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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
nine I'm on a train! And just 4 more to catch to make it to the Raku Core Summit :) 08:35
lizmat nine: safe travels! 09:16
lizmat is sitting outside with patrickb waiting for the RCS to really take off! 10:45
Geth rakudo/lizmat-Hashray: ba04322f8f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 8 files
Rename Pod::Data to Hashray

Because it is a more generally useful data structure.
The Hashray acts as a Hash when accessed as an Associative. And as an Array when accessed as a Positional.
... (7 more lines)
rakudo: lizmat++ created pull request #5267:
Rename `Pod::Data` to `Hashray`
Geth nqp/main: 43a4328d31 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/QRegex/NFA.nqp
Don't clone, but iterate

As inspired by github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/42...1384820489 but sadly this only appears to have a marginal effect on the golfed code (with memory going from 2.41GB to 2.39GB
nine lizmat: I'd guess that what takes so much memory is not the @substates array itself, but the stored items 13:40
[Coke] any devs going to the TPRF conference in Canada? 14:07
lizmat nine: yes, but still it felt worthwhile anyway 14:31
jdv: could it be you forgot to tag MoarVM / nqp 2023.06 ? 14:59
jdv huh? 15:01
it was may 2 days ago so its 05
lizmat yeah duh, realized it now :-) 15:03
thanks again for all the hard work ... 15:05
[Coke] jdv++ 15:08
jdv no big deal
timo nine: it looks kind of like the substates array isn't at fault after all? this code should also only run when the regex is compiled, so running a string with more "d" characters, or re-running the same code shouldn't increase memory usage from that since the code shouldn't run more than once anyway? 15:20
the code spends about half its time in mo 15:24
nine Do substates themselves contain arrays? 15:30
timo hm, probably 15:31
lizmat yes 15:33
nine My guess is that those are the majority of the leak
timo look at the stacktrace again that led to the line in question, it's in compiling the program 15:46
nine Has anyone tried that golf on JVM? 17:57
nine Has anyone tried that golf on JVM? 18:06
LOL I just looked up and noticed that I had to exit the train right then :) 18:07