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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Geth rakudo: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #5242:
Copy more grammar to RakuAST for error messages
Geth rakudo/main: a48bfb806b | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 2 files
RakuAST: support --> in signatures of pointy blocks
rakudo/main: c921a0eca8 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/Raku/ast/code.rakumod
RakuAST: actually apply a return type constraint in pointy blocks
lizmat nine: late last night I realized that pod in the legacy grammar doesn't actually produce any QAST by itself 10:51
any pod is immediately turned into Pod::Block objects and stored to be included in $=pod
since we want to allow people to build RakuAST trees *with* pod in them, this will require a different approach in the grammar 10:52
my main stumbling block atm is to find a way to get a pod block (RakuAST::Doc::Block object) to be added to the current statement list 10:53
and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2023/04/03/2023-14-fulldist/ 11:40
ugexe "...Out of all these, cargo, opam, mix, and zef are the only ones that are mostly working as intended." 😼 12:17
Nemokosch hm, do I smell confirmation bias? 12:33
ugexe you really don't waste any time to shit on anyones parade do you lol 12:38
Nemokosch I mean yes, it does seem a bit bitter how easy it is to outweigh any criticism with actual evidence and effort, by one sentence that sounds like a praise 12:42
ugexe i guess i can see how one might feel that way if they thought the world revolved around them 12:44
Nemokosch because this has a lot to do with how somebody immediately clinches to one while only tries to invalidate the other 12:51
lizmat Nemokosch please, why can't someone be happy to get some validation ?
Nemokosch because they dogmatically denied everything that seemed like "invalidation"?
lizmat Jeez 12:52
Nemokosch I don't know what your beef is, but please be a bit more.... pleasant ? 12:53
chill ? 12:54
Nemokosch I just wish somebody was equally enthusiastic at collecting the praise and reflecting to actual issues
lizmat it's not a zero sum game
Nemokosch or not equally, only comparably
lizmat it's not a zero sum game
Nemokosch not sure how that matters 12:55
lizmat the fact that someone gets some validation from an unexpected source, doesn't mean you get any less
so why rain on someone's parade ?
it just portrays you as a bitter person 12:56
which I'm sure you don't consider yourself to be
Nemokosch I don't envy the "validation". I think - and I have a reason to think - that this "validation" is nonrepresentative, and now it will give more "munition" to neglect the actual issues around CUR and ecosystem stuff. 12:59
lizmat Jeez 13:00
does the concept of triage mean anything to you ?
Nemokosch pretty sure you have already brought it up 13:01
lizmat Apparently you didn't grok the concept: issues around CUR and the ecosystem are triaged to be of lower importance than other issues
you can either accept that, or come up with *fixes*, not discussions 13:02
Nemokosch and that isn't my problem, believe me
lizmat *sigh*
Nemokosch the problem is that ugexe personally tried to downplay this discussions, and literally only did that 13:03
that's as much non-technical and non-management as someone's comment on ycombinator 13:04
that's completely personal
lizmat Ok: I now have the personal choice to mute the discord-raku-bot, to kick it again, or to ban it from #raku-dev 13:05
any opinions?
japhb If anyone here is using a Mac, I would super-appreciate some screenshots of Mac terminal(s) running `terminal-quick-test` from github.com/japhb/Terminal-Tests (`zef install Terminal::Tests`) 17:06
I'm trying to get a rough idea of how terminal Unicode handling is working cross-platform.
So far I have gnome-terminal, gnome-terminal + GNU Screen, xterm with various configurations, and Windows Terminal under Windows 10 (though that one's slightly out of date; I've added to the test pattern since then). 17:11
FWIW, Windows Terminal under Windows 10 without enabling UTF-8 support is ... an interesting mess. Actually pretty decent with UTF-8 turned on properly (why in the world would this be off by default?!?) 17:12
[Coke] readme has a link to github.com/japhb/Terminal-Tests/bl...efault.png which doesn't exist. 17:37
[Coke] japhb: insatll fails on my mac: [Terminal::Tests] Undeclared routine: 17:55
[Terminal::Tests] horizontal-ruler used at line 88
horizontal ruler only appears once in lib/Terminal/Tests/App/QuickTest.rakumod where it's used; no other references anywwhere in the repo. 17:57
that code apparently only invoked in the test, running bin/* doesn't trigger it 17:58
(ah, quicktest dies, test does not) 17:59
[Coke] japhb: "what's a tone bar" (I have no idea what these are supposed to look like) 18:02
japhb: gist.github.com/coke/9b5d9415d9a65...f34a839dd4 18:04
japhb [Coke]: You may have an out of date Text::MiscUtils if you're getting the horizontal-ruler missing error 18:08
Yeah, I know about the missing link in the README; I've asked for a replacement from my friend with the Windows 10 box.
Tone bars are a vertical line with a short bar sticking out to the left at one of five different positions on the vertical line. I believe they are used for describing tone variations in tonal languages. 18:11
I was going to point them out in the terminal-quick-test output (they're near the center), but apparently that's broken for you. :-(
Let me know if upgrading Text::MiscUtils fixes that for you. :-)
[Coke] japhb: I *just* installed the deps 18:12
removed the horizontal rule call, added screen grab.
recommend adding minimum version check on the dep that you need. 18:13
Geth rakudo/main: a1f20e5675 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/Raku/ast/package.rakumod
RakuAST: fix package stashes only knowing the package's short name
[Coke] japhb: test passes with updated dep. however, passing --ruler does nothing
japhb Yeah, I'll add a minimum version dep. Was fighting with other stuff that night and just forgot. :-( 18:15
[Coke] afk
japhb Many thanks [Coke] and lizmat! 18:17
japhb goes to fix the dep
[Coke]: 0.0.3 uploaded to zef; it should notice the old dependency now. Sorry about that! 18:27
Geth rakudo/main: b01d996d99 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 2 files
Fix "Unexpected named argument 'no_fallback' passed" on some meta types

The raku-invoke dispatcher passes the :no_fallback flag to HOW's find_method method. MethodDelegation and GenericHOW's find_method did not yet support this named argument, leading to this obscure error instead of the meaningful error message.
lizmat nine: I'm seeing some weird shit on HEAD with "make test", could it be that last commit ? 19:22
nine Tests pass fine here 19:24
lizmat hmmmm
lizmat nukes the install dir
weird: so I added a method add-leading($doc) to RakuAST::Doc::DeclaratorTarget 19:31
and wrote a test that does a RakuAST::Sub.add-leading(RakuAST::StrLiteral.new("foo")
it fails with: Too few positionals passed; expected 3 arguments but got 2 19:32
where does that expectation come from? nine ^^
the --ll-exception trace points to the right method 19:33
nine That is weird indeed 19:34
lizmat it's the name that's causing the confusion: if the method is called "zadd-leading", all is ok 19:42
the only other method called "add-leading" is in RakuAST::Doc::Declarator 19:45
if I try to call "add-leading" on the RakUAST::Sub, it says "No such method" 19:46
and now it works like a charm? 19:52
Geth rakudo/main: e6e2876197 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
RakuAST: Add RakuAST::Doc::DeclaratorTarget.add-leading/trailing

To facilitate adding leading / trailing declarator comments from the grammar. Calling add-leading/trailing on a DeclaratorTarget such as a RakuAST::Sub, will automatically create a Declarator object and linke that to the target, and vice-versa, and add the given documentation. If there already was a Declarator object, then it will just simply add the given documentation to that.
Also add test.
lizmat enough for today& 20:03
ugexe ironically the only munition I have to neglect anything is Nemokosch's incessant complaining and demeanor 20:25
Nemokosch just like it has always been ironic to contaminate technical topics with personal distaste for someone, which is the reason this whole argument or whatever, happened 21:01
tellable6 2023-03-30T22:46:30Z #raku <guifa> Nemokosch: yeah, the advantage of a highlighter like the Atom one is it generally will work fairly well on something that's syntantically invalid
2023-03-31T21:46:03Z #raku <lucs> Nemokosch: Fair enough, re. your first comment, and in that case, user docs on its usage seem pretty important.
Nemokosch the situation has gotten unmaintainable though, that one is for sure 21:02
ugexe i have no idea what you're talking about honestly. i just posted a comment where an outsider said something nice, and you acted like it killed someone close to you. that i cannot find a small piece of joy in something without your negative selfish attitude makes me not very interested in contributing anything 21:04
i'll be glad to not defend your attitude like last time when this inevitably gets brought up for discussion in a future meeting 21:06
Nemokosch Now I have no idea what you are talking about. What sort of defending are you talking about? 21:08
ugexe you've been brought up at multiple rsc meetings now over your behavior 21:09
its will inevitably happen again, only this time I will take a difference stance 21:10
Nemokosch We are living different timelines apparently. There was a meeting where I was present, you were the only one who hasn't even said a word throughout the whole session, even though I literally called you out as one of the people who had sabotaged technical discussions by diversive, personal remarks 21:11
That was your time to be surprised, I'm not holding back information from you 21:12
ugexe I didn't say anything because you decided to personally call me out 21:13
Nor did I feel the need to defend myself (and it sure didn't seem like anyone else thought so either) 21:14
Nemokosch So you didn't feel the need to defend yourself in a situation where I was alone talking to like 6 people basically questioning me as part of the procedure 21:15
ugexe Nemokosch I'm choosing to not interact with you anymore, please do not try to interact with me 21:16
Nemokosch And now you are threatening me, making implications about things that I wouldn't know about
I can't (and shouldn't) force anybody to interact with me, that's perfectly fair 21:18
I sincerely don't think any people must be good friends in order to work towards certain goals, and I can't even understand this phenomenon that a lot of people rather bite their other hand if that means they can act upon their distaste for somebody else; that somebody regards this interpersonal tension so high that they rather hurt the common goal 21:29