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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
masukomi I've got a proposal for a wee little method to add to IO::Path I'd like a .stem method that returns the basename without the extension (stem seems to be the least ambiguous term i've found for this). So, calling .stem on an IO::Path of "/foo/bar/baz.txt" would return "baz" Why? Determining the "stem" seems to be something I end up doing frequently in every language I touch. mentioning it here, because that's hat the 01:39
contributing guide told me to do ;)
tellable6 hey masukomi, you have a message: gist.github.com/0614a9770ec2db790a...160b2e0db3
masukomi um. the "whateverable" bot just gave me this in response to my proposal and i have no idea what it's on about, but wonder if maybe it's something to do with the fact that Path is defined in Path.pm6..... Very confused: "2016-01-11T10:31:54Z #perl6 <brrt> masukomi: i'm sorry for not responding earlier; do you mean of perl6? if so, the answer (unfortunately) is no, not yet; the other answer is, with a special compunitrepo, this 01:42
should be entirely feasible (e.g. the zip-archive-starting-with-an-executable trick)"
tbrowder masukomi: see module IO::Stem 01:48
masukomi huh. well that's nice. but at the same time, that sounds like evidence of the value of this being a builtin 01:49
side note: i really like the simple solution you used there 01:52
lizmat masukomi: see also github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/5031 07:08
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to masukomi
Xliff Announcing the return off... 11:44
Xliff P6-GLib suite timing statistics for Raku 2022.07.65.gfeb.04.dbe.9 11:46
Total number of projects: 33 (483858 loc)
Total non-parallel compile times: 8847.840 (268.116 avg)
Total parallel compile times: 1569.956 (47.574 avg) 5.636x speedup
lizmat ah? that's good news, right ? 11:47
5.6x speedup :-)
any idea what changed ?
Xliff lizmat: Nope. I just got my environment back to a state where Raku doesn't take twice as long to precompile as normal. 12:33
Turns out something in /usr/local/lib was poisoning my entire system. 12:34
tbrowder lizmat: tn
lizmat Xliff: aha ! ok *phew* 12:35
tbrowder thnx for reminder. hope we see that in core soon
Xliff lizmat: non-parallel times could use a diet... but these are in line with results I've received this year.
lizmat tbrowder: the PR is closed atm 12:38
[Coke] Xliff++ 13:13
Xliff Anyone know the current status on RakuAST? 14:37
japhb Xliff: The people who feel comfortable working on it are all super busy right now. :-( We're trying to convince more people to work on it, but ... 14:40
We did approve in our last RSC meeting merging RakuAST-in-progress into main, at least.
(To prevent bitrot, get a little more attention, and lower the contribution bar) 14:41
Xliff japhb: If I knew at all what was necessary, I'd offer to help, but I have been following, and I don't know half of the things going on there. 14:44
lizmat I assume this will be discussed at the next RSC meeting, which I will also be able to attend next Sat
tbrowder lizamat: what should be the proper step for reopening the "stem" issue? 15:03
Geth rakudo/lizmat-stem-suffix: 567dc02e3a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Add .stem and .suffix methods to IO::Patyh for 6.e

  - stem: anything in basename before first ".", basename if no "."
  - suffix: anything in basename after first ".", "" if no "."
rakudo/lizmat-stem-suffix: 1e63cf1993 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.e/IO/Path.pm6
Remove suffix, adapt stem

Suffix we basically already have, with the "extension" method.
Adapted "stem" to take the number of extension levels to remove. By default all, * and Inf accepted as arguments.
   say "foo/bar.tar.gz".IO.stem; # bar
   say "foo/bar.tar.gz".IO.stem(1); # bar.tar
lizmat It's open again :-)
vrurg Xliff: there is a kind of README on RakuAST branch with a list of tasks. Some are simple enough to get a kick-start. 15:09
[Coke] github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/raku.../README.md 16:22
(it's close to where the code goes)
masukomi as per contribution guide, reposting proposal due to no 👍/👎 response: I'd like a .stem method to IO::Path that returns the basename without the extension (stem seems to be the least ambiguous term i've found for this). So, calling .stem on an IO::Path of "/foo/bar/baz.txt" would return "baz". 18:34
tellable6 2022-10-13T07:08:03Z #raku-dev <lizmat> masukomi: see also github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/5031
masukomi tbrowder pointed to their IO::Stem package which does just that, and that strikes me as supporting evidence for the need. 18:35
bot just pointed me to a PR for it so nevermind! also Thanks Liz! 18:36