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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Geth rakudo: vrurg++ created pull request #5498:
Fix bugs revealed by Blin 2023.12, round 1
Geth L10N/main: 4cb55a446c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
German localization l0.0.1
L10N/main: ef67a8340b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 10 files
First commit of French localization
L10N/main: c7f2ef466f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
French localization 0.0.1
Geth rakudo/main: 3c88689b53 | (Vadim Belman)++ | 2 files
Make life of custom role creators easier

  - accept a `List` is role body return value
  - tolerate no return value from the body
  - otherwise try to throw something sensible
rakudo/main: c6f4a09c7c | (Vadim Belman)++ | 2 files
Fix a worry about use of generic class of of a generic context

  `install_instantiation_lexical` was missing `$/` parameter.
rakudo/main: e305eb59fe | (Vadim Belman)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 4 files
Merge pull request #5498 from vrurg/rakudo-5497

Fix bugs revealed by Blin 2023.12, round 1
releasable6 Next release in ≈4 days and ≈3 hours. 1 blocker. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/ChangeLog-Draft 15:00
ugexe patrickb: it looks like rakubrew.org/macos_arm/rakubrew isn't working 16:14
patrickb I'm not entirely sure, but I thought there was no such thing (yet) as rakubrew on arm macos 16:16
ugexe github.com/Raku/App-Rakubrew/commi...a1d40be8e2
i've been using it on a m2 and a m1 ever since that commit. although i did notice that install-on-macos.sh installs the x86 rakubrew (so I would have manually installed the arm64 rakubrew linked in that commit) 16:18
patrickb actually I think the idea was that the x86 rakubrew is used on arm. but it is ment to install arm rakudo. 16:20
since it worked there wasn't much incentive to get native arm rakubrew working 16:21
ugexe file ~/.rakubrew/bin/rakubrew 16:22
/Users/nlogan/.rakubrew/bin/rakubrew: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64
on my m1 i can't get it to install an arm64 rakudo, it keeps using x86. on my m2 it does install arm64 rakudo. the difference between these two systems seems to be one has rakubrew itself built for x86 and one for arm64 16:24
the m2 i manually copied over the arm rakubrew linked in the Changelog above (i.e. macos_arm/rakubrew). the m1 I couldn't install rakubrew that way because that url doesn't exist anymore, but then i can only install a x86 rakubrew 16:25
though i don't care if the rakubrew is x86 or whatever, indeed i just want it to build arm64 rakudos 16:26
these instructions also mention macos_arm64 github.com/Raku/App-Rakubrew/blob/...=1#L39-L40 16:29
nemokosch there are a lot of weird things in this conversation lol 16:36
for starters: where did that link come from?
ugexe the changelog linked above, and the source code itself
github.com/Raku/App-Rakubrew/blob/...ate.pm#L31 16:37
nemokosch okay, fair enough 16:38
the other one would be: how come the very person who fixed the build for silicon macs "thought there was no such thing as rakubrew on arm macos"? lol 16:39
ugexe it seems fairly common for that. the ol "who the hell wrote this mess?", looks at the blame, "oh" 16:41
it seems fairly common for that *to happen in software development* 16:43
lizmat my first case of that I had in the early 80s of being asked to fix a piece of code I had no knowledge of making anymore 16:45
and it had no other author but me :-) 16:46
Geth L10N/main: 79734964c9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 10 files
First commit of Italian localization
MasterDuke lizmat: would it be easy to put a space before the final '}' of the generated tokens? 16:54
lizmat yes, it would be trivial, but it would add overhead to the future AST it would build 16:55
m: say Q|/a/|.AST
camelia RakuAST::StatementList.new(
expression => RakuAST::QuotedRegex.new(
body => RakuAST::Regex::Literal.new("a")
lizmat m: say Q|/a/|.AST(:expression)
camelia RakuAST::QuotedRegex.new(
body => RakuAST::Regex::Literal.new("a")
lizmat m: say Q|/a /|.AST(:expression)
camelia RakuAST::QuotedRegex.new(
body => RakuAST::Regex::WithWhitespace.new(
lizmat notice the RakuAST::Regex::WithWhitespace there 16:56
*wrapper there
patrickb I am currently on the road. I will have a look at this in the coming days. There is quite a backlog of things I want to fix in rakubrew but right now I am very involved in finally getting cro::http::client to work reliably.
MasterDuke ah
.vushu .lizmat how do I upload the advent post 17:03
I have made a markdown of the post
lizmat can you provide a gist? I'll take it from there, if you will
otherwise, do you have a WordPress login ? 17:04
.vushu ^^ 17:06
.vushu Ah no I have not a wordpress login, but I have a repo
.lizmat github.com/vushu/rakuadvent/tree/main 17:07
lizmat ok, will take it from there :-)
dinner& 17:12
lizmat .vushu scheduled for the 19th 19:19
have tweaked the code examples a bit for readability, and fixed some typos / stylos 19:24
.vushu thanks .lizmat ☺️ 19:34
lizmat .vushu I haven't got raylib installed, so I couldn't try out the code 19:40
but it feels like there are () missing in: 19:41
our sub $function-name $<parameters>.made $<type>.made
our sub $function-name $<parameters>.made() $<type>.made() 19:42
I mean, the .made methods are supposed to be called at interpolation, no?
.vushu ah yea you are proably right, tbh I haven’t tested code. 19:54
lizmat ok, I will add the () :-)
.vushu thanks again! 😊 19:57
lizmat thank you for making such a cool module!
.vushu ur welcome, I’m happy to contribute to the Raku ecosystem! 20:03
Geth L10N/main: 5e4e4e3331 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Italian localization 0.0.1
L10N/main: febae55fe2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 10 files
First commit of Portuguese localization
L10N/main: 175e5554ee | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Poruguese localization 0.0.1
L10N/main: e7eea5218d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 10 files
First commit of Hungarian localization
L10N/main: 0cdf5c6315 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Hungarian localization 0.0.1
L10N/main: b55d15e2af | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 10 files
First commit of English localization
L10N/main: 52e4005870 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
English localization 0.0.1
L10N/main: 087d565033 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Copy text files from tools/templates/L10N

With documentation and all. These will still need tweaking.
patrickb ugexe: Just as you said, arm support is in and I completely forgot about it. The reason stuff is broken at the moment is that the website is not at the latest commit but an older one. That's the reason for all the wrongness wrt arm Mac: no binary, broken install-on-macos.sh and wrong documentation on the website. It's simply missing 21:16