🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | log inspection situation still under development | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 22 May 2021.
releasable6 Next release in ≈2 days and ≈11 hours. There are no known blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/ChangeLog-Draft 07:00
lizmat Files=1351, Tests=117115, 291 wallclock secs (34.97 usr 9.42 sys + 4061.72 cusr 331.40 csys = 4437.51 CPU) 07:42
Xliff I hope someone was joking when they made this comment": 10:58
"nineKnow what? Just forget it. As I will any issues you may report. Getting shouted at by people one is trying to help is decidedly not -Ofun" 10:59
#4655 and several other issues have resulted in improvements for Raku. For you to say you will start ignoring my issues is unprofessional, childish and counterproductive.
Someone deliberately not understanding what I am saying clearly was not -Ofun for me, either. 11:00
Also: Arguing for the sake of arguing, which was not my intent.
Do what you will. 11:01
lizmat "Someone deliberately not understanding what I am saying" is assuming lack of good will. I think that is incorrect from nine's *OR* your side 11:08
"For you to say you will start ignoring my issues is unprofessional, childish and counterproductive."
1. re unprofessional: this is open source, anybody can ignore issues brought up by anybody 11:09
there are *many* people lurking and not saying / responding / or even looking at your issues, yet reaping the benefits of anything positive that comes from them 11:10
if there is someone to be angry with, it's the people just taking and not giving anything to open source projects in general, and Raku in particular
2. re childish: no, it is not childish. Yet in the hope that we all still have our inner child, I should hope we can behave as adults here. Accusing someone of being childish, especially someone who has done so much for Raku, is not adult behaviour 11:13
3. re counterproductive: perhaps, but your discussion with nine definitely was *not* productive for you. Nine taking themselves out of the discussion, would at least prevent further counter-productive discussions 11:14
Geth rakudo/REPL-default-topic: 3ecae473f6 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Further work on the REPL

  - $*_ is gone
  - Only $*N remains as a shortcut to @*_[N]
  - Reverse the order of the @*_ array
   - 0 is alwas the first result, not the last
  - Show the index of the result to be made as [N] before the prompt
  - Adjust REPL tests accordingly
jdv the moarvm changelog is up for review. with any luck the rakudo one will be in a bit. 14:03
japhb Oooh, I think I'm going to give that branch a try ... 14:05
Geth DBIish/rbt.fix-github-ci: 67b0659d52 | (Rod Taylor)++ | .github/workflows/test.yml
With a valid META6 prove6 must be used with -I. instead of -l.
Geth DBIish/rbt.fix-github-ci: 1241004c77 | (Rod Taylor)++ | .github/workflows/test.yml
With a valid META6 prove6 must be used with -I. instead of -l.
DBIish: 1241004c77 | (Rod Taylor)++ | .github/workflows/test.yml
With a valid META6 prove6 must be used with -I. instead of -l.
DBIish/main: 1241004c77 | (Rod Taylor)++ | .github/workflows/test.yml
With a valid META6 prove6 must be used with -I. instead of -l.
DBIish/main: 4c7a3c2663 | rbt++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | .github/workflows/test.yml
Merge pull request #220 from raku-community-modules/master

With a valid META6 prove6 must be used with -I. instead of -l.
Geth DBIish: rbt++ created pull request #220:
With a valid META6 prove6 must be used with -I. instead of -l.
japhb lizmat: REPL-default-topic works with RAKUDO_LINE_EDITOR=LineEditor too, FYI 15:09
Also, evaluating @*_ twice in a row makes for a bit of silly recursion (but seems to work just fine) 15:10
jdv rakudo changelog is up. 16:04
Altai-man jdv++ 16:06
Geth DBIish/rbt.fix-github-ci-again: 81d59a2b5c | (Rod Taylor)++ | t/01-Basic.t
Remove version test

This breaks with the version being a variable during development.
Geth DBIish/main: 81d59a2b5c | (Rod Taylor)++ | t/01-Basic.t
Remove version test

This breaks with the version being a variable during development.
lizmat japhb: in the REPL, do you think $*N should be assignable or not? 18:01
japhb lizmat: Why would you want to be able to assign to them? What's the use case, I guess I'm asking? 18:08
lizmat the reason I'm asking, is that at the current state, you can :-)
from you counter questions I gather you expect them to be read-only :-) 18:10
Geth rakudo/REPL-default-topic: 68888f0954 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/REPL.pm6
Make sure $*N and @*_ are read-only
japhb Yeah, I'm surprised they're writeable. Not that you couldn't pull some fun shenanigans by overwriting history, that feels very much in "you think it's cute *now*" territory to me. 18:11
japhb Well that answers that, I guess. :-) 18:12
lizmat yup :-)
Geth Number-Denominate: 219676d08c | (JJ Merelo)++ | .gitignore
:see_no_evil: #6
Number-Denominate: 507ef3718d | (JJ Merelo)++ | .github/workflows/test.yaml
:white_check_mark: #6
Number-Denominate: 7ed9645a82 | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.md
:heavy_minus_sign: badge
Geth Number-Denominate: 886e170676 | (JJ Merelo)++ | META6.json
#6 adds auth
Number-Denominate: 9bf8f48915 | (JJ Merelo)++ | lib/Number/Denominate.pm6
Restricting to numbers

denominate Datetime will not work closes #1
Number-Denominate: 7e7768a2dc | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.md
:heavy_plus_sign: badge #6
Number-Denominate: 237c4f72a9 | (JJ Merelo)++ | META6.json
:arrow_up: for release
Number-Denominate: 654be1f0f8 | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.md
Released closes #6