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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
nine What do you mean by "doesn't work"? 07:05
Geth rakudo/main: bfb1fe31dc | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
RakuAST: more =table tweaks

  - bring back original <ws> semantics, instead of just space (0x20)
  - re-implement legacy podify sanitation into a single pass nqp
   codepoint check, while adding support for removing backslashes
lizmat m: dd $=pod␤=begin pod␤=config foo :bar␤=end pod 11:38
camelia [Pod::Block::Named.new(name => "pod", config => {}, contents => [Pod::Config.new(type => "foo", config => {:bar(Bool::True)})])]
lizmat TIL that there is a =config type :params statement 11:39
doesn't appear to be documented, but it is tested
this is different from other =foo pod statements, as it takes the first token to be the type, and the rest as config 11:41
lizmat nine: Invalid to edge 0 in NFA statelist does that ring any bell ? 12:05
nvm 12:21
Geth roast: 943c20e4ed | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S26-documentation/09-configuration.t
Fix test on pod config

  :feist<1 2 3 4> was specified in the config. That *should* be a List
with the same semantics as <1 2 3 4>, yet the test was for Str, while the associated issue mentions that it should be a string. Weird.
This is fixed in RakuAST, so todo the test in the meantime.
rakudo/main: ad422bb6c2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 4 files
RakuAST: add support for undocumented =config feature

  - add token / action to handle =config
  - add legacy podifying logic for =config
Tux__ Rakudo v2023.04-72-gbfb1fe31d (v6.d) on MoarVM 2023.04-1-g965be0af5 13:33
csv-test-xs-20 0.382 - 0.453
csv-ip5xs 0.885 - 0.923
test-t --race 0.992 - 1.001
test-t 1.658 - 1.698
csv-parser 3.446 - 3.613
csv-ip5xs-20 5.419 - 5.993
test 6.306 - 7.161
test-t-20 --race 6.746 - 6.861
test-t-20 19.335 - 19.935
lizmat m: say "foo"\␤ 14:06
camelia ( no output )
lizmat TIL that a trailing \ at the end of code, will basically disable a whole program
m: say "foo"\ 14:07
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> say "foo"\⏏<EOL>
expecting any of:
lizmat ah, and a ␤
Geth roast: 1aa92c2010 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S26-documentation/07a-tables.t
Change tests for column dividers as text in pod tables

To satisfy a more sane behaviour in RakuAST.
In the legacy grammar, there is some magic logic that will interpret a "+" or "|" at the start of a line with only whitespace to the right until the next column divider, as a character. This allows: ... (44 more lines)
lizmat 814! 14:47
notable6: weekly 15:13
notable6 lizmat, No notes for “weekly”
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2023/05/15/2023-20-so-survey/ 15:40
nine: wouldn't it be nice if RakuAST::SemiList would have a method that would return a List with constant values if all expression in the SemiList evaluated to constant values ? 17:27
nine Getting a compile time constant value in general is prettey awkward right now 18:23
lizmat yes, I am finding that out the hard way with pod config specifications 18:36