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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Geth rakudo: vrurg++ created pull request #4997:
Get around a problem where a module duplicates method objects
patrickb We currently don't provide compiled rakudo archives using musl on rakudo.org. This has the consequence that one can't use those on alpine. Alpine has quite up to date distro packages though. 10:21
It's possible to use the archives from rakudo.org after installing the gcompat compatibility wrapper. I don't know how robust the resulting stack is. Also the comp wrapper adds roughly 50 MB. 10:22
Quick poll: How high would you estimate the need for packages working on Alpine? 10:23
Another datapoint: The missing musl archives mean that `rakubrew download` won't work on Alpine. 10:25
Geth rakudo: 324adc5a25 | (Vadim Belman)++ | 3 files
Get around a problem where a module duplicates method objects

If the method is delegating then metamodel invokes `apply_handles` for each its copy in the method table causing 'method is already defined' error for delegations. For now it is only `Method::Also` is known which does this kind of duplication.
... (12 more lines)
rakudo: a7e9b1938b | (Vadim Belman)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 3 files
Merge pull request #4997 from vrurg/rakudo-4983-fix-order

Get around a problem where a module duplicates method objects
patrickb [Coke]: I tried reproducing the rakuw.exe opens a terminal window, but shouldn't behavior. / rakuw.exe can print stuff to console but shouldn't be able. But I'm unable to. Any clues on how to reproduce? 19:04
patrickb WRT compiled tarballs on Alpine: I've created a PR that adds a note about the tarballs not working on Alpine and recommending the distro packages instead. github.com/rakudo/rakudo.org/pull/85 19:49
[Tux] Rakudo v2022.06-60-ga7e9b1938 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2022.06-6-gc315523ab
csv-ip5xs0.825 - 0.861
csv-ip5xs-205.174 - 5.479
csv-parser3.582 - 4.009
csv-test-xs-200.410 - 0.423
test6.404 - 6.534
test-t1.392 - 1.406
test-t --race0.841 - 0.916
test-t-2022.184 - 22.197
test-t-20 --race6.446 - 6.532