🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | log inspection situation still under development | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 22 May 2021.
lizmat Files=1351, Tests=117096, 294 wallclock secs (36.31 usr 10.20 sys + 4079.25 cusr 340.63 csys = 4466.39 CPU) 07:43
that's decidedly more than the previous one... but could be a fluke
Geth rakudo: dab9cd6615 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core.c/CompUnit/RepositoryRegistry.pm6
Fix custom-lib race (#4738)

As described in #4737
[Tux] Rakudo v2021.12-164-gdab9cd661 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2021.12-98-g2a19feca6
csv-ip5xs0.807 - 0.815
csv-ip5xs-205.011 - 5.143
csv-parser3.662 - 3.808
csv-test-xs-200.408 - 0.412
test6.394 - 6.612
test-t1.512 - 1.539
test-t --race0.851 - 0.855
test-t-2022.579 - 23.056
test-t-20 --race7.019 - 7.127
5 2021-10-29 17:47:15 test-t 1.536
4 2021-10-28 16:30:08 test-t 1.534
3 2022-01-26 20:04:45 test-t 1.531
2 2022-01-26 20:06:28 test-t 1.525
1 2022-01-28 14:16:57 test-t 1.512
tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/images/test-t-d90.png 13:21
lizmat nice! 13:22
patrickb ls 14:00