vrurg .tell MasterDuke I have updated gist.github.com/vrurg/d824dc212991...45e5c2e7be with the last blin output. This time against a26ff40 02:50
tellable6 vrurg, I'll pass your message to MasterDuke
[Tux] Rakudo v2021.03-140-ga26ff404f (v6.d) on MoarVM 2021.03-44-g1e7e95019
csv-ip5xs0.873 - 0.873
csv-ip5xs-208.447 - 8.509
csv-parser26.690 - 26.806
csv-test-xs-200.370 - 0.391
test8.087 - 8.125
test-t2.373 - 2.394
test-t --race0.963 - 1.012
test-t-2041.884 - 42.205
test-t-20 --race11.621 - 11.622
lizmat looks like the performance regression is caused by a NQP / MoarVM bump: a9490436e649df95b34ff8b 19:13
lizmat looks like github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/commit/9b...d96e41cd1b is the cause 19:36
such little change
Heisenberg at work 19:37
softmoth Does anyone here know how to restart modules.raku.org after merging a new fix? 22:31
I know it needs to run the update-modules.perl6.org script, but not sure how to request that 22:32
MasterDuke no idea, maybe ask rba 22:36
softmoth thanks… 22:45
it's nothing urgent, just scratching an itch 22:46