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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
MasterDuke interesting. if i stick an nqp::say in `dump-origin()`, for the no-parens case it prints 6 times, the first 5 times with the same values "from = 0, o-s.o = first(), to = 7, src = 'first()'", the last has an empty src (i assume the 'ArgList' case 01:06
in the parens case, there are only 5 prints, with the first 4 identical to each other and almost identical to the no-parens case, just showing '()' in the src value and with a to of 7. (oops, i copied the wrong result above, the src should have been 'first' there) 01:08
so for some reason dump-origins isn't even being called for the 'Name' in the parens case 01:09
MasterDuke in the parens case, $!origin was not concrete during the dump-origin() call that would have printed the 'Name' 02:08
lizmat And yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2023/04/10/2023-...-patterns/ 17:10