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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Geth rakudo: vrurg++ created pull request #5117:
RakuAST origins (provenance)
jdv if peeps could avoid changing things until after there's a release that'd be great... 15:00
jdv hmm, looks like there's some changes already since the last blin so i'll blin again now i guess 15:01
Geth rakudo: 441e71a575 | (Salvador Ortiz)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core.c/Rational.pm6
Avoid loss in precision on FatRat .Str conversion

Get some more digits for the case when denominator length is smaller than expected. Fixes #5108
rakudo: a9d9c13638 | (Justin DeVuyst)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core.c/Rational.pm6
Merge pull request #5113 from salortiz/patch-1

Avoid loss in precision on FatRat .Str conversion
[Coke] we really want to eventually update our release methodology so we just can't get last minute commits. 17:10
(either gatekeeping master, or doing the release from a branch) 17:11
Nemokosch Yes, and also at least check what might need to be update in the documentation 17:40
sena_kun jdv++ I feel you 17:43
tellable6 2022-11-16T02:04:48Z #raku <[Coke]> sena_kun assigned some tickets to you in raku/doc because I think they'll go away post-new-site
sena_kun true
[Coke]++ I saw some recent efforts on the doc repo, impressive!
[Coke] wish I could take credit. :) 17:53
but yes, forward motion! 17:54
jdv well, blin is clean but i forgot about changelogs - been a while 18:05
doin those now. if the release doesn't happen today it might have to happen on sunday. we'll see. 18:08
lizmat jdv++ ++jdv 18:14
[Coke] thanks, jdv! 19:31
jdv changelogs are up. release on sunday. 23:37
lizmat: ^