ||
sena_kun | vrurg, oh noes, bintray is now gone. :S | ||
I have some replacement, but I don't immediately know where to apply it. | |||
vrurg | sena_kun: Ok. I have plenty of tasks anyway. Will run it manually when needed for a while. | 19:33 | |
sena_kun | vrurg, I found it. :) | ||
So now there is github.com/Raku/Blin/blob/master/d...le#L18-L20 | 19:34 | ||
But we need to use deb dl.cloudsmith.io/public/nxadm-pkgs...deb/ubuntu xenial (or not xenial) and key_url: dl.cloudsmith.io/public/nxadm-pkgs...C6CC6B.key | |||
I'll try to patch it now | |||
vrurg | Ok, I'll wait for the patch. | 19:35 | |
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MasterDuke | committable6: 2020.10,2020.11,2020.12,2021.02,2021.03 (^10_000_000).grep(*.is-prime).elems.say; say now - INIT now | 19:59 | |
committable6 | MasterDuke, ¦2020.10: «6645792.38988048» ¦2020.11: «6645799.1360257» ¦2020.12: «6645794.35999185» ¦2021.02: «6645794.4333875» ¦2021.03: «6645794.368144» | 20:00 | |
MasterDuke | uh, wtf? | ||
lizmat | yeah, that's weirtd | 20:01 | |
MasterDuke | benchable6: 2020.10,2021.03 my $a := (^1_000_000).grep(*.is-prime).elems | ||
benchable6 | MasterDuke, starting to benchmark the 2 given commits | ||
MasterDuke, ¦2020.10: «0.3841» ¦2021.03: «0.5610» | |||
MasterDuke, benchmarked the given commits and found a performance difference > 10%, now trying to bisect | |||
MasterDuke, benchmarked the given commits and found a performance difference > 10%, now trying to bisect | 20:02 | ||
AlexDaniel` | hmmm | ||
benchable6 | MasterDuke, benchmarked the given commits and found a performance difference > 10%, now trying to bisect | ||
AlexDaniel` | bisectable is probably more stable in that sense, just give it a condition like < 3.0 | ||
benchable6 | MasterDuke, benchmarked the given commits and found a performance difference > 10%, now trying to bisect | ||
MasterDuke | yeah, benchable6 needs a little attention | 20:03 | |
benchable6 | MasterDuke, benchmarked the given commits and found a performance difference > 10%, now trying to bisect | ||
MasterDuke, gist.github.com/24279834ec1c82a6b3...5aee37af08 | |||
AlexDaniel` | but it's not wrong | ||
I think | 20:04 | ||
MasterDuke | 27fb3ec | ||
linkable6: 27fb3ec | |||
well, there appear to be some commits related to the new coercion stuff in the mix | |||
lizmat | ah, the coercion protocol | ||
AlexDaniel` | committable6: 27fb3ec^,27fb3ec (^10_000_000).grep(*.is-prime).elems.say; say now - INIT now | ||
committable6 | AlexDaniel`, ¦27fb3ec^,27fb3ec: ««timed out after 10 seconds» «exit signal = SIGHUP (1)»» | 20:05 | |
AlexDaniel` | * committable6: 27fb3ec^,27fb3ec (^1_000_000).grep(*.is-prime).elems.say; say now - INIT now | ||
committable6: 27fb3ec^,27fb3ec (^1_000_000).grep(*.is-prime).elems.say; say now - INIT now | |||
committable6 | AlexDaniel`, ¦27fb3ec^: «784982.213962» ¦27fb3ec: «784982.2355013» | ||
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AlexDaniel` | MasterDuke: or maybe not? | 20:05 | |
MasterDuke | it sometimes seems to be off by one or two, but it's usually pretty close | 20:06 | |
committable6: 27fb3ec~5,27fb3ec (^1_000_000).grep(*.is-prime).elems.say; say now - INIT now | |||
committable6 | MasterDuke, ¦27fb3ec~5: «784980.2546397» ¦27fb3ec: «784982.2115329» | ||
AlexDaniel` | committable6: 27fb3ec~5...27fb3ec (^1_000_000).grep(*.is-prime).elems.say; say now - INIT now | 20:07 | |
committable6 | AlexDaniel`, Bad start, cannot find a commit for “27fb3ec~5.” | ||
AlexDaniel` | rly | ||
MasterDuke | committable6: 27fb3ec~5..27fb3ec (^1_000_000).grep(*.is-prime).elems.say; say now - INIT now | ||
committable6 | MasterDuke, ¦fa2013d: «784980.2494804» ¦b129f31: «784980.2432479» ¦2a5dd9e: «784980.2364339» ¦f2d7328: «784982.169383» ¦2675813: «784982.2807079» ¦81f3334: «784982.13249087» ¦27fb3ec: «784982.172161» | ||
AlexDaniel` nods | 20:08 | ||
MasterDuke | heh, though i've thought for a while that `..` support should be removed, that might be the first time it's ever been used | ||
AlexDaniel` | yeah, I did use it sometimes too | 20:09 | |
for much wider ranges, like 50 or 100 | |||
MasterDuke | f2d7328 is "The first draft of new coercion semantics" | ||
AlexDaniel` | I think there was one month when there were just a few commits, and I did a range between two releases once | ||
MasterDuke | it's not that much code removed to get rid of it, i guess there's no reason to given it is/has actually been used | 20:10 | |
sena_kun | vrurg, I updated the dockerfile. | 20:11 | |
vrurg, github.com/Raku/Blin/pull/30 | |||
vrurg | sena_kun: I saw the notification. :) Perhaps it's also time to merge ugexe branch? | 20:12 | |
sena_kun | vrurg, probably, I'll take a look at it soon. | ||
And yes, probably a good idea. | |||
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MasterDuke | AlexDaniel`: to be honest, i'm not quite sure why benchable6 gets off by a couple commits. i thought i'd worked out the logic (more than once!) and it was sound. istr we've even discussed this before and you agreed it was correct | 20:17 | |
AlexDaniel` | I don't remember, need to look through it again | 20:18 | |
MasterDuke | of course it might just be minor fluctuations in the timing throwing it off | 20:21 | |
oh, Geth is down again? | 20:24 | ||
lizmat | paging the tyil :-) | ||
japhb | Did tyil ever figure out what was causing it to fall off? ISTR there was something about it not responding to Freenode pings? | 20:25 | |
sena_kun | vrurg, I applied the patch suggested for Blin and technically the branch is ready. Can you please do a blin run with the branch once again? If it will look OK, then we can merge it. | 20:31 | |
lizmat | japhb: yeah, Geth is not seeing freenode's PINGs, so it doesn't PONG, so it's kicked off | 20:35 | |
japhb | That's kinda odd | 20:37 | |
vrurg | sena_kun: curious, but to pull ugexe-patch-1 branch I had to do 'pull --rebase' or it resulted in a conflict. | ||
sena_kun | vrurg, yes, I did a rebase to include dockerfile fix, sorry. | 20:38 | |
vrurg | sena_kun: failed with 'no build for end point' | ||
sena_kun | vrurg, oops, someone has commited something and the build is not ready yet, I think. | 20:39 | |
vrurg, it'll fix it self in a couple of minutes I believe. | |||
vrurg | Ah, likely so. I'll try to remember to try it again. | ||
sena_kun: meanwhile, docker build: 'Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)' and 'no valid OpenPGP data found' | 20:41 | ||
sena_kun | vrurg, is it just a warning or an error? | 20:42 | |
Because I was able to build an image. | |||
vrurg | sena_kun: The failing command is: 'The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install -y $pkgs_first && curl -1sLf 'dl.cloudsmith.io/public/nxadm-pkgs...6CC6B.key' | apt-key add - && curl -1sLf 'dl.cloudsmith.io/public/nxadm-pkgs...me=buster' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nxadm-pkgs-rakudo-pkg.list' returned a non-zero code: 2' | ||
sena_kun | argh | 20:43 | |
I wonder what's different. | |||
vrurg, seems like we have to write it in some other way, but right now I have no time, I suspect you too. :S | 20:44 | ||
vrurg | sena_kun: you're right, I can run commands but no more than that. | 20:45 | |
sena_kun | vrurg, sorry, cannot do a lot if I can't reproduce. Then some next time. | ||
vrurg | sena_kun: but there is no rush. I still have to decide how to post the results. So far adding a separate blog on vrurg.github.io looks like the best option. | 20:46 | |
lizmat | blog posts are generally a good idea :-) | ||
vrurg | lizmat: this one would consist of blin reports only. | 20:47 | |
lizmat | still.... :-) | ||
vrurg | sena_kun: blin runs ok so far. 200+ tested. Will see if it gets all the way down the end. | 20:53 | |
lizmat wonders whether it's too early to consider renaming Raku to "Perl 10" | 20:55 | ||
vrurg | lizmat: do really value your life? ;) | 20:58 | |
lizmat | :-) I do | ||
but I guess it's the time of the year... | |||
sena_kun | vrurg, wait, how is it running if you were enable to build an image? | ||
vrurg | sena_kun: on the second attempt docker failed much later with '/bin/sh: 1: zef: not found' | 20:59 | |
lizmat | maybe I should wait a few hours | ||
sena_kun | vrurg, are you running it without docker iirc? | ||
vrurg | lizmat: I'm not worried, but some people will, for sure... | ||
sena_kun: I do manual runs in a disposable VM. Docker I try on the host machine. | 21:00 | ||
lizmat: I try to imagine Will's reaction at the joke. And then decide that watching a horror move would be less harmful... | 21:01 | ||
sena_kun | vrurg, oh, it clears the case up then. | ||
lizmat | hehe :-) | ||
But Will was one step ahead of my consideration :-) | 21:02 | ||
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lizmat just pushed github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/18...f2cb4e30ea Make List.sum about 30% faster | 22:18 | ||
sleep& | 22:19 | ||
moon-child | lizmat++ | 22:32 | |
[Coke] | . | 23:58 | |
tellable6 | 2021-03-30T16:25:45Z #raku-dev <jmerelo> [Coke] thanks :-) |