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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:21 Altai-man left
Geth rakudo: Nahuel2998++ created pull request #5511:
RakuAST: Fix deparsing of RakuAST::MetaInfix::Negate
06:55 epony left 09:49 sena_kun joined 13:30 epony joined 13:38 epony left
antononcube @Coke Was this question answered? > what's up with JSON::Tiny - hasn't been updated in a while. Are we recommending ::Fast to people instead? 16:53
[Coke] dunno 17:45
antononcube 😭 17:48
22:12 epony joined
japhb JSON::Fast is what most people should be using. JSON::Tiny is useful as a demonstration of Raku features such as grammars, in a form that people can see actually *does something useful*. 22:24
But if you're doing a non-trivial amount of JSON work, you really want the extra speed of a highly tuned implementation.
lizmat which reminds me to make a PR to put JSON::Fast in core 22:27
23:12 sena_kun left