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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
lizmat ugexe: would you consider the "depends" in this META to be correct? github.com/azawawi/raku-file-which...META6.json 19:08
ugexe yes 19:10
i even wrote it
lizmat ok, well, it broke some expectations in my Ecosystem module 19:11
shouldn't there be a "requires" in there somewhere ? And/or a "runtime" ? 19:12
ugexe depends in an array in this instance, so no
lizmat ok, thanks! :-) 19:13
ugexe github.com/ugexe/zef/blob/main/t/d...g.rakutest 19:14
that should have most/all the variations
vrurg We, actually, have a module for that in the ecosystem. 19:43
lizmat: perhaps you can use raku.land/zef:tony-o/System::Query? 19:44
ugexe honestly might as well use the variant in zef, which will have more updates. but yeah its based on that 20:18
it even has docs - github.com/ugexe/zef/blob/main/lib...ry.rakumod
vrurg I know, I borrowed from zef for PR#5060. :) SystemQuery is good because it's a standalone module. I don't remember if zef provides it as a public API. Guess not. 21:14
ugexe Zef::Utils::SystemQuery has a `our sub system-collapse($data) is export` 22:17
and it has documentation
im not sure if it gets any more public than that
vrurg ugexe: then I just overlooked the documentation. Makes it much better choice then. 23:09