🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | log inspection situation still under development | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 22 May 2021.
lizmat m: dd "⩶".uninames 11:23
lizmat m: dd "⩵".uninames
Geth rakudo/equal-synonyms: b2ee9d29fd | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 9 files
Add ⩶ and ⩵ as unicode synonyms for === and ==

rakudo: lizmat++ created pull request #4392:
Add ⩶ and ⩵ as unicode synonyms for === and ==
gfldex notable6: weekly: p6steve.wordpress.com/2021/06/04/414/ 12:01
notable6 gfldex, Noted! (weekly)
lizmat weekly rag? :-) 12:18
leont Why am I not surprised unicode has a THREE CONSECUTIVE EQUALS SIGNS 12:31
lizmat well, *I* was :-) 12:34
leont They have every other mathematical symbol
lizmat well, I didn't realize I guess that === has a mathematical meaning as well 12:35
leont Apparently, they have 948 mathematical symbols: www.compart.com/en/unicode/category/Sm 12:36
Several we could support, not sure it's really worth it in most cases 12:41
lizmat less then but not equal to ? WTF ? 12:42
leont and «equal or less than» is separate from «less than or equal», for some reason 12:43
«Less-Than Equal to or Greater-Than» has me puzzled too 12:44
lizmat m: say "a" ∼ "b" 13:04
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say "a"7⏏5 ∼ "b"
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
statement modifier
lizmat m: dd "∼".uninames
camelia ("TILDE OPERATOR",).Seq
lizmat feels like another candidate
leont They have a rightward arrow and a long rightwards arrow, which we could make mean -> and --> I suppose. But given that they're actual syntax and not operators that may be trickier. 13:08
lizmat actually, that also implies quite a few other ops as well: ~~ ~| ~< etc. 13:15
as well as prefix ~ and ~~ 13:16
going to leave that for now :-) 13:20
gfldex If we do add all those unicode operatos, I gonna get myself a new keyboard in the likes of pjmorgans.com/wp-content/uploads/2..._2_rev.jpg 14:57
lizmat :-) 15:00
nine Turns out, we kinda do have to generate both the jit-optimized and the non-jited native function body, as one can turn off JIT support at runtime with MVM_JIT_DISABLE=1 15:23
We could omit creating the jit-optimized body on platforms that don't have JIT support, but that's a comparitively rare usecase 15:24
patrickb It does apply to the new M1 Macs though. 15:40
nine Owners of such machines can implement JIT support or improve NativeCall's handling of that case 15:50
nine In a surprising plot twist, it turns out that neither the minutes of compilation time, nor the 16G of memory usage for those 3000 native subs are actually due to us compiling the function bodies. 15:52
Instead, for each of those subs we spend 0.022319779s in setup-nativecall, which doesn't actually do all that much 15:55
Ah, it's this line: compstuff[1]() unless nqp::isnull(compstuff);
Which runs this code: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast....nqp#L2594 15:56
So we do spend the time in compilation. But in compilation of code that's never supposed to be run. 15:59
I wonder why this compilation of almost empty function bodies takes more time than the compilation of the function bodies that will be run 16:02
Ah, I know! And there's even a workaround 16:16
Got it down from 5 minutes to 1:44min and from 16G to 6G by placing every line of Glarkum.rakumod in its own block 16:17
ugexe protip: give every line of code its own lexical scope for performance 16:21
nine In this case yes. Also when you have BEGIN blocks in huge lexical scopes 16:48
rouking Is it possible for users to define metaoperators that have the same level of "niceness" as the builtin metaops like Z, X, R? I see some special-casing in src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp 19:50
I imagine the answer right now is no, so I'm wondering if that's on the table for future versions or if it would requite an inordinate amount of work 19:51
lizmat it will definitely not happen before the rakuast branch lands, I'd say 19:56
MasterDuke nine: i suspect you're much past this part in debugging, but a perf report of all the constants and 100 of the subs showed 14% of the time in MVM_sc_find_object_idx. here are some quick stats i gathered gist.github.com/MasterDuke17/041fd...28668ed681 21:11
lizmat hmmm.. no idea what that does exactly, but it feels it's going to proportionally longer for more serialization contexts... 21:16
Geth rakudo: 0de28ae72d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core.c/Any-iterable-methods.pm6
Make .grep(Regex) and .first(Regex) about 40% faster (#4383)

By not needing to create relative expensive .Match objects when only a Bool can do.
For historic reasons, Regex.ACCEPTS is *not* expected to return a Bool (contrary to all other .ACCEPTS methods) but a Match object. ... (10 more lines)